We're looking forward to these last two markets before the Thanksgiving holiday. We love holidays that revolve around food!

Remember our schedule: we are open tomorrow November 16th and next Saturday November 23rd (one of our busiest markets of the year). We are open on Saturday November 30th but that's our first market with the winter hours of 10am-12pm. From December and throughout the entire winter, we are open every Saturday 10am-12pm.

We have a great market planned for tomorrow. Scroll below to see the entire list of vendors scheduled for this Saturday's market.
We created a Holiday Food Guide that can help link you to all the local farmers, bakers, and food artisans that are ready to take your Thanksgiving pre-order.

Plan ahead. It is best to reserve your holiday ingredients now. Turkeys, other meats like hams and eggs and bacon, pies, rolls, autumnal decor, find the list of farmers and food artisans by following the link HERE .
Canter Hill Sale
Canter Hill Farm offers a sale on boneless pork shoulder. Save $3 per pound, regularly $14 per pound but for tomorrow only $11 per pound.

This is a great hunk of meat for these cold nights, perfect for long braises in the ovens, and a meal of tender meat on the plate. Goes great with hearty greens or with some roasted veggies, like broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, or winter squashes.
Canter Hill Farm
Fahnestock Fruit Farm
Foolish Waffles food truck
Green Lion Breads
Landisdale Farm
Market Day Canele
Primordia Farm
Rineer Family Farm
Taproot Farm