In This Issue:
If there is any way we can serve you better, please let us know!

Our Mission: "Multiplying Leaders, Ministries and Healthy Churches"
"... there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" - Proverbs 18:24
" I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you" - John 15:15
Relationships matter! They matter tremendously. Every one of us will one day die (Hebrews 9:27), and when our time comes to leave the earth, there are people who will attend our funeral. Someone said today on average, only 10 people are likely to cry at a person's funeral, and only ⅓ of the people invited will show up if it rains!  
We hope a good number of our friends and family are sad to see us go. As a general rule, the people who show up at our funeral represent a good part of the impact we've had in our lifetime. Relationships with our friends and family are important, very important! Jesus no longer calls us servants, to Him we are friends! 
Did You Know?  Having friends helps us be happier, more creative and productive in what we do? People with a wide network of friends have less tension, suffer less stress and live longer. 
Did You Know?  Research shows the lack of social support is as harmful to heart health as smoking. Only one person in ten that were questioned say they have a close friend. 19% of people surveyed say they never or rarely feel loved. At the end of their lives, people often admit they wish they hadn't worked so hard, and instead had stayed more in touch with friends.
This research about relationships confirms for us what Jesus teaches us - relationships matter! So today, do a relationships check-up. Examine your closest relationships. Are they strong and healthy? Do you have good relational support? 
If your relationships need improvement, here is a suggestion: Ask yourself who you could add value to. Who have you done something for just because you could? The best way to grow and strengthen our relationships is to intentionally connect with and add value to other people. We can do this by:
  • Giving our time to a person in the church who is less experienced.
  • Telling our spouse something we think is wonderful about them.
  • Asking a person at work or in the marketplace about their day and listen to them.
Research shows that adding value to other people and letting them add back to us can change our lives - and the lives of others. If we invest in others like Jesus did and build loving relationships, we demonstrate we are being Christ-like!  Thank you for serving so well on the Chicago Central District and for being Christ in Action. You are loved.

Dr. Larry McKain, Superintendent
Chicago Central District
Church of the Nazarene


The Olivet Nazarene University Theological Leadership Conference  features a keynote speaker and time devoted to special presentations, breakout discussion groups and conversation. This year's event is September 5-7 and features  speaker  N.T. Wright. The theme is Presence and Promise: The Challenge of the Temple. 

Early bird registration is $79. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at this link


Heartfelt Congratulations to the graduates from our CCD churches who will be receiving their degrees tomorrow at Olivet Nazarene University Commencement!!


Congratulations to our 2019 Children's Quizzing Regional Team! They will represent our district against other district teams from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan on June 8 at Olivet!

Come join other leaders from local churches at the Organic Outreach Training on Thursday, May 30 from 9 - 3 at the Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church. Together, we'll join hearts and minds for a day of inspiration, fun, collaboration and practical insights. Organic Outreach for Churches Training provides direction for congregations to weave the gospel-focused passion and practice into the very DNA of church life. Organic outreach happens when evangelistic vision and action become the domain of every ministry in a church and the commitment of every person in a congregation.

Registration can be completed here. Any Nazarenes wanting to attend can enter the code NAZ for a $20 discount. Contact for more information.


Mark your calendar!
  • Saturday, May 11 | Olivet Commencement 
  • Saturday, June 8 | Regional Children's Bible Quiz, ONU
  • June 17 - 21 | High School Camp, Indian Lake Nazarene Camp
  • June 24 - 28 | Middle School Camp, Indian Lake Nazarene Camp
  • July 11 - 14 | Kids Camp, ONU
  • July 20 - 25 | Everyone Cares Camp, Dickson Valley Campground
  • Saturday, November 2 | Cultivate at Kankakee First
  • Saturday, November 16 | Children's Bible Quiz, Location TBA
  • Saturday, January 4, 2020 | South/Southwest Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, January 18, 2020 | North/Northwest Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, January 25, 2020 | Central Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, February 8, 2020 | Southern Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, February 22, 2020 | Chicago Mission Area Leader Breakfast 
  • Saturday, February 22, 2020 | Children's Bible Quiz, Manteno
  • Saturday, March 7, 2020 | Children's Bible Quiz, Kankakee First
  • Saturday, April 4, 2020 | Children's Bible Quiz, Kankakee Westbrook 
  • April 17 - 18, 2020 | District Assembly

The McKains enjoyed their time this past weekend visiting the Cedar Grove Church in Danville, led by Pastor Bill Wiggins and his wife Anna Lou.

A choir special at the Cedar Grove Church. 

Last Friday night, the McKains had the privilege of attending the district assembly of our sister district in Northwestern Illinois, led by Dr. Scott Sherwood.

Last Sunday night, the McKains had the privilege of attending the district assembly of our sister district in Indianapolis, led by Dr. Ron Blake and his wife Suzanne.

Dr. Jeff Stark led a group of leaders from both Olivet and the CCD to attend a church planting event in Chicago this week.

A Note of thanks from the Marklund family...Thank you to our CCD family for all your love and prayers for Sammy's ongoing health and recent surgery. His incision has healed and his eating has improved to the point that his feeding tube may be removed!

Please continue to pray for Robyn Luttrell, especially for guidance in treatment for ongoing seizures.

We would love to hear any prayer requests or celebrations from our district pastors to include in our weekly communications. Please email us so we can lift each other up!
Mon, May 13 - Joliet Crystal Lawns   6:30 - 8:15 pm
Mon, Sept 9 - Joliet Crystal Lawns   6:30 - 8:15 pm
Sun., Sept. 15 - Oak Lawn First - 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sun., Nov. 3 - Oak Lawn First  6:00 - 8:00 pm
Mon, Nov 11 - Joliet Crystal Lawns   6:30 - 8:15 pm

Please send us dates for your upcoming 2019 Leadership Community gatherings - we would like to promote those in our newsletter! 

If there is any way we can serve you better, please let us know!