In This Issue:
If there is any way we can serve you better, please let us know!

Our Mission: "Multiplying Leaders, Ministries and Healthy Churches"
"If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for one who believes." (Mark 9:22-23)

Believing prayer is where everything begins in a church or district. Many Christians pray, but still their prayer life has not led them to live at a faith level where they practice "believing prayer." They would benefit greatly from following the example of the boy's father who came to Jesus. His son had struggled with an impure spirit all his life. 

He pled with Jesus, "if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." "'If you can'?" said Jesus. " Everything is possible for one who believes ." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:22-24). Our faith grows when we practice believing prayer. This "faith level" is planted in the heart of every contagious church.

After spending time with Jesus, the early disciples quickly recognized their need. They asked Jesus for help in this key area of disciple-making. They said, "Lord, increase our faith!" (Luke 17:5). As followers of Jesus, we recognize our same need. This is our prayer as people who are hungry for Jesus to increase our faith today! We believe He is the Head of the Church. He is alive and well, directing His Bride to depend on Him and practice "believing prayer" all over the world.  

Our Church has always said that a critical objective we have is "the simplicity and spiritual power manifest in the New Testament Church." What did the early church do? They practiced believing prayer! They understood that spending time with Jesus was the key. As we spend time with Jesus in prayer, His will, His Spirit, His values, His agenda and His heart begin to seep into our hearts. We begin to realize that what He said about the spiritual realm really is true - "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26). We are never alone!  (Matthew 28:20) He is with us! (Matthew 18:20)
The above paragraphs are part of a chapter entitled, "Building A Contagious Culture." Thank you for your prayers as we write this summer. Pray that this will continue to be a fruitful time. Thanks to each of you for being Christ in Action. Great days are ahead - you are loved.

Dr. Larry McKain, Superintendent
Chicago Central District
Church of the Nazarene


A group of 193 people from the Chicago Central District is at the Nazarene Youth Conference in Phoenix, Arizona! They join thousands of other Nazarene youth and leaders from across the country who are gathering to worship, grow and serve. 

Services are being live streamed and can be accessed here. Be in prayer for our district delegation and all who are attending!

It's Kids Camp week! There are 107 campers and 30 adults on Olivet's campus this week for a fantastic week of learning about being Secret Agents for Jesus! God is already moving and working in the lives of our campers and staff. 

Please be in prayer for the remainder of the camp, that God would speak to the campers and strengthen the staff. 


There are a few openings for campers at Everyone Cares Camp. Please register online TODAY if you have a camper with special needs who would like to attend. Click here to register

The camp is also in need of donations of a variety of items. Donations of pretzels, goldfish crackers, animal crackers and cheese sandwich crackers can be dropped off at the district office. Additionally, the camp has an Amazon wish list with some items they need. If you would like to donate, please visit this link

Please be in prayer for Everyone Cares Camp - this is a long-standing tradition on the Chicago Central District that ministers to so many each year. 


One of our district pastors, Rev. Ken Wheeler ("PK"), passed away on Saturday, June 29. PK was a Children's Pastor for 27 years before he and his wife, Pam, moved to Bourbonnais to serve at GatheringPoint. We are thankful for his work in the GP Kids environments for the past two years. His passion for creating engaging presentations of the gospel for kids to know and experience Jesus was a gift to the church. He will be missed dearly.

Tonight, there will be a come-and-go reception from 4 p.m.-8 p.m. at GatheringPoint, in The Theater. On Saturday, July 13, a Celebration of Life service will be at 10:30 a.m., also at GatheringPoint. If you are able to attend, the family requests that everyone wear something purple, PK's favorite color.  

Please join us in prayer for his wife, Pam, and his children Molly and Micah, as they mourn their loss and celebrate a life well lived.


Dan Bohi Ministries will be in several churches on the district this week. The mission of the ministry is to awaken the church of Jesus Christ to the power, purity, and freedom of the Spirit-Filled life, found, realized, experienced and exhibited in the lives of believers in the Book of Acts. If you're able, please make plans to come!

Sunday, July 14 (6:00p) - Kankakee First (1000 N Entrance, Kankakee, IL 60901)
Monday, July 15 (6:30p) - Potomac (206 E State St, Potomac, IL 61865)
Tuesday, July 16 (6:30p) - Danville Southside (1629 King St, Tilton, IL 61833)
Wednesday, July 17 - OFF
Thursday, July 18 (6:00p) - Kankakee First (1000 N Entrance, Kankakee, IL 60901)
Friday, July 19 (7:30p) - Mount Prospect International (1501 S Linneman Rd, Mount Prospect, IL 60056)

Mark your calendar!
  • July 10 - 14 | Nazarene Youth Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
  • July 11 - 14 | Kids Camp, ONU
  • July 20 - 25 | Everyone Cares Camp, Dickson Valley Campground
  • October 11 - 13 | Preteen Mission Trip 
  • Saturday, November 2 | Cultivate at Kankakee First
  • Saturday, November 16 | Children's Bible Quiz, Location TBA
  • Saturday, January 4, 2020 | South/Southwest Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, January 18, 2020 | North/Northwest Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, January 25, 2020 | Central Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, February 8, 2020 | Southern Mission Area Leader Breakfast
  • Saturday, February 22, 2020 | Chicago Mission Area Leader Breakfast 
  • Saturday, February 22, 2020 | Children's Bible Quiz, Manteno
  • Saturday, March 7, 2020 | Children's Bible Quiz, Kankakee First
  • Saturday, March 28, 2020 | NMI Convention
  • Saturday, April 4, 2020 | Children's Bible Quiz, Kankakee Westbrook 
  • April 17 - 18, 2020 | District Assembly

Please continue to pray for Robyn Luttrell, especially for guidance in treatment for ongoing seizures.

We would love to hear any prayer requests or celebrations from our district pastors to include in our weekly communications. Please email us so we can lift each other up!
Mon, Sept 9 - Joliet Crystal Lawns   6:30 - 8:15 pm
Sun., Sept. 15 - Oak Lawn First - 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Sun., Nov. 3 - Oak Lawn First  6:00 - 8:00 pm
Mon, Nov 11 - Joliet Crystal Lawns   6:30 - 8:15 pm

Please send us dates for your upcoming 2019 Leadership Community gatherings - we would like to promote those in our newsletter! 

If there is any way we can serve you better, please let us know!