PBC Alert 18-005

The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) has invited all PBC Chicago Park District Capital Improvement Program prequalified firms to bid on PBC Contract C1596, for the rehabilitation of the following Chicago Park District Facility:

Douglas Park Fieldhouse, located at 1401 South Sacramento Drive, Chicago, IL 60623 consists of one field house. Scope includes, but is not limited to, removal and replacement of existing concrete stairs and flatwork with appropriate substrate and sidewalls; removal and replacement of structural concrete roofs over existing tunnels leading to the swimming pool with associated electrical work; removal and replacement of clay drain pipe and associated flat concrete to access work below ground; removal and replacement of parapet flashing, asphalt shingle mansard roofs with flashing, sheathing, and gutter work; and, removal and replacement of concrete veranda wall cap. The work also includes the repair or restoration of existing limestone stairs, repair of interior basement wall crack, repair and/or replacement of roof supports as determined by the architect after contractor investigation, and repointing of existing masonry walls. The work also includes the rodding of existing exterior drain, providing and installing ADA compliant entrance door hardware with associated electrical work, providing and installing exterior handrails, and construction to provide temporary accessible building entrances while other work prevents access to the front entrance. Contractor will be responsible for all associated landscape restoration due to construction activities.
The project page containing additional information can be viewed here:

On Wednesday, May 9, 2018, in the Douglas Park Fieldhouse Gym, located at 1401 South Sacramento Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60623, PBC will host a Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting at 9:00 a.m., a Non-Mandatory Technical Review Meeting at 9:30a.m., and a Non-Mandatory Site Visit at 10:00a.m. PLEASE NOTE: Entrance to the Douglas Park Fieldhouse facility cannot be accessed from 1401 Sacramento Drive. Parking and entrance to the Douglas Park Fieldhouse is located at the intersection of S Thompson and Burkhardt Drive.   Attendees are to enter the main entrance of the facility.

Sub-contractors and suppliers are invited to attend these meetings to meet the pre-qualified contractors interested in bidding on this project. The sign-in sheets for the above-mentioned meetings will be posted to the PBC's website. 

Sealed bids shall be received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200, until 11:00 a.m. Thursday, May 31, 2018, at which time they will be publicly opened.

Plans and specifications for the above-referenced project may be found here:  https://dfs.cushingco.com/pbc.htm

The list of Assist Agencies who will have access to complete sets of drawings and specifications can be found here: Assist Agencies

Information on this invitation and all of the projects currently open for bid is available at
pbcchicago.com .

Public Building Commission of Chicago
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman
Carina E. Sánchez, Executive Director

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PBCChi   #DouglasPark

Office of Inspector General Complaint Hotline

If you see corruption, fraud, waste, or dishonest practices of any kind please report it to the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) - PBC's oversight body. Concerned employees, contractors, consultants, and members of the public may contact OIG via its independent hotline and website.

Telephone Reporting: (866) IG-TIPLINE (866-448-4754).