It's the final countdown! Yesterday was the last day of early voting and November 3rd is just around the corner! We've spent a lot of time talking about the importance of our statewide Judicial offices, it's only fitting that we conclude our pre-election Talking with TAD with Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht.
Though raised on a farm, Chief Justice Hecht was born to be a judge. After graduating from Yale undergrad and SMU law school Hecht clerked for Appeals Court Judge Roger Robb before serving as a JAG in the Navy.
Justice Hecht began his career as judge in 1981 and ran to be a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court in 1988. At that time the court had a bad reputation and Republicans still had a hard time being elected in Texas. But Justice Hecht won and worked to build a great reputation and has served as Chief Justice since 2013.
Now Chief Justice Nathan Hecht is up for election again and needs our help to make sure our Texas Supreme Court remains an institution where laws are applied, not made.