Transforming the lives of vulnerable children and youth by providing trained and supervised one-on-one volunteer advocates in the community and courtroom

Child Advocates of SW Connecticut (CAC) reminds each of us to keep eyes on children during National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, families have been under more financial and emotional stress, which historically can fuel a rise in child abuse and neglect. At the same time, many children have not been in the public eye at schools or daycare, the doctor’s office or other locations where caring individuals may be able to spot signs of abuse and neglect.

But CAC's volunteer advocates are committed to keeping a watchful eye and providing support and best-interest advocacy for vulnerable children.

Each year, nearly 10,000 Connecticut children experience abuse or neglect and many enter the child protection court and foster care systems.

A child in in foster care may have faced physical, psychological and/or emotional trauma only to endure long periods of uncertainty in the system. On average, a child in foster care will move into multiple homes and attend multiple schools. All this chaos and inconsistency has long-term effects.

But having a caring, consistent adult - someone who listens, checks in and puts a child’s best interests before all others’, like a CAC volunteer advocate,
can make all the difference.

CAC is determined to make sure every vulnerable child has a volunteer who is there for them, and will advocate for their needs and best interests.
With your support, we can grow to do so much more. 

CAC volunteer advocate Connie began working with Lucas when he was 14. 

Lucas had been removed from his mother at age four due to abuse. The trauma he suffered was amplified in foster care. By the time Lucas and Connie met, he was in his 10th placement.

His attorney hoped that a volunteer advocate would help Lucas find his voice.

The CAC office has moved!
500 Post Road East, Suite 200
Westport, CT 06880

NOTE new phone number:
Child Advocates of SW Connecticut | 203.642.7020