October 2022

Dear Audra,

Each month we feature an article written by one of our Program staff. These articles talk about events and trainings happening at Child Advocacy, interesting information and statistics about our programs and services, or about topics of interest that our staff are focusing on to improve our existing services. No matter the topic our staff tailors our newsletter articles for our community and those we serve. Please take the time to read them each month to gain a better understanding of our programs and the staff behind them.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter,

Staci Bigelow

Volunteer/Event Coordinator

Check out our website www.childadvocacy.net.

Child Advocacy Lunch & Learn

Thursday, October 6, 2022

11:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Lunch & Learns are held the first Thursday of each month, please see the detailed flyer below for this months topic and registration information.

Gratiot County Substance Abuse Coalition Meeting

Monday, October 10, 2022

1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

If interested in attending or for more information please email Emily at


Caregiver Support Group Virtual Meeting

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

6:00 p.m.

Please email Morgan at morgan@childadvocacy.net for more information or for the presentation link.


Children Training

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Registration required and limited to 15 participants. Contact Morgan at 989-463-1422 or morgan@childadvocacy.net to reserve your space.

CASA Information Session

Thursday, October 20, 2022

2:00 p.m.

Please see the detailed flyer below for event information and registration details.

Baby Pantry Volunteer Information Session

Monday, November 7, 2022

11:00 a.m.

Please see the detailed flyer below for event information and registration details.

For more information on upcoming events and trainings please see detailed flyers below or visit our website at www.ChildAdvocacy.net

About Us 

Child Advocacy is a non-profit agency with a mission to improve the welfare of children and their families through education, training, and support for the prevention of substance abuse and child abuse and neglect.

Our Staff

Audra Stahl 

President & CEO 



Pam Scherzer

Office Manager


Staci Bigelow

Event/Volunteer Coordinator



Emily Rayburn

GCSAC Program Director


Sara Krebs 

GCSAC Prevention



Ryan Donley

GCSAC Prevention Educator


Zach Bates

GCSAC Prevention Educator



Morgan Rooy

CAN Program Director



Richelle Davis 

CAN Prevention Educator


Amanda Siddall

Breastfeeding Coalition Coordinator



Michelle Zombeck 

CASA Program Director 



Rachel Molands

CASA Recruitment Coordinator



Heather Therrien 

CAC Program Director


Jennifer Stambaugh

CAC Victim Advocate



Nicole Showers

CAC Case Manager


Like us on Facebook
Visit our Website
Gratiot County Substance Abuse Coalition

Summer Camp for Trauma Survivors

For many kids and teens, summer equates to “camp.”

Whether it’s attending art workshops, STEM and sports camps, or vacation bible school, there are a wide range of opportunities for children to join with others to learn something new, hone a skill, or renew friendships. Each type of camp is different in the experiences it offers.

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Gratiot County (CAC) offers a unique camp of its own – a summer workshop series focusing on art therapy for adolescents who have been victimized by sexual abuse or assault. This year’s theme was “Pieces of Me – a Deep Dive into Self-Acceptance.” Each day of the series, survivors write in a journal utilizing a prompt for the day, focus on a core component of self-acceptance for discussion, and work on their art project while talking through questions posed by facilitators. For example: “Think about our inner critic. What is that person saying that they would never say to a friend? Why is it okay to say it to ourselves but not to others?” This year’s art project featured puzzles with survivors designing different pieces throughout the workshop series.

There are two groups – one for middle school and one for high school. Most of the group members also take part in ongoing group programming offered monthly throughout the school year. These groups are specifically for children and teens who have been referred to the CAC as part of an abuse investigation and there is no cost to participate. Staff apply for grants to purchase art therapy supplies and request donations from the community to provide snacks, drinks, and meals for those taking part.

Most often, group support helps to supplement individual therapy. In some cases, though, the group format is the only option for these young survivors to take part in a therapeutic setting that promotes healing. 

Heather Therrien

CAC Program Director

Learn the Facts about Infant Safe Sleep

Babies are actually safer sleeping on their backs. When a baby is on their back, the air tube (trachea) is on top of the food tube (esophagus). When a baby spits up, liquid flows back into the stomach, not the lungs. When baby is on their stomach, fluid can pool at the opening of the air tube and may cause choking. See this video for more information:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK84x2FE3fg and visit https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/safety-injury-prev/safe-sleep2/professional-resources/family-resources for more infant safe sleep resources.


We are excited to announce our brand new program the Gratiot County Breastfeeding Coalition. We have hired Amanda Siddall, an RN with labor, delivery, and postpartum care experience, and a Master’s in Nursing Education. Stay tuned next month for details from Amanda regarding the Coalition meetings and how to become a part of this new Coalition. 

As we kick off October we start a brand new fiscal year at Child Advocacy. This is like New Year’s Day for our staff as we start new grant cycles, kick off a new school year, and begin planning with all of our programs. When saying goodbye to the old fiscal year it reminds us how fortunate we are for the support we receive from all of you and our community. We truly could not serve the children in this community without your help and encouragement. Thank you for all that you to do to support us!


Audra Stahl

President & CEO

An Opportunity to Increase Child Abuse Prevention Funding in Gratiot County
In 2020, over twenty-four thousand children in Michigan were abused and/or neglected. Child Advocacy and the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund are teaming up in the effort to change this sobering statistic. Together we create Hope for Michigan’s Children and ensure that they grow up to reach their full potential.
While completing your 2021 Michigan Income Taxes, when you reach Line 22 of the MI-1040, please utilize the Michigan Charitable Contribution Form 4642 to contribute ANY portion of your return to the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund. Your contribution will aid in building strong and resilient children and families to protect against ALL forms of child maltreatment across the State of Michigan and in our local community.
For more information about the Michigan Children’s Trust Fund (CTF), or how you can contribute, please visit www.michigan.gov/ctf

Child Advocacy Flyers