August 2024

Dear Staci,

We held our 1st annual Champions for Child Advocacy Golf Outing on July 25th at the Fields Golf Course in Ithaca and I want to say thank you to everyone who made it a success! I am always blown away by the support we receive from this wonderful community! Thank you to everyone who sponsored, donated, played, volunteered and thank you to the Fields for being wonderful hosts! If you were unable to play this year, don't worry we are already looking forward to 2025!

Next up is our Trivia Night Fundraiser that will be held September 19th at the Alma Elks Lodge. We are looking for teams, sponsors, and silent auction donations for this great event. Please see the detailed flyer below for more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter,

Staci Bigelow

Volunteer/Event Coordinator

Check out our website

Upcoming Events

Child Advocacy Lunch & Learn

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Lunch & Learns are held the first Thursday of each month at Child Advocacy with the exception of January and July. Please see the detailed flyer below for event details and registration information.

Breastfeeding Awareness Walk

Saturday, August 10, 2024

10:00a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Please see the detailed flyer below for event information.

Gratiot County Substance and Suicide Prevention Coalition Meeting

Monday, August 12, 2024

1:00 pm

If interested in attending or for more information please email Leah at

Caregiver Support Group Meeting

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

6:00 p.m.

Please email Michelle at for more information.

Survivors Of Suicide Group

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

7:00 p.m.

Please see the flyer below for more information or email Emily at


Children Training

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Registration required and limited to 15 participants. Contact Heather at 989-463-1422 or to reserve your space.

Suicide Prevention Training

QPR - Question, Persuade, Refer

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Please see the detailed flyer below for event information and registration details.

Gratiot County Breastfeeding Coalition

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

4:30 p.m.

If interested in attending or for more information please contact Amanda at

Child Abuse and Neglect Council Advisory Committee

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Please contact Morgan at for more information.

Trivia Night

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Doors open at 6p.m., Trivia begins at 7p.m.

For event details or if you would like to make a donation to our event Silent Auction please contact Staci at

Event flyer and registration form can be found below.

For more information on upcoming events and trainings please see detailed flyers below or visit our website at

Upcoming Parenting Classes

About Us 

Child Advocacy is a non-profit agency with a mission to promote, support, and strengthen the well-being of our community.

Our Staff

Jennifer Stambaugh

President & CEO


Pam Scherzer

Office Manager

Staci Bigelow

Event & Volunteer Coordinator


Emily Rayburn

GCSSPP Director

Sara Krebs 

GCSSPP Prevention Coordinator

Rachel Molands

GCSSPP Prevention Educator

Leah Hutchins

GCSSPP Prevention Educator


Richelle Davis 

CAN Prevention Educator

Ashley Tupper

CAN Family Resource Coordinator

Amanda Siddall

Breastfeeding Coalition Coordinator


Michelle Zombeck 

CASA Program Director


Heather Therrien 

CAC Program Director

Darby Chaffin

CAC Victim Advocate


Mandi Luft

CAC Case Manager

Like us on Facebook
Visit our Website
Gratiot County Breastfeeding Coalition

National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month! Child Advocacy and the Gratiot County Breastfeeding Coalition (GCBC) are celebrating and recognizing all breastfeeding experiences this month as we work towards creating and sustaining a breastfeeding supportive culture in our local community.

Great improvements to the lactation resources available in Gratiot County have been made in 2024! Child Advocacy, MyMichigan Medical Center Alma, and the Mid-Michigan District Health Department (MMDHD) all received grants to expand their community breastfeeding support services. Child Advocacy’s Lactation Counselor and Breastfeeding Coalition Coordinator has been seeing clients for in-person 1:1 consultations, as well as offering a ‘Pumping Pantry’ where the necessary parts and pieces for pumping can be requested free of charge to families in need. The Outpatient Lactation Clinic at the MyMichigan Medical Center offers free in-person 1:1 consultations with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) Erin Lovas every Wednesday, and the MMDHD was also able to increase their capacity to support all breastfeeding families. These community resources are listed in GCBC’s new Gratiot County Lactation Resource Guide rack card; which are free and available to all community partners for lobbies, waiting areas, and other client education areas. Give Child Advocacy a call at 989-463-1422 to request rack cards for your organization.

The GCBC also continued to grow this past year! First established in August of 2022, the Coalition has continued to gather for monthly meetings. Community partner agencies, along with local mothers, utilize these meetings to learn more from each other about the lactation and related resources available within our community and beyond as well and plan for future improvements to our community’s breastfeeding culture. Education is a top priority for the GCBC, and meetings typically begin with a presentation and discussion. New this past year was the inception of official Bylaws and Memorandum of Commitment, as well as an all-day Lactation Supporter Training! You may also have seen the GCBC represented at the Alma Highland Festival hosting the ‘Rock & Rest Tent’, a comfortable and private space for families to feed and change their infants while enjoying the festivities. The GCBC hosts monthly hybrid meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every month, and welcomes anyone wishing to learn more about breastfeeding and supporting the initiation and duration rates in our community. August’s meeting will be a celebratory (virtual only) meeting in honor of Breastfeeding Month and a review of this past year. Please visit for more information specific to the GCBC and lactation resources, or follow us on Facebook ‘Gratiot County Breastfeeding Coalition.’

The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee has chosen the theme Nourish, Sustain, Thrive for their 14th annual National Breastfeeding Month. Their goal is to shine a light on why protecting, promoting, and supporting lactation is so important for the human life cycle, honor the incredible work that organizations are doing to make the world a little friendlier for new parents and families, and highlight how individuals, funders, and policymakers can contribute to a strong and sustainable lactation field. Additionally, the Michigan Breastfeeding Network’s (MIBFN) Breastfeeding Month theme is Feeding the Future in Every Drop, highlighting the importance of human milk for families both today and tomorrow. The MIBFN advocates for a more equitable, just, and breastfeeding-supportive culture as we nourish future generations.

Join us for one of our Breastfeeding Month events! Please see the 2024 Breastfeeding Month Calendar of Events below. 

Amanda Siddall

Gratiot County Breastfeeding Coalition Coordinator


It is hard to believe that we are gearing up for back to school. The summer seems to go by so quickly! Here at Child Advocacy, we are getting excited to roll out new evidence-based curriculums for our local schools districts this year. Safer, Smarter, Kids for first and third graders and the Too Good for Drugs series for our Above the Influence Program at the local high schools.

We will also be participating at local back to school events such as the Schnepp’s Back to School Bash on August 5, 2024 in St. Louis and the Project Connect: Health, Safety, and Back to School Fair on August 14, 2024 at the Gratiot County Fair for Youth Fairgrounds.

In addition to our upcoming offerings for students, we will also be starting our next set of parenting groups. Our next Make Parenting a Pleasure and 24:7 Dad cohorts will start in late August (see flyers below for more information). To stay up to date on all our events, follow us on Facebook: Child Advocacy-Gratiot County.

Thank you for reading our newsletter and enjoy the remainder of your summer!

Jennifer Stambaugh

President & CEO

Child Advocacy Flyers