February 15, 2017
A quick look at what's happening!
"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness!" ~ William Arthur Ward
Child Care Aware of NH Updates
Progressive Training and TA Program
Congratulations to the programs that have been selected for this year's Progressive Training and TA Program. CCAoNH looks forward to working with you on this year long project.
- Adventures In Learning Preschool, Jaffrey
- All Aboard Preschool & Childcare Center, Nottingham
- Bartlett Community Preschool, Bartlett
- Cornerstone Christian Academy, Ossipee
- The Early Enrichment Center, Concord
- Elliot Child Care Center, Manchester
- Great Bay Kids' Company, Exeter
- Green Mountain Children's Center, Claremont
- Immanuel Christian School, Manchester
- Keene Day Care Center, Inc., Keene
- Keene Family YMCA Learning Center, Keene
- Kids Creative Cove Learning Center and Child Care, Merrimack
- Lancaster Play and Learn Center, Lancaster
- Learning Adventures Early Childhood Center, Bedford
- Little Scholars Daycare, Salem
- Little Steps Early Learning Center, Somersworth
- Marguerite's Place Day Care, Nashua
- Mid-State Montessori Center, Plymouth
- Primrose School at Bedford Hills, Bedford
- Rochester Child Care Center, Rochester
- Sandwich Children's Center, Sandwich
- St. Augustin Preschool, Manchester
- Sunrise Children's Center, Amherst
- Tender Years Child Care And Learning Center, Allenstown
- The Ark Christian Nursery And Learning Center, Tilton
- The Children's Learning Center @ CMC/DHK, Keene
- The Growing Years, Manchester
- The Learning Center at Concord Hospital, Concord
- The Learning Path of Salem, Salem
- The Learning Path, Inc., Atkinson
- Tiny Twisters Child Care Center, Franklin
- White Birch Community Center, Henniker
Looking for an old edition of our E-Newsletter? Check out our website to find archived copies of Monthly Minutes and At-A-Glance emails.
NH Early Childhood Credentialing Challenge
The Countdown Is On!
Child Care Aware of NH and the Child Development Bureau are teaming up for the NH Early Childhood Credentialing Challenge!
100 Credentials in 100 Days.
Click here or on the flyer for more details.
CCAoNH will be closed Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day.
Professional Development Opportunities
Annual Training Calendar
or on the picture to open the Annual Training Calendar.
Please note any changes to the Annual Training Calendar below.
Rescheduled Trainings:
- Assessing Your Rules of Engagement: Strengths Based Assessment with Families in Program and Classroom Environments: Tuesday, 2/21/17, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, Bearcamp Valley School, 27 Durrell Rd., Tamworth, 03886 (Originally Scheduled for 1/25/17)
- Trauma Informed Early Childhood Services: Saturday, 5/13/17 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Hampstead Academy, 314 East Road, Hampstead, 03841 (Originally scheduled for Saturday, 2/11/17)
- CCB: Developing Cultural Competency in the Early Childhood Environment: Wednesday, 2/22/17, 6:15 - 9:15 pm, In HIS Steps Learning Center, 67 Henry Bridge Road, Goffstown, 03045 (Originally scheduled for Thursday, 1/26/17)
Trainings to be Rescheduled:
- Surviving Multi-Generational Staff and Creating Strong Work Teams: How Do I Work with Them? Originally scheduled for Wednesday 2/15/17- new date to be determined, 6:30 - 8:30 pm, In HIS Steps Learning Center, 67 Henry Bridge Road, Goffstown, 03045
Register for a Special Event!
The NH Early Childhood Leadership Summit: Part II
Manage, Motivate & Retain Great Staff
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Puritan Conference & Event Center
245 Hooksett Road
Manchester, NH 03104
$50 - Registration Fee includes Part II training and lunch buffet.
Registration is online only and pre-registration is required. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Click here or on the picture for a printable flyer.
Click here or on the flyer for a printable copy.
Bridges out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities
Saturday, March 11, 2017
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
The Executive Court Banquet Facility 1199 South Mammoth Road
Manchester, NH 03109
$50 - Registration Fee includes training, lunch buffet and copy of the book, “Bridges out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities”
Registration is online only and pre-registration is required. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Caring for Our Children: Health, Safety, Nutrition and Wellness Conference in Portsmouth
Saturday, March 25, 2017
7:30 am - 3:15 pm
Great Bay Community College
320 Corporate Drive
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Conference cost is $35 per person.
Registration is online only and pre-registration is required. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
or on the brochure for a printable copy.
Click here or on the flyer for a printable copy.
Train the Trainer: Standards of Practice Flex Training Series
Monday, March 27, 2017
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Granite State College
25 Hall Street
Concord, NH 03301
$25 - Registration Fee includes the training and copy of the book, “Early Learning Standards and Staff Development: Best Practices in the Face of Change ” by Gaye Gronlund
This training will have a working lunch session, bring a bag lunch with you.
Registration is online only and pre-registration is required. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Using the NH ELS: A Practical, Idea-Filled Day to Make the Standards Truly Come Alive in Your Early Childhood Program
Saturday, April 22, 2017
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
The Holiday Inn Concord Downtown
172 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
$50-Registration fee includes lunch buffet and a copy of the book, "Making Early Learning Standards Come Alive" by Gaye Gronlund
Registration is online only and pre-registration is required. Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
or on the flyer for a printable copy.
or on the NH Professional Registry Icon above to register for trainings.
Click here or on Eventbrite Icon above to register for trainings with a cost.
Directors' & Leadership Collaboratives
Are you a Director, Administrator or an emerging Early Childhood Leader? Are you looking to collaborate with other providers in your region? Consider joining one of Child Care Aware of NH's Directors' or Leadership Collaboratives.
These meetings are designed by each group in the region to reflect area needs and interests as well as provide program leaders with Child Care Aware of NH program updates, essential local and state information along with professional development opportunities. Information on topics and trainings being addressed varies based on group interests.
Click here to find a date, time, and location near you! Directors' & Leadership Collaboratives may be found on page 28 of our Annual Training Calendar.
Child Care Aware Training Academy
Looking for even more professional development opportunities?
Check out Child Care Aware Training Academy. Click here or on the picture to the left for more details.
Resources to Share With Families
Share Vroom with Your Families!
Click on the picture to watch Vroom's video on the Brain Building Basics.
Vroom's Brain Building Basics
Science made simple!
Remember five steps to help build a child's brain.
Click here or on the flyer to visit Vroom's website.
IRS Earned Income Tax Credit
for a flyer about the earned income tax credit. Please share this tax information with your families.
Other Early Childhood News & Updates
NH Immunization Program Annual Conference
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Radisson Hotel, Manchester, NH
Hope to see you there!
Celebration of Early Childhood Professionals
Excellence in Child Care Award
Do you know someone who deserves to be nominated for the Excellence in Child Care Award?
Click here for more details on how to nominate someone special.
In Home Child Care for Sale
Job opportunities are included as a courtesy to programs requesting that information be shared and disseminated.
Please note that Child Care Aware of NH will disseminate this information once through the next available e-newsletter depending upon the date sent. Submissions must be email ready and should be sent to
Submissions received by the 7th of the month will be placed in the "At-A-Glance" e-newsletter and submissions received by the 25th of the month will be placed in the "Monthly Minutes" e-newsletter.
Child Care Aware of NH Contact Information
Need Help? Support? Call our Training and TA Lines!
Main Toll Free Line: 1-855-393-1731
Bilingual Support Line: 1-855-393-1731 x28
Regional Outreach Offices Training & TA/Help Lines:
Southern/Main Regional Office:
Concord Regional Office:
Eastern Regional Office:
tern Regional Office:
Regional Office:
(603) 578-1386, x32
(603) 227-6383
(603) 330-0961
(603) 903-0830
(603) 752-1327 or (603) 323-7091
We hope you've enjoyed this edition of At-A-Glance. Look for future editions on the 15th of the month! Items for submission for At-A-Glance must be sent to outreach2ccrr@snhs.org before the 7th of each month with the subject line "At-A-Glance".
Child Care Aware of New Hampshire also offers FREE & CONFIDENTIAL Child
Care Resource
and Referral Services
(CCR&R) to families and early childhood professionals
Copyright © 2017 All Rights Reserved.
The preparation of this email was financed under a Contract with the State of NH, Department of Health and Human Services, Division for Children, Youth, and Families, Child Development Bureau, with funds provided in part by the State of NH and the US Department of Health and Human Services.