® is just one part of our strategy to protect our children. Virtus
® is an educational program designed to inform the public on abuse topics of all kinds. Virtus
® also provides parish administration with the tools that we need to identify, track, and report on those who meet our volunteer criteria. All volunteers are required to attend a Virtus
training class and read a monthly educational bulletin to volunteer around children.
® is the second component to our child protection program. Through
® we are able to monitor police and court activities for our employees and volunteers that may present a threat to our children. All employees and all volunteers are required to complete an online background check. Clergy and employees must also complete an OHIO BCI and an FBI fingerprint-based background check and an additional background check done by the Archdiocese.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati publishes a Decree On Child Protection that outlines the criteria and the expectations for employees and volunteers to proactively combat abuse in all forms, and it provides instructions on how to respond to cases of abuse should they arise. A summary of this substantial work can be found by following the following link:
Child Protection Decree Summary Brochure
The fourth component of our child protection program are our diocesan locations. Diocesan churches, schools, and agencies are responsible for their security infrastructure, education, and for administering the decree at the local level.
Lastly, but most importantly, our Child Protection program relies on
YOU to be the eyes, ears, hands, and feet of Jesus in helping protect the children in our families, schools, churches, and neighborhoods. You have been called to action and deputized into service.
If you witness or even suspect child abuse in any form, call 911 immediately!
If the abuse took place on parish property, please contact Steve Morris at (937) 401-0521. Every report will be investigated by the Police, Child Protective Services, and/or St. Charles Parish and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! You are a key member of our Child Protection team!