Issue #5
June 28, 2019
Keep Our Children SAFE!
Child Protection Audit

On June 24, 2019, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati performed an audit of our Child Protection program. St. Charles was commended for their conformance to the diocesan program requirements as summarized below:
Audit Work Performed

The Compliance Audit covered all individuals listed on the Master report dated April 30, 2019. The Master report was subsequently tested on June 24, 2019. Based on our sample testing, we would like to commend St Charles Borromeo on the following:

• 452 of 458 (98.69%) of individuals listed as primary were in complete compliance with the Decree.
• 155 of 156 (99.3%) of individuals listed as secondary were in complete compliance with the Decree.

Thank you for all of your efforts in helping to establish and maintain a safe environment for our children!

Fr. Dan

Click HERE for a copy of the full report.
Virtus Profiles

Virtus recently updated their software so that diocesan locations can manage their employees and volunteers based on their role. Employees must conform to higher child protection standards than regular volunteers and the software upgrades that were made provides the tools that Safe Site Coordinators need to maintain these standards.

Please log into your Virtus account and update your profile based on your relationship with the diocesan location that you serve.

  1. To update your profile, log into your Virtus account and click on the "Update My Account" link located in the upper right of your screen. From there you may change your primary location, update your role or add volunteer locations by clicking on the blue "Click to update locations/roles" link at the bottom of your profile.
  2. Employees in the Archdiocese must list their diocesan place of employment as their primary location regardless of where they worship.
  3. Employees and parishioners may volunteer in multiple diocesan locations. When a volunteer location is added, you will automatically appear as an approved volunteer at that location.

Note: each diocesan location must conform to a minimum set of child protection standards but diocesan locations may choose to set higher standards than the Archdiocese. St. Charles is one such location. If you volunteer at a another location, you may be contacted by the Safe Site Coordinator at that location indicating that you need to meet additional volunteer requirements. Please contact me if you need assistance updating your Virtus profile.

Thank you!

Steve Morris
Approved Volunteers

When organizing an official St. Charles activity involving children, please check the list below to make sure that your adult volunteers are approved to serve with children. For legal reasons, St. Charles Parish cannot publish a list of people who are prohibited from volunteering around children due to abuse. If an adult volunteer is not on the approved volunteer list, it could be for a variety of reasons. Most of the time it means that the person got behind on their bulletins and became inactive. Please have your volunteer contact Steve Morris and he can help resolve the issue. If your volunteer has not attended a Virtus ® class, please have them visit Virtus Online to create a Virtus ® account and sign up for a Child Protection training class. Training times and locations can be found under the training tab by clicking on the Live Training link.

The July Virtus bulletin will be published on July 8, 2019
What to do...

If you witness or even suspect child abuse in any form, call 911 immediately!

Then, if the abuse took place on parish property, please contact Steve Morris at (937) 401-0521. Every report will be investigated by the Police, Child Protective Services, and/or St. Charles Parish and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati! Remember, you are a key part of our Child Protection team!
Stay Up-to-Date on VIRTUS ® Training

The VIRTUS ® program is designed to educate our volunteers and parishioners on important child safety concerns. Knowledge is power but only when you put it to good use.
I f something doesn't seem right—let us know!
Stephen B. Morris
Business Manager
937-401-0521 (direct)
St. Charles Borromeo Parish |