School District of Wisconsin Dells
October 2021 | 2021-8
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Wisconsin Forward Exam
Assessment schedule updates
By Brian Grove
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
With the new school year well underway, it is a good time to give families another update on the various assessments that your children will be participating in throughout the 2021-22 school year. At the time of this writing, students in K-8 are finishing their i-Ready diagnostic testing in both Math and ELA, and some grades are completing ...READ MORE
Pupil Services staff working with students
Pupil Services Overview
By Dawn Sine
Director of Pupil Services
Staff within the Pupil Services Department at the SDWD provide a wide range of services and support to students throughout the District. The Pupil Services Department at the SDWD encompasses English as a second language (ESL) program, special education programs, school counseling/mental health, homeless and school health services. Over the next few ...READ MORE
High school students looking at their phones
Does your teen have a phone?
Do you check their social media accounts?
By Allison Hoch, WDHS Associate Principal
If you are the parent of a teenager, the likelihood is that your teen is using one or more social media accounts. Have you checked them recently? Do you talk to them about how to use social media? Read on for some points to consider. ...READ MORE
Middle school girls and boys working on a class activity together
7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
By Casey Whitehurst, WDMS Principal
Developing great habits is an important part of growing up, especially as a middle schooler. Sean Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, writes that, “Habits are things we do repeatedly. But most of the time we’re hardly aware that we even have them. They’re on autopilot.” Covey goes on to note that, “Depending on what they are, ...READ MORE
Image of growth mindset vs fixed mindset
How parents can promote a growth mindset at home
By Kimberly Torkelson, SHES Associate Principal
Let's be honest, parenting is really hard. We all want what is best for our children and want them to succeed. Research shows that parents can have a powerful impact on their children’s’ mindsets by just changing the way they use their words. More specifically, the way we praise our children can have a deep impact on having either a fixed or growth mindset. For example, ...READ MORE