Children's and Family Ministry Updates

January 2025

Upcoming Events

Jan. 8 - Joyful Noise Resumes

Jan. 12 - Education Hour; Children's Chapel at 8:30a; Parent Group

Jan. 15 - Joyful Noise

Jan. 19 - No Education Hour; enjoy the long weekend! No Children's Chapel

Jan. 22 - Joyful Noise

Jan. 26 - Education Hour; First Bible Class for 2nd Graders & Parents

Jan. 29 - Joyful Noise goes to Feed My Starving Children

Feb 2. - Education Hour; First Bible Presentation during 11a Service

Important Dates for the Year

We have a lot of fun things in store this coming year! Click the link to get a peek at what's ahead: Save the Date!!

Jan. 12 - Parent Group

Parent Group meets January 12. This is a time to get to know other parents in your church community and receive support and spiritual nourishment! We gather in the library during Sunday School; we get started at 10 after kids are settled in their classes. Childcare is provided in the nursery for children under age 3.

Jan. 26 - First Bible Class for 2nd Graders & Parents during the Education Hour

On Sunday, January 26, our 2nd graders and their parents are invited to join us for our First Bible class. We will be meeting on the stage side of Luther Hall. Students will be given their Bibles at the 11am worship service on February 2.

Please let us know if you are able to attend by January 19. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Kayla.

Looking Ahead: VBS Registration for Faith Members Opens February 1

VBS is happening June 23-27 at Faith Lutheran Church in partnership with Lutherdale Bible Camp!

Our 3 and 4 year olds are welcome to join us for our half day programming (M-F, 9-12:30). Our Kindergarteners through 6th graders are invited to join us for our full day program (M-Th, 9-3p; F 9-12:30p). Half day program is $40 per participant while our full day program is $100 per participant (scholarships are available for members).

An email with more information will be sent out in the next week - keep an eye out for it!

Registration for the community will open on March 1.