Hello Good Shepherd Families,

I'd like to highlight a change to our regular programming and invite your child to join us at a new time.

Edge Kids (3rd-5th grade) and Youth Group (6th grade and up) will meet for separate programs but at the same time from 5:00p to 6:30p on Wednesday evenings. Each group will eat together, have time to check-in, play some fun games, and then hang out with their friends before ending the evening with Compline (a short service of prayer from the Book of Common Prayer). If your student has not been able to come to Edge/Youth Group this year because of after-school activities that are now ended, we'd love to have them join us. Our last meeting before summer will be on Wednesday, May 8.

If your child can join us for one or all of our upcoming gatherings, please RSVP here so we can plan our meals accordingly and communicate with you about program details. Rumor has it we're going on a little outing on Wednesday, May 1. You won't want to miss it!

Look for information about next year's programs for children and youth in the next month or so. We are already planning a fun schedule of activities that will start up again in the fall and we would love to have your kids participate!

Yours in Christ,
Sunday, May 5 | 10:30a service, Windsor, nave
Each year Good Shepherd honors our graduating high school seniors with a special prayer of blessing and a festive treat on the common following the service. This year we will honor our seniors on Sunday, May 5 in our 10:30a service in the nave. We will also print the names of all graduating seniors who would like to be included in our bulletin on May 5. To help us honor your graduating student and celebrate with your family, please complete this form no later than Sunday, April 28. Contact the Rev. Brin Bon with questions.
June 24–June 28 | Windsor campus
Registration is full for Shepherd + Edge Camp but we can use all the help we can get to make this a great week.

Youth volunteers in 6th grade and above can register HERE.
Adult volunteers can register HERE.

Nursery care is available for volunteers with children under 3 years.
Sundays | 9:00a-12:00p, Windsor
Sundays | 10:00a-12:00p, Hill
Our nursery provides a loving place for infants and toddlers 3 years old and under every Sunday on both campuses. Nursery care is now available as early as 9:00a on the Windsor campus for families who may wish to use it during the 9:15a Early Church service!
Sundays | 10:15a-11:05a*, both campuses
Every Sunday children gather in our Godly Play classroom to learn about the Bible and explore God's expansive presence and unconditional love for them. Check-in begins at 10:15a with Godly Play lessons starting at 10:30a.
Godly Play at the Hill is for children 3 years old (and potty trained) through 5th grade.
Godly Play at Windsor is for children 3 years old (and potty trained) through 2nd grade.

*Students should be picked up at the Peace so they can rejoin you for Holy Eucharist.
Sundays | 10:15a-11:05a*
Edge Bible Study, Windsor, Edge Room
Middle School Bible Study, Windsor, Youth Corner
Our Edge (3rd-5th grade) and Middle School Bible Studies continue with a four-session unit on Doing Justice where we are exploring how God calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Come check them out on Sunday morning!

*Students will be let out at the Peace so they can rejoin you for Holy Eucharist.
Edge Kids and Youth Group will still have separate programs, but will meet concurrently beginning with dinner at 5:00p and ending with Compline at 6:30p. If your child hasn't joined us yet this year because of sports or other activities that might be winding down, now is a great time to come check it out! These groups offer the unique opportunity for students to build a faith community for themselves through activities and fellowship that reinforce the message of God's unconditional love for them.

RSVP for our remaining sessions HERE.

Our final meeting of the school year will be on Wednesday, May 8.
(3rd-5th grades)
Wednesdays | 5:00p-6:30p
Windsor, Edge Room

(6-12th grades)
Wednesdays | 5:00-6:30p
Windsor, Youth Corner
  • If you've made it this far, congratulations! Give yourself a pat on the back. If you have questions about any of this, or feedback about our newsletter, feel free to reach out to the Rev. Brin Bon, our Priest for Children, Youth & Families, or Jessica Riels, our Director of Programs.