Youth Ski Trip
January 22 - 23
Inn the Clouds, Leadville
Ski Cooper Ski Resort

All middle and high school youth, regardless of skiing experience, are encouraged to come skiing with St. Michael’s! We will be departing from St. Mike’s on Saturday at 1:00 PM and returning on Sunday at 8:00 PM. Cost is $100 per person not including rental equipment which is another $20 - $30. Scholarships are available. Youth are required to be vaccinated and produce a negative rapid Covid test (test will be provided) prior to departure. Please complete the registration form HERE and reach out to Owen with any questions!
Registration closes January 12!
Children & Youth Acolyte Training
THIS Sunday, January 9
Following the 10:30 Service

We want your children & youth involved with worship! Serving as an acolyte is a great way for our young people to make an impact during our worship services. Covid-19 has affected how acolyte duties are conducted, so if your children are current acolytes, former acolytes, or interested in what it means to acolyte, please join us following the 10:30 AM worship service for an acolyte training. Children & Youth of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate. Lunch will be provided. Please let us know you are coming by signing up HERE.
High School Youth Council
First Meeting: January 30

All high school youth are invited to join our youth leadership team. The members of this group will cultivate valuable leadership skills, and exercise these skills by providing feedback, vision, and energy for our Youth program. 2022 focuses will be organizing a spring youth retreat, discovering and engaging in service opportunities, planning a high school pilgrimage, and engaging in continued learning. We will meet once a month, beginning on January 30. Please CLICK HERE to fill out a youth council application.
Children & Family Rock Climbing
January 30, 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Springs Climbing Center

All elementary aged children and their families are invited to come rock climbing following worship on Sunday, January 30. Grab a quick bite to eat and then meet us over at Springs Climbing Center! Cost is $13 and renting shoes is optional for an additional $5. CLICK HERE to register for this event.
Address: 4642 Northpark Drive, 80918
St. Michael's on Instagram!

Head over to Instagram and give St. Michael's Children, Youth, and Family page a follow, or CLICK HERE. Stay up to date with event info, ministry updates, and more!
Children and Youth Registration

We are making great memories at St. Michael's! CLICK HERE to register your children and youth to participate in activities, events, and groups this year.
Winter Children & Youth Weekly Programming Schedules
The Children, Youth, and Families Calendar can be found on the Children and Youth Page, CLICK HERE to view calendar
Sunday, January 9
Regular Programming Resumes
Sunday School 9:15 - 10:10 AM
Children's Chapel during 10:30 service
Nursery Care 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday, January 12
Regular Youth Group Resumes
Middle School 5:30 - 6:45 PM
High School 7:00 - 8:15 PM
Owen Copps, Director of Children & Youth Ministries

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919