Blessings to you in this Easter season!

As you know, we're gearing up for the first-ever Synod Gathering on June 2-4 at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory! We're looking forward to a special time of worship, fellowship and learning with a wonderful keynote speaker, Jacqueline Bussie, as well some fantastic friends and guests who are serving as worship and workshop leaders. Registration is open through May 16. Be sure to check out all the learning workshops being offered! Among other things, there will be coaching opportunities, workshops led by some of our social impact teams, and Tammy Jones West will be leading a workshop on Growing Young that would be great for those interested in engaging younger generations.

Speaking of engaging children, youth and families, I would like to especially invite you to a workshop I'll be co-hosting with Kelly Marciales, Director of the ELCA's Organizing for Mission Network (OFMN) on Saturday June 4 at 9:00am. In this workshop called Listening to Understand Our Children, Youth & Families Today, we'll share details about a synod-wide listening campaign we're launching to help us better understand how our ministries can align with the needs and desires of families today. If you haven't already, expect to hear from me this month to see how you can get involved in this campaign. P.S. Kelly is flying in from Alaska to be with us so I recommend checking out her other workshops, also, to learn more about the OFMN program of the ELCA!

So that's a little bit of what I'm working on these days, and I'm excited to hear what you're up to, as well! I'll be reaching out soon and also welcome you to schedule some time for us to meet using the purple button below.

Let's Catch Up!

In addition to this monthly e-News, you can always find resources, events, and more on the synod's Children, Youth & Family page.

With hope and peace,


Carissa Abraham

Program Associate

NC Synod, ELCA


Join Zoom Meeting

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95246098989

Meeting ID: 952 4609 8989

One tap mobile: +13017158592,,95246098989# US

Children, Youth & Family Ministry Leader Check-Ins

Save these dates to share updates and network with one another over Zoom!

Thursday, May 12 @ 10:30a

Focus: A Guided Year-End Reflection

Tuesday, June 14 @ 10:30a

Focus: Planning Your Year

Tuesday, July 19 @ 10:30a

Focus: Sunday School

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ELCA 2024 Youth Gathering

We’re heading to New Orleans in 2024! Mark your calendars for July 16-20, 2024, to join us for this transformational faith formation event. MYLE and the tAble will take place immediately before on July 13-16. 

Would you like to serve on a planning team? The ELCA Youth Gathering is planned and led by amazing, dedicated volunteers who serve on 10 different teams and a small staff from the ELCA Churchwide Office. Applications to serve on one of their planning teams are open through June 24.

Apply Now!
Learn More
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LYO Updates & Resources

Senior blessing stones have been mailed!

As promised, the materials that were prepared for the 2022 LYO Assembly are now available. Check them out here and explore how God is Everywhere!

We are now accepting applications for the LYO Board through May 31 and the LYO Band through June 30! Please encourage your youth to apply!

LYO Board Application
LYO Band Application


Linda Kaelke served as the Director of Christian Education for several churches in the NC Synod. Upon her death, she left our synod with an endowment fund. Linda was instrumental in the establishment of LYNC (Lutheran Youth in NC) which is now known as LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) and she served as the first advisor to that organization. Thanks to Linda’s generosity, many youth groups have benefited from these funds, used primarily to help fund mission trips. 

Learn more and apply for a grant by May 31.

May 2022

June 2022

  • Thu-Sat, June 2-4 = NC Synod Gathering at Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory
  • Sat, June 4 = Synod Listening Campaign Workshop @ 9:00-11:30 am
  • Tue, June 14 = CYF Ministry Leader Check-In @ 10:30-11:30 am
  • Thu, June 30 = Deadline to Apply for 2023 LYO Band

July 2022

  • Tue, July 19 = CYF Ministry Leader Check-In @ 10:30-11:30 am
  • Thu-Sat, July 21-23 = MYJ Summer Event (synod details to come!)

October 2022

  • Sat, Oct 1 = YouthQuake Event for 3rd-5th graders at Mt. Pisgah, Hickory
Questions? Email Carissa
CYF e-News | NC Synod, ELCA | 704-633-4861 | nclutheran.org