Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Children, Youth & Families
UCW Families & Youth!
Our Sunday School and Youth Group gatherings will be back in full swing this fall - Alleluia! We’re excited to welcome you and your kids and hope you will take this as a personal invitation to re-join us this fall - whether you have just been away for the summer, or away for longer as we rode the waves of the pandemic. You and your family are loved, valued, and needed!

We’ll gather for worship and faith formation every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. Kids begin in our sanctuary, and then join classes in our Rainbow and Littlehale rooms. We are very glad to welcome Olivia DiMaio, our nursery caregiver and teacher, back as a member of our Children’s Ministry staff this year! at the link below please find an overview and calendar for the fall through Advent.

And please put September 11th on your calendar for Gathering Sunday at 10:00 a.m. worship, food and fun. More information on this next week and in the Friday eblast.
Introducing Rev. Matt Carriker
Sabbatical Pastor

Welcome Rev. Matt Carriker! Pastor Matt will begin at UCW on September 1st to cover the sabbatical of Pastor Amy.

Pastor Matt has engaged in ministry to the younger generation throughout his ministry and brings immense gifts and experience to the role.

Pastor Matt will begin his time with us in worship leading communion on September 4th and then working with children, youth and families each Sunday and for special events that you can find in the link above.

You can reach Pastor Matt at [email protected]. We look forward to his service among us through October 10th.