Family Epiphany Celebration at Austin Campus!
We are excited to invite all Epiphany kids and parents to join us on Sunday, January 5th at 11:45am at the Austin Campus for a special event celebrating the season of Epiphany. Have you ever wondered why the Magi brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus instead of more practical gifts like diapers? Who were these strange travelers? Where did they come from? Why did they follow a star instead of google maps? How is their story significant for our lives? Together we will explore the story to discover the answers.
This event will be less than 45 minutes in length. We will enjoy a snack, a story and one or two activities that will help us do a deep dive into this story that concludes the Christmas season and ushers in the season of Epiphany. Please have at least one parent attend from your family.
We will start at 11:45 to make the most of our time, so if you are planning to join us consider worshipping at the Austin Campus that day. Or just come and join us when you can!
Registration in advance is helpful for planning, but not required. Please register online to let Pastor Heidi know you hope to join us.