Spring 2018
Behold children are a gift from the Lord: 
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Psalm 127:3
The Gift of Children
  The other day while walking in the woods, a friend of mine said, "Shhh, look!"  As I turned my head in  the direction of her pointed finger, I saw an eagle swoop above us.  I would have missed its graceful flight had I not stopped to look. Similarly , God draws our attention to children by saying, "Behold (direct your eyes, comprehend, observe with care, understand) children are a gift from me, the fruit of the womb a reward."
  I think of all the gifts that I have received over the years and the joy they have brought me.  Sometimes, I notice a little knick-knack on a shelf and fondly remember who gave it to me.  In a profound way whenever I see my children or other children, I remember that it is God who gave them to be a blessing.  

  As you read through the newsletter, may the Lord open your hearts to comprehend the gift of children and your place with them.   

Kathleen Trock-Molhoek
24/7 National Children's Prayer Call  
All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones,
stood there before the Lord.
2 Chronicles 20:13
  Imagine what it would have been like to have heard a mighty king proclaim a fast and call his nation to seek the Lord because their enemies were coming against them. King Jehoshaphat did just that; he called together the young and the old, the women and the children to seek help from the Lord. God heard them and told them not to be dismayed at the vast horde coming against them for He would fight the battle. 2 Chronicles 20:1-21.   
 After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, like Jehoshaphat, a call to prayer went out to gather everyone to pray with and for children. On March 6, 2018, at 12 Am, the 24/7 National Children's Prayer Call launched. We have intentionally created a special place for children, teens, and adults to pray together for the youth of our nation. You are welcome and encouraged to join us, and your presence would be a blessing! The conference call number is (605) 475-3250, and the code is 679314 #.  You may call in...anytime day or night, and pray with us for as long as you like. If you feel led to serve as a GUARDIAN (facilitator) for an hour weekly, please contact Maureen Bravo at (407) 810-4665 or email [email protected].  Hope to hear you on the call! 
God is the best hiding place - even better than blanket forts!

"Everyone should have a good hiding place! I like to build blanket forts to hide in during reading time."
  Hiding Places , by Kathleen Trock, is a story that shows us th at God is the best hiding place you will ever find. "I think this story is fun to r ea d because it's interesting to hear about other people's hiding places and also why they want to hide."
  "I enjoyed the drawings by children. And, I liked how each page mixed the drawings with the real photos.  I think everyone should read this book because it's important to remember God is the best hiding place - even better than blanket forts!"         
By: Andrew Molhoek, age 7
 Hiding Places and Escondites (the Spanish translation) are available from our website by clicking here.
  If you would like Kathleen to visit your church or group to read and discuss  Hiding Places , please contact us. [email protected]

Fifteen Years Later: 
Andrew Thomas Reflects on Pebbles and Stones
  Hi! My name is Andrew and I'm here because my parents were crazy enough to think I could hear from God. Wow, of all the ways I have introduced myself, I never would have imagined that one. Anyway, I am blessed to have had crazy parents who had firm convictions that I was never excluded from the council of the almighty and God deeply desired communion with a foolish little rascal like myself. Thanks to their risk and the faithfulness of God, I find myself at 20 years old, desperately in love with Jesus and filled with abundant purpose in the midst of a very confused generation.
  If you asked me when was the first time I heard God speak ... click here to read more. 
Pebbles and Stones in Church
"It was awesome to see how God SO loves on His kids!"
  Katrina Scheer is a Pebbles and Stones teacher at The Well Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She was excited to tell us,   "One of the kids' favorite lessons from the "God Speaks" series is the "Names of God". During one of the lessons the kids started praying for each other and EVERY SINGLE kid got healed! It started with one whose dad had prayed for him earlier in the church service  and his headache went away."
  "So he prayed for the girl next to him who had a tummy ache and she felt a little better. He prayed again and she was totally healed.  Then she prayed for a new girl who had never been to our church before and she got healed. And that girl prayed for her sister's injured finger, and her pain went away! It was nuts! Th ere were many more testimonies and we teachers just looked at each other as it was happening and were in awe."
  "The week before the kids were experiencing the tangible presence of God and one of the little boys who never felt that before couldn't stop giggling and smiling. He didn't know how to describe what was happening to him. It was awesome to see how God SO loves on His kids!"
NorthPointe Christian School  
" The whole family works on it together... 
I love seeing the community that they build together."
  The Pebbles and Stones teaching model has been a part of NorthPointe Christian Elementary School (NPC), in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for over ten years; first in their traditional classrooms and chapel and now in their home school hybrid program. This long-term partnership has helped many children learn to listen to God's voice and grow in their relationship with God.
  Julie Ellens, director of the homeschool hybrid program, explains, "The students read two Bible passages each week and then respond to each passage in a Pebbles and Stones journal type format. They share their entries with each other in an inter-generational aspect modeled by Pebbles and Stones. The whole family works on it together regardless of student grade. During our chapel time, the students especially like praying for each other. They share praises, confessions, and authentic requests. I love seeing the community that th ey build together."
  "Last fall w e me morized the Romans Road passages. One of the days they reviewed the passages  by drawing the bridge illustration for explaining 
the gospel message.  One mom was so excited about her son's picture of the gospel that she posted it on Facebook, telling all of her friends about her son's ability to tell others about Jesus."
  Another family has an older child with disabilities. They were so excited about the opportunity to study and journal as a family. They have commented several times on the meaningful discussions that they have had as a family. Click here to read more. 
Listen, Journal, Share, and Pray

  'Pray Australia' is focusing on praying for the Church.   The  Potter's House School in Grand Rapids, Michigan, put the request to children in their Pebbles and Stones classes. 

When you pray for churches and other people it will spread like a tree grows flowers. Pray in the spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication for all the saints. Eph 6:18

I pray for the churches all around the world. That they will help others learn more about God. That people will be taught how to live their lives and live at peace.

Churches of God. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matt 5:16

Thank you phrase written on beach sand
We appreciate your prayers and financial generosity.   You continue to make  the ministry of Pebbles and Stones a reality throughout the United States and around the world.
Pebbles and Stones is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are tax deductible.

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