Because Children Need More Than Medicine to Thrive
Children of Bellevue: Get Connected
Featuring Information For Our Friends Who Care About Children in the Hospital
Dear Friends,
Change and excitement are in the air at Children of Bellevue (CoB). As you read through this newsletter, you will note that we have new leadership. Cheryl Reich and Judy Keating have been long time board members of CoB, but have stepped up to new leadership roles as Co-Chairs. We have also welcomed three new board members, Bejamine Valle, Natalie Zayek and Aubrie-Ann Jones. I am also new to the team as the Director of Development.
This past spring, many friends of CoB came out for our signature event, Toast to the Children at Riverpark, as well as our new annual Zumbathon event. The support of our friends is so appreciated as we strive to provide more than medicine for our children to thrive. Please enjoy viewing the photos of both events and join us again in 2017.
This fall we have two new events which I hope you will take part in: our Artists Fundraiser on October 13th and the NYC Marathon on November 6th. The Artists Fundraiser will be a unique experience with some of NYC's premier artists displaying their work, as well as a modern dance and musical performance. For the first time, CoB has become a Charity Partner of the TCS NYC Marathon. Meet our wonderful runners below. For more information on either event, please visit our website at
Finally, CoB became partners with Friends of the Children New York and joined their Summer Internship Program. We had a fantastic intern named Sairy, who helped us tremendously over the summer. One of the wonderful benefits of the internship was that we learned just as much from Sairy as she did from us! Meet Sairy below.
Thank you for your continued support of CoB!

All the best,
Mariadora Saladino
Director of Development


MEET THE NEW CO-PRESIDENTS OF CoB: Cheryl Reich and Judy Keating
by Jennifer Davidson, Board Member
It takes a lot of money, time and vision to effectively run a non-profit such as Children of Bellevue.    Readers of this newsletter know we rely heavily on charitable donations for our programs, and we have several volunteer opportunities for people who want to help CoB in a hands-on way.   The vision, however, comes from within. 

CoB's Board of Directors is a group of caring professionals with various areas of expertise and one common goal:  to help young patients at Bellevue Hospital Center get the comprehensive care they need.   This year, the Board has two, new presidents.   They are familiar faces in the organization, and we'd like to introduce them to you:

Cheryl Reich

Cheryl has been on the board of CoB since 2011. She has extensive experience working with non-profits dedicated to helping children.   For example, she worked with Big Brothers and Big Sisters for ten years as a volunteer coordinator and Big Sister.   She took an instant interest in CoB when her friend and board member, Stacey Cook, brought her in to tour our programs.   It didn't take long for Cheryl to join the board herself and start contributing on the Governance and Development Committees.   One of her tasks was to help find and hire a new Development Director.   This is where Cheryl's professional training came into play.   Outside of CoB, Cheryl is a Talent Development specialist in the field of Human Resources.   She works for the finance technology firm, Broadridge Financial Solutions.  Her background in HR helped CoB source and secure our new Director of Development in early 2016. Cheryl has  chaired the Development Committee as well as this year's silent auction for Toast to the Children.

Outside of CoB, Cheryl and her husband, David, live with their two adoring cats, Liz and Zelda.   Cheryl enjoys politics, film, travel and bird watching.   She is a self-described New York Times crossword puzzle "fiend," and always welcomes a good restaurant recommendation.       

Judy Keating

udy Keating has been on the board of CoB since 2006, but her involvement with our organization traces back to 1998.   She credits her Aunt Betty for sparking her interest; Betty worked for Bellevue Hospital and brought Judy to the Toast to the Children event.   Judy had been looking for a volunteer opportunity in the city, and when she realized CoB had a Junior Committee, she signed right up.

Judy's contributions to CoB over the past 18 years have been vast.   She has worked on the marketing and governance committees, and she is a principal organizer of The Toast to the Children gala.   Her professional background in sales, trading and management provides her with the necessary skills to successfully run the famed fundraising event.   Judy spent more than 21 years at Paine Webber/UBS before joining TIAA just over three years ago.

Outside of CoB, the Rockaway Beach, NY native loves to cook and enjoys trying new recipes as well as restaurants.   She is a proud graduate of Villanova University and is quick to point out she "bleeds blue." She loves photography and Harry Potter.

Judy's commitment to CoB is truly long-term.   When asked about her goals for its future, she said, "it's simple- to make sure this organization is here to continue its amazing work long after I step aside."
Meet Our New Director of Development: Mariadora Saladino
By Jennifer Davidson, Board Member  
When Mariadora graduated from college, she vowed to make sure her professional life would meet one key criteria:   helping people.   Now, with more than 30 years of non-profit experience, Mariadora still satisfies that goal on a daily basis.   The native of Mt. Vernon, NY and Syracuse University graduate has an impressive background focusing almost exclusively on developing programs and raising funds for children in need.   

What brings you to CoB?

I was impressed with the deep history of Bellevue and the opportunity to strengthen outreach for the programs we support.   We're doing remarkable things at Children of Bellevue, and more people need to be aware of what we do for the area's poorest, most vulnerable children.

You have a Master's Degree in Public Administration and three decades of experience with non-profits.   What have you learned along the way that will help CoB?

I have found that to take your organization to the next level, existing and new relationships must be nurtured and developed with people who are interested in what you are doing.   This is not only for fundraising purposes, but to develop ambassadors in the community.

What are your goals for CoB?

My number one priority is spreading the word about who we are, what we do and how people can help us.   I am eager to take CoB to new heights!

Outside of CoB, what are you hobbies and interests?

I enjoy gardening, playing tennis, Italy, spending time with my family, Syracuse Basketball and the Dallas Cowboys!

Meet Children of Bellevue's Summer Intern!
My name is Sairy I'm 16 years old living in Harlem. I'm entering my third year in high school. This summer I had an opportunity to intern at Bellevue Hospital where I worked with Children of Bellevue and Reach Out and Read. This internship was put together through an organization called Friends of The Children New York. I've been with Friends of the Children for about eight years now. They have helped me with school and also have paired me with a wonderful mentor who helps me with my educational needs. These last couple of summers they have been working on career readiness by giving teens in the opportunity to intern in different busy working environments and on every Friday's we meet as a group and go on trips as professional development. Interning at Bellevue has taught me how to manage my time, become more aware of my surroundings, and learn how to communicate more effectively. Later in life I hope to pursue a career in the medical field as an orthodontist. I am fortunate to be able to have this opportunity because not many people my age have a chance to explore their career paths.

Zumbathon Fund Raising Event on June 9th, 2016
By Jennifer Davidson, Board Member
We all know charitable giving makes you feel good mentally, but who knew it could also help you feel good physically?    Children of Bellevue held its first ever Zumbathon to raise money, and it was a fun-filled success!  Approximately 50 people suited up in their exercise clothes on  June 9th  and came to the ZClub NY where two amazing Zumba teachers donated their time and taught the crowd some cool dance moves.   Board member, Nathalie Zayek Sawabini, organized the event that included exciting raffle prizes such as Bulgari perfume, restaurant gift certificates and even a white gold necklace.    Coco Vita made sure dancers were well-hydrated by donating coconut water, and Au Bon Pain also sponsored the fun by providing delicious cookies.   The event grossed about $7,000 for Children of Bellevue.   For those of you who missed the fun this time, stay tuned.  CoB plans to hold another Zumbathon next year!
Toast to the Children 2016
By Jennifer Davidson, Board Member
Photo Credit: Jennifer Liseo
It's not easy creating a spectacular fundraiser in New York City.  There are a lot of organizations competing for charitable donations.   To win the focus of prospective contributors, an event needs to blend the right ingredients.  Every year, Children of Bellevue's Toast to the Children succeeds with this favorite recipe:

-450 hungry adults

-A dedicated event planning committee, co-chaired by Children of Bellevue Board members Judy Keating, Ron Longe, and Cheryl Reich
Photo Credit: Jennifer Liseo
-Dozens of signature dishes from favorite New York City r estaurants
-A variety of top-shelf drinks from elite beverage sponsors

-1 beautiful backdrop with compelling ambiance
-1 goal: Supporting Children of Bellevue

Photo Credit: Jennifer Liseo
Long-time backers of CoB, new contributors and foodies alike mingled, dined and sipped for hours during the evening of April 19th at Riverpark on East 29th Street.   Chef, Riverpark owner and CoB Board member, Tom Colicchio, provided the gorgeous space for people to enjoy a night out while donating to our cause.   This was the 20th consecutive year Colicchio graciously hosted the event.  The gala brought in more than $400,000 for Children of Bellevue and provided an opportunity for us to publicly highlight our accomplishments over the past year.

Our Toast Event Committee

Photo Credit: Veronica Bruno

Dr. Jennifer Havens, Tom Colicchio
Photo Credit: Jennifer Liseo
Toast to the Children 2016 Honorees:
Dr. Jennifer Havens is a leader in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry.   She is an Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Public Psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine and Director and Chief of Service of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Bellevue Hospital Center.

Tom Colicchio, Rebecca Charles, Jeffrey Meckler

Photo Credit: Jennifer Liseo

Rebecca Charles, creator and owner of Pearl Oyster Bar, is renowned for bringing Maine's signature sandwich, the lobster roll, to Manhattan.   
She is the author of Lobster Rolls and Blueberry Pie: Three Generations of Stories and Recipes from Summers on the Coast of Maine.
Jeffrey Meckler, a pharmaceutical and biotechnology executive with more than 25 years of experience in his field.  He is also a long-time CoB board member and has served as President of the Board.

Meet Our 2016 NYC Marathon Runners

By Ron Longe, Board Member and Marketing Committee Chair

Children of Bellevue is proud to have five runners in this year's TCS New York City Marathon raising money to fund CoB's important programs. Please meet our "Run for the Children" team: Nadim Razzouk, Magali Thomas, Christophe Thomas, Leo Trasande, and Guilherme Valle. Their stories and compassion for New York City children can be found on
"We welcome Children of Bellevue as an official charity partner of the 2016 TCS New York City Marathon," said Michael Rodgers, Vice President of Development and Philanthropy for New York Road Runners. "Our official charity partner program is one of the TCS New York City Marathon's most meaningful elements, providing thousands of participants with the opportunity to run for causes significant to them, while raising critical funds for hundreds of inspiring non-profit organizations. We wish the best to all of these runners as they begin their extraordinary journey to the 2016 TCS New York City Marathon."

CoB also wants to give a big thank you to board members Helen Stephan and Benjamine Valle for their help in organizing our involvement in this year's marathon
Please come out to support our runners and say thank you for their fundraising efforts that will improve the health and well-being of children in CoB's programs.

Name: Nadim Razzouk
Age:  49
Occupation:  Fund manager
Number of times running marathon: First time
What inspired you to train for the marathon:Children of Bellevue
How did you become involved with Children of Bellevue: Benjamine Valle
Click to Support Nadim!

Name: Magali Thomas
Age: 39
Occupation: Executive Director Eyewear & Ecommerce at Chanel
Number of times running the marathon: twice (chicago Marathon)
What inspired you to train for the marathon: great personal challenge and support a charity
How did you become involved with Children of Bellevue: through our friend Benjamine
Click to Support Magali!

Name: Christophe Thomas
Age: 46
Occupation: HedgeFund Manager
Number of times running the marathon: twice (chicago Marathon)
What inspired you to train for the marathon: have fun and support a charity
How did you become involved with Children of Bellevue: through our Friend Benjamine
Click to Support Christophe!

Name: Leo Trasande
Age: 43
Occupation: Pediatrician
Number of times running the marathon: 2nd (1st NYC)
What inspired you to train for the marathon: A great cause and great city to run!  No better motivation to train.
How did you become involved with Children of Bellevue: I am a general pediatric attending at Bellevue, supervising residents and seeing children each Wednesday.
Click to Support Leo!

Name: Guilherme Valle               
Age: 44
Occupation: Financial Analyst
Number of times running the marathon: This is my third time. I ran the marathon in 1995 and 2009.
What inspired you to train for the marathon: It's such a fun event, but also a great challenge.  
How did you become involved with Children of Bellevue: Through a coat drive at our son's school.

In This Issue
Upcoming Events
October 13, 2016:
Art Auction and Modern Dance Haitian Artist- Felix LesnyPaul Taylor Dancer- Parisa Khobdeh

November 6, 2016:
NYC Marathon

April, 2017:  
Toast to the Children

Watch our website and your email for more details!
Children of Bellevue, Inc.
(212) 562-4130
 462 First Avenue ME-15
New York, NY 10016