Mother’s Day is a wonderful day to celebrate all of the mother figures in our lives. Mothers around the world work hard to provide for their children, and love them endlessly.
We know how hard it can be to be a mother. That’s why Midwest Mission has two kits that are gifted to expecting mothers to make this new season of their life easier.
The Birthing Kit includes items to assist in a healthy birth for mom and baby.
The Layette Kit includes a sweater, sleepers, onesies, infant washcloths, cloth diapers, diaper cream, diaper pins, and receiving blankets.
This Mother’s Day, you can make a donation in honor of your mother, that could give a new mother around the world hope for the life she is bringing into the world through needed resources she might not have had otherwise.
A $15 donation will give a Birthing Kit to an expecting mom, so she can safely have her baby.
A $45 donation will give a Layette Kit to a new mom, so she may have some of the items necessary to care for her new baby.
To make a donation in someone’s honor, go to Be sure to click on “I would like to dedicate this donation” and fill out the fields. In the “My gift is for” field, click on “general support.” You can also send a check to 1001 Mission Drive, Pawnee, IL 62558. If you are dedicating your donation, please include their name within the envelope.
For all the mothers and the mothers-at-heart, thank you for your care and kindness.
Happy Mother's Day!