Children's Eucharist: Outdoor and In-Person
Tomorrow in the Page Garden
We are looking forward to seeing those who registered for the Children's Ministry outdoor, in-person Children's Eucharist in the Page Garden tomorrow, Sunday, September 20, at 10 am. The service is at capacity and registration is closed.

The Children's Ministry service will feature Children's Chapel leader Brett Rutledge and Eucharist will be administered by Fr. Peter Speropulos. Attendees will receive a goodie bag of car decorations to prepare for the St. Michael's Sunday Parade on September 27. Masks are required to be worn by all attendees throughout the service. Seating is provided. Upon arrival, please check in at the Wydown Playground entrance. Children will be escorted to the Page Garden for Children's Eucharist.

As part of Children's Ministry's Outdoor Eucharist and in celebration of St. Michael's Sunday, we are collecting school supplies for our neighbors at Last Days Apostolic Church. Please bring donations of school supplies to Children's Eucharist on September 20 or to the St. Michael's Sunday celebration on September 27.

If you have any questions about Children's Ministry's Outdoor Eucharist, please contact Mary Beth Tipton or Amy Zimmerman.
The Beatitudes Lesson Three:
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
In this week's lesson, students learn about the first blessing and promise of the Beatitudes. They explore the meaning of "poor in spirit" as it relates to our physical poverty as well as emotional burdens. God blesses us whether we feel happy, sad, angry or afraid. Do you know someone who is feeling "poor in spirit" right now? How can you encourage them?
Register for Children's Ministry
We are still registering students for Children's Ministry for the 2020-21 school year. Please complete the online registration for your family. We will continue to send weekly updates through our e-newsletter and resources also are available at
Contact Us
Mary Beth Tipton
Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Amy Zimmerman
Assistant Director of Children's Education
The Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church School | The Church of St. Michael & St. George | 314.721.1502 |