Dear friend of 4Cs,

Fifty years of service is a milestone that 4Cs of Alameda County is proud to celebrate. Five decades ago a group of parents came together in Southern Alameda County to brainstorm how best to support families who needed child care and Community Childcare Coordinating Council of Alameda County was born. A few logo changes, name updates, office locations, and years later and here we are preparing to celebrate 50 years with the community that makes 4Cs of Alameda County such an incredible, impactful family resource center. Speaking of a few years later, I am excited that, after a rain out followed by a couple years of pandemic interruptions, we are bringing back my favorite event of the year – our Annual Children’s Fair! On May 20th from 10am-1pm we welcome you all to join us for a day of fun, festivities, giveaways, and more. Don’t forget to stop by the Welcome Table and say “hi!” as I look forward to celebrating with all of you as you are part of the community of families, friends, community partners, and child care providers that makes this anniversary celebration extra special.

Be well,
Renee S. Herzfeld
Chief Executive Officer