May Parent Workshops
View the full schedule of free workshops
Positive Solutions for Families (PSF)
May 1, 8, 15, 22 / noon to 1 p.m. / Register
Learn how to promote children’s social and emotional skills, address challenging behaviors and use positive approaches to manage emotions in this four-part lunch & learn series. For families with children up to age eight.
Positive Solutions Cafe
May 22 / 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. / Register
Meet other parents, discuss lessons learned, ask questions and learn more about PSF. Parents will receive free resources to implement the strategies in their own home. Dinner provided; child care is available.
Una guía para padres sobre comportamientos desafiantes
Miércoles 8 de Mayo / 7 p.m. horas / Regístrate Aprenda cómo ayudar a disminuir la ocurrencia de comportamientos negativos y/o qué hacer cuando ocurren. Asista a esta sesión, haga preguntas y salga con habilidades y recursos que puede utilizar de inmediato para sentirse más seguro en su crianza. Para padres, abuelos y personas involucradas con niños de 2 a 8 años.
Navigating Your Child’s Mental Health Journey
May 13, 7 to 8 p.m. / Virtual / Register
Taking the first steps to navigate mental health supports for children can be a challenging. Learn the stages of mental health and find local resources and supports to guide your understanding and provide choices to help.
Strengthen your Child’s Coping Skills
May 16, 7 to 8 p.m. / Virtual / Register
Learn strategies to help your child prepare, regulate and deal with small to big life transitions, overwhelming and uncomfortable emotions, worries, disappointment, failure, criticism, and sadness.
Eat, Learn, Grow - Social Emotional
May 20, 7 to 8 p.m. / Virtual / Register
Explore social emotional development, milestones and skills children need to manage emotions and build relationships with others, from birth to age five.
Sibling Rivalry
May 23, 7 to 8 p.m. / Virtual / Register
This workshop is for parents who are experiencing challenges between their children such as arguing, name calling and fighting.