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Summer Worship Schedule

Sunday July 23, 2023

  • 8:15 Early Worship in Wesley Hall
  • 9:15 Chapel in the Woods
  • 10:30 Worship in the Sanctuary (Children's Church is offered for 4 year-olds through 2nd graders)
  • 8:00-11:30 Nursery is available (infants through 4-year-olds)

NOTE: All doors to the lower entrances will be locked on Sunday mornings. Please use the front - main entrance to access the Nursery and all others areas of the church.

July and August Family Night Fun!

Family Night:Bike Night - Wednesday July 26, 2023

Bike Night is rescheduled for Wednesday July 26, 2023 starting at 6pm. Pease register using the QR code. This helps us to make sure we have enough food available.

Family Night:Fishing & Picnic - Wednesday August 9, 2023

Please register below using the QR Code.

Birthday Card Ministry

We are seeking volunteers to help shower the kids and youth at St. Paul’s with a birthday card on their special day. If you are interested in being part of this ministry, sign-up now

You will receive an email with all the necessary information about the Birthday Card Ministry about a month before you'll be sending cards. For example if you are sending January birthday cards, you'll receive your list in December. 

Depending on how many birthday are happening in any given month and the number of volunteers mailing cards, you may receive a list of between 3-10 children and their addresses.  If at anytime you realize you are not able to send the cards you signed up to deliver, please reach out to Erin Soza.

Looking Ahead

Children’s Ministries Special Summer Schedule

Wednesday July 26 Family Night – Picnic Dinner & Bike Night, St. Paul's UMC

July 30-August 5: Erin away on PTO

Wednesday August 9 Family Night - Picnic at North Park, Gold Star Grove

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