August 2024 Newsletter

Dear Parents,


It is hard to believe that school will soon be starting. I enjoyed every day that I got to be with your child. We had a GREAT summer. At the end of children’s camp, I always ask kids their favorite thing (most said the Banana Boat), what they learned about God (most said different Bible stories) and how they want to be different when they go home. We talked a lot about you are NEVER too young to do BIG things for God. All our kids want to come to church more as well as read the Bible. I am so proud of your children. But I know for them to accomplish what they think God wants them to do, it happens with YOU. So, our kids will have their own Bible Reading Plan. Preschool friends will have a memory verse and be encouraged to read their upcoming Sunday morning Bible lesson. School Age friends will have memory verses as well as Bible skills, so they are more comfortable reading God’s word and hiding it is their heart. We will bring back some fun challenges like Waffles with Wayne and other staff.


Please make sure these August events are on your child’s calendar:


August 18    

  • 9:00 am – Sunday School Promotion and Pickup Bible Reading Plan
  •  10:00 am – ONE service (Bible presentation for 3K, 1st & 4th Grade)
  •  4:00 pm – End of Summer Social

Looking ahead – Please make sure these dates are on your child’s calendar.

  • September 11 – 5:00 pm Wednesday night activities resume
  • December 8 – 5:00-7:00 pm – Dinner, Gingerbread Decorating & Santa
  • June 9-13, 2025 – VBS
  • June 21-28, 2025 – Family Mission Trip
  • July 20-24, 2025 – YMCA Camp Chandler


I am thankful for your family.



Worship Care

We are going to try moving over to Realm, our church database, for worship care signups. Click the link below to sign up to serve in worship care this fall. We need help every Sunday! Each parent is asked to serve once a month. Once you are on Realm, you can easily view your assignments through the app or web browser and you’ll receive two email reminders the week before you serve.

Once we have volunteer spots in classes filled, we will add greeting spots to the sign up, but we need to start first by making sure each class has a volunteer.

Aug- Nov 2024 Schedule

Sign up through emailed link:

1.     Click this link and it will open Realm on your web browser

2.     Scroll down to select the Sundays you want to serve and select “add”

Sign up through app:

1.     Click “More”

2.     Click “Serving”

3.     Select “Worship Care Volunteer” under your teams

4.     Scroll down to select the Sundays you can serve and select “add”

Sign up through web browser:

1.     Click “Serving”

2.     Select “Worship Care Volunteer” under your teams

3.     Scroll down to select the Sundays you want to serve and select “add”

If you sign up and then realize you cannot serve, please try to swap with someone and let Sharon know. You can try to find a replacement and swap or decline your assignment through the Realm Connect app or through your web browser.

Edit assignment through app:

1.     Go to “More”

2.     Click “Serving”

3.     Click the assignment you need to change

4.     Follow the instructions to either swap or decline the assignment

Edit assignment through mobile browser:

1.     Go to “Serving”

2.     Click the assignment you need to change

3.     Follow the instructions to either swap or decline the assignment

If you need help getting on Realm, contact Amy Hirsch ( or visit


Help Needed!

We still need Sunday morning Bible teachers primarily in toddlers and 3rd grade Sunday School. Our kids are truly a joy. I know that you will be blessed teaching our kids about Jesus.


Help is also needed to teach 4th-6th grade missions on Wednesday night.


Deliver birthday signs. Our preschool & children’s committee have faithfully delivered signs to children on their birthday. Anyone willing to deliver signs, please let me know.

Are you following us on social media?

(Linked below)

Facebook- Mountain Brook Baptist - Preschool Parents

Facebook- Mountain Brook Baptist- School Age Parents

Facebook- Mountain Brook Baptist- Preteen Parents

Instagram- MBBC Preschool Kids

Instagram- MBBC Kids

August Birthdays! Be sure to include your church friends in your child’s birthday celebrations. Invite to their party. Bring breakfast or treat to Sunday School or music and missions. IF I have missed your child’s birthday, please let me know. Please return birthday signs to my office for a birthday treat. If any school age kids would like a lunch guest at school, please let me know.

Thomas Heard                   6

James Montgomery          7

Caroline Todd                  7

Kathleen Jewell                 12

Robert Watson                12

Katherine Davis Holley   18

Ella & Lucy Hymer           18

Larkin Saunders              18

Owen Piede                      21

Gray Ponder                     21

Charlie Keith                    22

Jeremiah Spence            23

Izzy Rich                         25

Josalyn Bearden               31

Subscribe to our calendars for iPhone!

Preschool Calendar
School Age Calendar
Preteen Calendar

Please let us know how we can pray for your family. I would like to include prayer requests in weekly updates.