Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church 




October  2013 

A Light in the Darkness

My boys have always loved Halloween.  As soon as costumes come out, they want to try on all the masks, play with all the swords, and talk about which costume to wear for Halloween night.  For my youngest, Andrew, the scarier the better.  While he understands that costumes are just that, Costumes, there are things that scare him.  With all the ghoulish things saturating their world in the month of October, some kids feel a heightened sense of fear alongside the excitement of a day when they can dress up like their favorite character and get loads of candy.  With horror movie trailers flashing across the TV screen, scary costumes, and creepy decorations hanging outside neighboring homes, you're bound to need to address some of your child's fears.  Your children will look to you to help them sort through the uncertainty of it all while helping them to understand what to fear.  Address the monsters under the bed and guide your kids to trust Jesus to be near - especially when they are afraid.

Here's how:

1.  Ask your kids to express what they are afraid of, what makes them nervous.  Do they feel alone, threatened, defenseless?  Address their fears directly, and let them know that you remember having fears as a child.  Share a time when you felt scared of something.  Let them know that fears are normal, and that even some adults have fears.

2.  Tell your kids that no matter what they are scared of, that Jesus is with us and is more powerful than anything that scares us.  Read aloud what Jesus says in John 8:12.  "I am the light of the world, if you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life."  Give your kids a flashlight that they can turn on to remind them that Jesus is the light that makes the darkness go away.

3.  Pay about their fears, and thank Jesus for always being there for us.

Maybe this sounds simplistic to you, that the answer to your child's fear is to just know that Jesus is with them, but this is the beginning to a greater understanding.  The ability of a toddler to form mental images, opens the world to magical thinking and the consequence of fearful fantasies. The ability to imagine monsters without the ability to reason them away can cause big fears.  Start early with your kids by teaching them that fear is not from God. Timothy 1:7 says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love..."  And Isiah 41:10 - "Fear not, for I am with you."  Model for your kids that God's word can help them navigate their fears, and comfort them.  Establishing this pattern now, will help them to lean on God when they are teenagers or adults.

Your kids will face hardships in life - by their own choices and those of others.  While you can't predict everything, you can ask God to be with you and your kids through it all and defeat fear with trust in the "source of all comfort."



  • Oct. 6
    • PB&Jesus for HS and YG for 5th - 8th  (12-3pm)
  • Oct. 13 
    • NO Sunday School or Children's Chapel
    • NO YG
    • Children's Choir Rehearsal (5:00-5:45pm)
    • Art of Faith (5:45-6:45pm)
  • Oct. 20 
    • Youth Group 9th Annual Bowling Night - Brunswick Bowl
    • YG - Youth Group
  • Oct. 27
    • Christmas Pageant Sign-ups (10am)
    • Children's Choir Rehearsal (5:00-5:45pm)
    • YG - Youth Group
    • Fall Festival ( 6:00pm-8:00pm)

3rd Annual Fall Festival...

When:  Sunday, October 27th

Time:  Trunk or Treat @ 6:00PM

Bring:  A non-perishable food item to donate

Join us for games, candy, raffle prizes, candy, a dunk tank, candy, bounce house and CANDY!!

All Ages and All Creatures Welcome (That is...all non scary, non-creepy, and non-ghoulish creatures welcome.  We protect our little one's from the likes of YOU!)

Contact Deanna Fair if you want to volunteer.  [email protected]

Teachable Moments


If you take your kids trick-or-treating on Halloween, you can turn your night out into a simple family service project. At every other house, have your kids ask for a donation of a non-perishable canned food instead of candy. Explain to your kids that your goal is to share Jesus' love by gathering food for families whose biggest fear might be that they don't have enough to eat.


Calling all shepherds and angels!
  The Saint Matthew's Christmas Pageant is just around the corner on December 15th!


You can sign your child up for the pageant in front of the church on October 27th & November 3rd after the 9 & 11 o'clock services.

For more information you can contact Deanna Fair at [email protected]
Contact Info: 

Kadi Strong
Director of Youth & Children's Ministries
[email protected]

Deanna Fair
Assistant Director of Youth & Children's

Where's my Sunday School Class?   


Pre/k-K Room 9

1st - 3rd  Room 8

4th - 6th  Room 12

JrHigh/HS Room 11 (ReMix) 

Children's Chapel, offered during the 11am service, is for children 4-8, and runs on the same schedule as Sunday School.  If the church calendar says no Sunday school, then there is no Children's Chapel as well. 
Nursery care available for children under the age of 4 next door in room 10.

"All praise to God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.  He comforts us in our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."

-2 Corinthians 1:3-4