The Church of the Good Shepherd

231 North Church St.

Rocky Mount, NC

eShepherd December 13, 2023

This Sunday at Good Shepherd

Third Sunday of Advent

December 17, 2023

8:00 AM

Rite 1 Holy Communion

10:30 AM

Contemporary Language Service of Holy Communion

with choir and congregational hymns.

Live streamed at

Happening this week at Good Shepherd

This Sunday

We welcome Rev. George Greer to both services this morning.


  • Morning Prayer at noon. This short service is a wonderful way to center your week on those things that matter most. Please join us.
  • Cherub Choir Practice from 5:15 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
  • Alleluia Choir Practice from 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
  • Good Shepherd Choir Practice at 7 p.m.

We welcome the following priests to Good Shepherd through Christmas Eve.

December 24

Rev. Bill Bennett, 8 a.m.

Rev. Shawn Schreiner 5 p.m.

Save the Dates!

Saturday, December 16- 2 p.m. Emily Baker Hyatt funeral service in the sanctuary. Online condolences may be made at The funeral will be live-streamed at

Sunday, December 17- 10:30 a.m. Children's Christmas Pageant, Annual Meeting following the Pageant

Sunday, December 24- 4:30 p.m.Prelude to the Five o'clock Christmas Eve Eucharist at 5 p.m.

The Good Shepherd Choir and soloists will sing favorite Christmas anthems and carols. The prelude will also include organ, trumpet, and violin music.

Children's Christmas Pageant!

We plan to have our annual Children's Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 17th, at the 10:30 a.m. service. We will have a brief rehearsal in the church at 9:50 that morning and then will put on costumes in the choir area of the parish hall.

Volunteers have already signed up to portray Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. We still need volunteers for the roles of Angels, Shepherds, Wise Men, Isaiah, animals, and a star. We also need older youth to volunteer to read lessons at the pageant.

If your child would like to be in the pageant, please contact Lawrence Goering at or 252-813-0190, or just join us at 9:50 in the parish hall.

Vestry Candidate Bios

Kenneth Burnette

I was born and raised in Rocky Mount. After college and marrying my high school sweetheart,

Deborah and I were looking for a church home. Deborah was “encouraged” by Charlie Penick to come to Good Shepherd. I remember the Christmas Eve midnight service as one of our first. Having grown up at West Haven Presbyterian, the midnight service was something I had not experienced before. It did not take long to realize this was where we wanted to be and to raise our family. Ashton and Mark grew up here.

I have previously served on various commissions and served as Senior Warden with Priest Scott White. If elected, I feel my experience could help us with different and difficult times. I am now retired and I am willing to serve Good Shepherd and I appreciate the opportunity.

Barbara Hicks

I am honored to have this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you who do not know me. I am Barbara Coggins Hicks, wife of Al Hicks III. We have four wonderful, adult children and six grandchildren. I am a career teacher with Nash County Public Schools, and this is my third year as the Instructional Coach at Spring Hope Elementary School. 

Working in public education is a very challenging job; however, I have always

believed that my sincere commitment to support and care for others helps me to have a positive impact on lives while contributing to the betterment of our community. As a member of Good Shepherd’s vestry, we will work together to celebrate God’s love through our church community, to grow in our faith as we support and encourage one another. Al and I were married at Good Shepherd 44 years ago when we were members of Christ Church Episcopal, but because

 Christ Church was being renovated, we had the good fortune of discovering Good Shepherd. When our children were young, Al and I both taught Sunday School, and we have served as mentors to confirmands as recently as 2020. I served as the clerk to the vestry for several years, and I presently serve as a reader for the 8:00 service each month. 

Should you decide that I am a suitable candidate to serve on the vestry, I will happily accept this responsibility to serve our church and help to support as we move into the future

Jack Miller

I have been married to my wife, Leeann, for 37 years. We have three children ranging in age from 36 to 27 years old and six grandchildren ranging in age from 17 to 1. Leeann and I with our son John Michael moved to Rocky Mount in 2012 when I accepted a job as VP of

Finance and Administration for North America with Kaba Ilco Inc. I left Kaba Ilco in 2019 and have occupied myself with various short-term consulting and temporary positions. During my tenure with Kaba, I also was on the advisory board as a member of the Finance Committee for Tri County Industries, a local non-profit organization. The last five years of my tenure with Tri County, I was their Treasurer.

I was born in Springfield, Ohio where I attended K-12 and college at Wittenberg University. Later, I received my MBA from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. "!

While living in Springfield, as a youth I attended church with my paternal grandparents at the neighbor Church of God where I was baptized. When my family moved, my sister and I began attending a Lutheran church where I was confirmed. I remained a member of the Lutheran church until I married Leeann. After this, I converted to the catholic faith where the family was very active in the church. The children attended the parish catholic school. I was the school board president and later the school’s business manager. When we moved to Rocky Mount, the local catholic community did not feel like the community we had in Ohio. After trying to embrace the local catholic church for over a year, the family decided that we needed to make a change. We spent the next year visiting a different church each week looking for a new spiritual home. Rarely did we visit a church twice until we visited The Church of the Good Shepherd. The warmth of the church family was immediately felt. One week became two and shortly after we knew that our quest for a new church home was over. I would like to give back to this warm and welcoming community. I have served the church in our Ohio community and now would like to give my time and talents to my new church family at The Church of the Good Shepherd.

direct and compelling headline

Outreach Committee Update

As we celebrate this season of giving, a heartfelt thank you for your incredible support of our Christmas Stars project. Your generosity provides yet another beacon of hope in our community.

We're not done yet, though - and we need your help! As part of our partnership with Ripe for Revival, we've been given the opportunity to assemble and deliver Christmas meals to families in need.

Join us on the morning of December 20th for a fun and fulfilling packing session, followed by an afternoon of delivering these bundles of joy.

Your participation will bring smiles and make a real difference. Let's share the spirit of Christmas together!

If you would like to participate, please reach out to Isabella Walker at Thanks!

Just a sample of the beautiful knitted scarves and hats the group recently made.

Good Shepherd Knitters

The knitters are working to keep folks in need warm this year. Recently, the group donated hand-knitted scarves and hats to the women and men in the shelters. Would you like to help? The knitters meet just about every Wednesday from 10:30 to noon. For more information, please contact Ginger Elliot at 252-373-0707.

Poinsettias in Memory or Thanksgiving

Each year the church is decorated with poinsettias for the twelve days of Christmas. You may order one in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one. The cost is $15.00 per plant. Order forms can be found in the pews and on the tables in the entranceways to the church. Orders are due by Sunday, December 17th.

Parish Prayer List

For those in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity: especially Presiding Bishop Curry, Ron Coone, Bobbi Weeks, Beth Oden, Debbie Dildy, Bill Hudgins, Randolph Reid, Ernest Jones and Martha B.

For continued health and healing: Lib Blackburn, Becky Bryan, Elizabeth "Sister" Cherry, Albert Ervin, Frances Gaither, Dwight Johnson, Corrine Landis, Reid McAuley, Boo White, and Brent Wilson

For the blessings of this life:

For those expecting the birth of a child:

For those who have died: Roy Thompson, Pam Wells, Mason Moore, Butch Moss, Emily Baker Hyatt.

To add or remove people on the Prayer List please contact Cheryl Coppedge at Please ask their permission before submitting.

In case of illness, a death in the family, for other pastoral emergencies, or to request a pastoral visit please contact church leadership via email at


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