Dear Children's Summer Program Families:
Thank you for being patient as we weighed American Camp Association guidelines alongside government mandates in our efforts to bring you a Summer Program that ensures campers, families and staff remain safe. We also appreciate your efforts in completing our parent survey; thank you for your valuable feedback.

With the safety of our campers and our staff at the forefront of our planning, we have decided that this year's Children's Summer Program will be administered online.

Many of our classes will go on as originally scheduled and we will have a number of new offerings. However, some classes such as our off-site sports camps, are being cancelled. You will receive a refund for any classes that are cancelled as well as for supervised lunch.

We are currently working hard to finalize the amended schedule and we expect to have it ready by next week. We ask that you wait to start making changes to your child's schedule until then.

We understand that you may have questions about updated policies regarding changes to your child's schedule and refunds. We encourage you to read our FAQ. If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact us at
Q) Now that the Children’s Summer Program is online, I’d like to change some of the classes my child is registered for. Can I do that without penalty?
A) Yes. Up until June 14 you can change classes without paying a change fee. From June 14 to June 21, any changes will incur a charge of 10% of the class fee(s). To be fair to our instructors and the work they are putting forth in order to transition online, you will forfeit class tuition for changes/cancellations after June 22, 2020 (Session 1) and July 6, 2020 (Session 2).

Q) Can I get a full refund if I no longer want my child to attend?
A) Yes. We recognize that the online format isn’t for everyone, and we want to be flexible with our refund policy. Therefore we are allowing full refunds up until June 14. From June 14 to June 21, any changes will incur a charge of 10% of the class fee(s). To be fair to our instructors and the work they are putting forth in order to transition online, you will forfeit class tuition for changes/cancellations after June 22, 2020 (Session 1) and July 6, 2020 (Session 2).

For those who are able, we would ask that you consider making a small donation. The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School is a non-profit organization serving the community since 1933, and we would appreciate any assistance during this difficult time. This is especially helpful since we lose 10 percent of the tuition to our software company every time we make a transaction.

Q. How will I be notified of cancelled classes that my child was registered for?
A) You will receive an email from us notifying you if a class your child is registered for has been cancelled. Tuition will be moved to a family holding account in ActiveNet, our software system, and can be used toward other classes or refunded upon request. You will have the ability to login to ActiveNet and use the holding account funds to register for another class or request a refund by emailing us at We ask that you be patient as it will take time for us to administer the refunds.

Q) If we try the virtual classes and my child decides he/she doesn’t like them can I get a refund?
A) Unfortunately we cannot give refunds after June 22, 2020 (Session 1) and July 6, 2020 (Session 2).

Q) With classes being offered online instead of in person, will the prices change?

A) For those classes where supplies would have been provided, we reduced the course fees and added an online supply list. (We will transfer any supply fees to your family holding account in ActiveNet.) We’ve also partnered with Mika Braakman of A Paper Hat, located at 94 Baker Street, Maplewood, NJ to ensure art supply availability in the community. Mika generously offers a 10% discount on Children’s Summer Program supplies and free delivery in Maplewood/South Orange on orders greater than $30. 
A Note About Refunds
We respectfully ask you to consider offering a portion of any refunded tuition as a tax-deductible donation to the Adult School. We completely understand that everyone needs to make choices that work best for their respective families, but any sized donation is appreciated and will help us with already incurred expenses and ensure the Adult School’s doors stay open.  This is especially helpful since we lose 10 percent of the tuition to our software company every time we make a transaction. 

The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School is a small non-profit that has been serving the community since 1933. We do not receive any taxpayer funding and rely solely on the revenue from tuition and contributions from our vital community. Our Children’s Summer Program employs many South Orange-Maplewood School District teachers and talented community members and allows us to bring you low-cost, quality programming year round.
Thank you so much for supporting our programming and stay safe.
The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School Children’s Summer Program