
The same week I began my work for children and families at St. Andrew's, our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, began a weekly series of short videos. The videos are meant to help us stop and reflect as we negotiate these pandemic times together.
That was 3 months ago. Back then, nobody knew how long this would last (I'm not sure anybody knows now). Or that our country would burst into urgent calls for justice for the victims of racial violence and protests against police brutality.
As all this continues, I find myself eagerly awaiting his weekly messages. It gives me a different, and usually more hopeful, way of engaging with our current reality while also urging me to be part of the solution.
Tuesday's message struck a chord with me. The idea that these times are hard for us all, yet even harder for so many, helps me keep my perspective. It helps me act from a place of compassion instead of fear. I found strength in the words of the song he recited. I loved the song so much I even searched until I found this beautiful acapella version to share with you along with the Bishop's video.
I encourage you to join us in our Conversations about Race described below. God cherishes us all so much. I pray that you feel this love, and it helps you cherish your own as well as all God's children.
With much love and prayers for God's justice and God's peace,

-Erin O'Brien, Director of Christian Education

Sunday-Holy Eucharist
Sundays, 10 am
This week we'll all come together for the liturgy of the Holy Eucharist from The Book of Common Prayer. Since none of us can receive communion right now, after Mother Brenda consecrates the elements, we'll all join in the prayer for Spiritual Communion. You'll find the bulletin and video on our  website

Conversations about Race
Sundays, June 21-July 12, 10:45 am-noon
Join an ecumenical group of participants from three of our neighboring congregations in this four-session overview series using the Sacred Ground curriculum. Through videos and discussion, we'll deepen our understanding of systemic racism as well as our connections. Click  here to join via Zoom or call 669-900-6833 (meeting ID: 224 586 038). Please review  the dialogue guidelines before joining the call. If you can't join on Sunday mornings, but would like to be in a discussion group, please let  me know.

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