Good Friday
Dear Youth and Families,

Below is a wonderful and powerful devotional by Courtney that really captures the significance of Good Friday. We are able to celebrate the joy of the resurrection on Easter Sunday because of the love, pain, and sacrifice of Jesus on Good Friday. Please read and reflect on it, watch the video of a song that captures God's love story for us in Jesus, and follow the guide to pray.

I encourage you to sit with Jesus today and come to Him honestly. Jesus came down from heaven, lived as a human, and suffered unlike anything we can imagine as He was crucified and took on every sin ever committed in past, present, and future - out of His incredible love for YOU!

Spend time with your Savior today, and prepare your heart for the joyous celebration of the Resurrection on Sunday!

Dear Children's Parents,

I have to share with you, that Good Friday is my favorite "holiday" and I understand how unusual that sounds. This day, from my perspective, is a sequence of events that tells of the greatest act of love in the history of humanity. I would be remised if I did not share this message with the children for whom this act was committed. For them to understand why Easter is such a joyous occasion, they must first have an understanding of the sacrifice that was made.

Join me on this most sacred day in sharing this message. I've added a video at the end, with a song and imagery that puts EVERYTHING into perspective.

Prayers & Peace,
Ms. Courtney

As we have learned on our journey through Lent, Jesus was a most humble man and perfect servant of God. As I said before, those who were filled with pride did not recognize the Messiah when they saw Him. Those same people who did not know Jesus, worked hard to destroy Him.

On that first Good Friday, some 2,000 years ago, Jesus was accused of a crime He did not commit and sentenced to death. Jesus knew that this would happen all along because He is the son of God and knows everything that will happen. But although He is the Son of God, He still came to Earth as a man and experienced everything like we as humans do. Every joy and every pain, Jesus could feel it all.

On the night Jesus was betrayed, He had gone to the garden to pray. But for Jesus, praying was what it is like for you to talk to your parents, since Jesus was God's son. Jesus was questioning His Father, God. Jesus was asking to be spared from what He knew was about to happen. This shows us His humanity, what made Him like us.

So when Jesus was put on trial before the crowd, He was insulted and ridiculed. He was badly hurt by the Roman guards that held Him in chains. Jesus was made to carry His own cross up the side of a mountain. And all the way people spit on Him, threw things at Him and teased Him. When Jesus was nailed to the cross and in terrible pain, He said, "Father forgive them, they do not understand what they are doing."

As Jesus was in anguish, He asked God to forgive the very people who were hurting Him.

While we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. That was His choice.

As humans, we all have the freedom to choose. Now you may think that's not true, that you have to do what your parents tell you. The truth is that you get to choose whether or not you are going to obey your parents. Jesus also had this choice. He could have chosen to disobey His Father. He had done nothing wrong, and nobody would have blamed Him from running away from such a terrible fate. Jesus chose the path His Father set before Him.

Imagine for a moment with me, if Jesus had chosen differently. What would that mean for the rest of us?

Jesus dying for us was the greatest act of love the world will ever know. It is a love story to trump all others. The perfect Son of God came to Earth to live and experience the world as a human. Making every perfect choice as God has commanded. He never sinned or did anything wrong His whole life. He chose to die a scary death for all the other imperfect humans. When Jesus made this choice, He paid the price for all of us. Without this act of love, we would never get to live forever with God, in Heaven.
Guided Prayer
(from Crosswalk online Christian magazine)

Follow this prayer and spend time in quiet reflection.

Dear God,

We remember today, the pain and suffering of the cross, and all that Jesus was willing to endure, so we could be set free. He paid the price, such a great sacrifice, to offer us the gift of eternal life.

Help us never to take for granted this huge gift of love on our behalf. Help us to be reminded of the cost of it all. Forgive us for being too busy, or distracted by other things, for not fully recognizing what you freely given, what you have done for us.

Thank you Lord that by your wounds we are healed. Thank you that because of your huge sacrifice we can live free. Thank you that sin and death have been conquered, and that your Power is everlasting.

Thank you that we can say with great hope, “It is finished…” For we know what’s still to come. And death has lost its sting. We praise you for you are making all things new.

In Jesus Name,
