Presentation at the Temple

Andrea Mantegna

Berlin, Germany

Old Donation Episcopal Church

Weekly Chimes E-News

The Presentation of our Lord

2 February 2025

Hello, Old Donation!

We had a wonderful turnout for our Parish Annual Meeting last Sunday. If you missed it, there's a link below that will take you to the slideshow of the meeting so you can be informed. Our Parish is healthy, continuing to do God's work in the world, as we we usher in this new year of change.

Tonight we continue with the theme of change with one of our final Transition Focus Groups. Join us at 6:00pm in Tucker Hall, OR join us Sunday in Tucker Hall after 10:30am worship. These final meetings will shape our voice that will be put out to the greater Episcopalian community on what we desire in our new rector. Come, be part of the final information gathering.

Noon prayers have been sparse due to illness - don't give up on us! Something is going through the office, but soon and very soon we will all be healthy again.

Our EYC-Kids had a great time with Legos on Sunday, demonstrating what sacred places look like to them. Check out the display in our Narthex.

This Sunday, Rick Vinson+ will be our officiant in all three services. We have Christian Formation (Sunday School) for ALL at 9:30am. We look forward to seeing you around God's kingdom!


~Gretchen Hood

Director of Administration & Communications


Every week we need ushers for the 8:00am and 10:30am worship services. Ushers play an integral part to our worship, help greet newcomers, and "direct traffic" for communion. We need YOU to be involved with this. It's simple to sign up, and we have on-the-job training! We always have a clickable button in Chimes and Sunday Scoop so you can participate.

Our Future is Bright 2024/2025.png

Wednesday Night Program

TONIGHT! Transition Focus Group

Who We Will Be

6:00pm Tucker Hall

The final focus groups will allow us to dream about what the Old Donation community could become in the next few years. Our hopes and dreams for the future will be included in the Community Ministry Portfolio so that applicants can discern whether they are called to join us on our journey. These final focus groups will be large group meetings with the sharing done in smaller table groups facilitated by members of the Transition Team.

Please attend either tonight or on Sunday after 10:30am worship.

Be sure to complete the third survey.

Transition Survey #3


10:00am Worship with healing, followed by Bible Study in Salisbury.

Parish Annual Meeting

Click the graphic to watch the slideshow with all of the information from our Annual Meeting held last Sunday.

Becoming Beloved Community

Buildings & Grounds

Christian Formation


Historic Traditions


Parish Life


Youth & Family

Day School

Historic Traditions

THIS Saturday, 1 February 9:30am in Canterbury

Funeral for Betty Munden

THIS Saturday, 1 February 11:00am at Holloman-Brown on Great Neck.

Saturday, 1 February 11:00am

Grace Episcopal, Norfolk “Stepping Boldly in Faith”

A celebration of the Rev. Absalom Jones, Bishop Barbara Harris, and Canon Theologian Joseph N. Green, Jr. The speaker will be the Reverend Dr. Gayle Fisher-Stewart.


Please be sure to complete the third survey. Your input is needed and wanted.

Click to Complete Survey #3!
Our Future is Bright 2024/2025.png

February Bell Ringer

All submissions for the upcoming February Bell Ringer are now due. Please email to Gretchen at Please do not format your input, and fewer than 150 words.

Pastoral Need or Concern?

Gretchen Hood is your first point of contact.

Voice Mail: 757-497-0563


Text: 757-816-1965

If you have a general question, please email Gretchen.

Sunday Readings

Worship Ministers

Name Tag Needed

Ushers Needed

ODEC Prayer List

Advent Worship Slides 2024.png


If you wish to mail a check:

Old Donation Episcopal Church

4449 N. Witchduck Rd

Virginia Beach VA 23455

Online Giving 2024 250x250.png

It's now time to submit your 2025 pledge!

Click the graphic below to do so online.

Read everything about Stewardship in our most recent Bell Ringer!


Please send us a current photo of yourself so we can update our records. This is in preparation to help our upcoming interim rector. Email your photo to Gretchen.

Senior Warden: Mike Ginder

Director of Admin & Comms: Gretchen Hood

Administrative Assistant: Janet Castro

Youth Minister: Bethanny Sammons

Flickr Photos

Check out our Flickr page to see thousands of photos of happenings here at ODEC. You might even see yourself!