The Ohio State University
Headshot of Lu Yuanzhi, Ohio State alumnus
Screenshot from the Ohio State Family Town Hall presentation
Shan-Lu Liu
Three Canadian women's hockey players
February 18
4 p.m.
ICS Lecture: Ian Miller, "Taming the Mountains and Marshes: Non-Agrarian Landscapes in China's Early Modern Transition."

Ian Miller, from St. John's University, will present his lecture, "Taming the Mountains and Marshes: Non-Agrarian Landscapes in China's Early Modern Transition."

February 25
3:30 p.m.
ICS Lecture: Julia Keblinska, "Genres of Crisis: Cinema at the Brink of Postsocialism."

Julia Keblinska, from The Ohio State University, will present her lecture, "Genres of Crisis: Cinema at the Brink of Postsocialism."

April 8
9 a.m.
East Asian Studies Center 50th Anniversary Conference

The East Asian Studies Center celebrates its 50th anniversary with a conference on the role of East Asian Studies in the 21st century.