Issue No. 214 | Mar. 12, 2021
Strengthening American capacity for effective engagement
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
qǔ cháng bǔ duǎn

Meaning: To use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)

Original: "我们互学互鉴、取长补短,坚持以协商合作弥合差异、解决分歧。"

Study Material
For all you dedicated language-learners out there, we want to share a new Chinese textbook for you to study: A Visit to America: Practical Chinese for International Studies. The book was published January 24, 2021 by Lu Li, Chinese instructor at Johns Hopkins SAIS.

"This textbook targets intermediate-mid and intermediate-high level university students or professionals whose career interests involve international relations, politics, economics, China studies, and related topics. Language learners interested in international studies and cultural comparison will find this book rich in content. Chinese learners will learn professional vocabulary in these special fields, authentic spoken expressions, interesting idioms and sayings, and useful grammar patterns. The exercises for each lesson include vocabulary practice, grammar practice and comprehensive practice, which encourage in-depth thinking in the target language, making the textbook practical for both students and instructors."

As a reminder, please support AMS by purchasing this textbook on Amazon Smile and setting us as the beneficiary. Every bit helps!
Here are a few resources for a quick Chinese-language recap of the Two Sessions, the 14th Five Year Plan, and the 2021 Government Work Report.

"The 2021 Government Work Report is not only the first one written in the context of China’s emergence from Covid-19 and the normalization of its economy, but also an important channel for observing China’s strategic initiatives over the next five years, as 2021 is the start of the 14th Five-Year Plan period." - 财新

Warm up your listening skills with this brief 2-minute video, in which Wang Yi summarizes China's foreign policy in 2020:

Quote: "2020年中国外交最精彩的是元首外交,习近平主席以云外交的创新方式与各国领导人共商大计;最坚定的是捍卫国家利益,中国坚决反对霸权、霸道、霸凌;投入最大的是抗疫外交,开展了新中国成立以来规模最大的紧急人道主义救助;最牵挂的是海外同胞的安危;最关注的是把握全球治理的方向。"

African-American China Leadership Fellows Program
We are now accepting applications to the African-American China Leadership Fellowship.

This 8-month mentoring program targets young African-American professionals who have demonstrated a strong interest in China either through formal study or time in country. We will pair program participants with successful African-American mentors with deep experience engaging with China in the following areas:

  • International Government Affairs
  • International Media & Journalism
  • Advanced Academics
  • International Trade & Economics
Applicants should be African-Americans who have:
  • demonstrated commitment to developing a China-focused career
  • a minimum of two years’ work experience (internships and volunteer work will be considered)
  • studied and/or worked abroad in Greater China
  • a strong focus and drive to achieve his/her career goals
  • an interest in one of the fellowship areas
  • Mandarin Chinese language skills 
How to Apply
We are looking for people with outstanding potential who are ready to become the next generation of leaders and mentors in the China space. All applicants should first register as members of AMS, then prepare a résumé, the names and email addresses of two references, and the answers to both of the following questions.

  1. Why are you interested in this program? What do you hope to accomplish? Where are you now, and where do you hope to go in the next five years? (500 words max)
  2. Why China? Describe your experience with and interest in China, and how China relates to your goals. (250 words max)

Submit all materials in one single PDF to [email protected]
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, so we encourage early application. Only some applicants will be selected for an interview. 

This program is made possible by support from the Carnegie Corporation, Albright Stonebridge Group, and Rhodium Group.
Support the American Mandarin Society!

If you appreciate the effort we put into organizing Chinese-language policy events, providing robust language and policy resources on our website, and the kind of content you see in this newsletter, please consider supporting us with a tax-deductible contribution--every bit helps!

The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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