Nov. 8,

No. 117

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
In this week's readings and featured video we focus on Chinese impressions of the 19th Party Congress, the rise of Xi Jinping, Xi Thought, and economic reform following updated benchmarks presented during the congress. This week's idiom was delivered by Xi Jinping on October 31.
Weekly Readings

This week's readings are Chinese takes on the 19th Party Congress -- including an article by the former SCMP China editor -- and Xi Jinping's ascendancy. The SCMP article provides an analysis of the Chinese articles highlighted last week on how Xi handled the personnel appointments for the party congress. Next, a People's University (人大) professor analyzes the system of thought outlined by Xi. Finally, the Rhodium Group has updated their economic refor m tracker in cooperation with the Asia Society. The website tracks economic reforms against the benchmarks set by the party, beginning at the 3rd Plenum of the 18th Party Congress. It serves as a useful reminder that it is not enough to read what the Chinese say; we also must observe what is being done.

俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

yī wǎng wú qián
Meaning: press forward with indomitable will
In the same October 31 speech that we highlighted last week, Xi emphasized the need for the Party to retain focus on its historical mission, stay connected to the people, and press on with indomitable will.
Original:  96 年来,我们党团结带领人民取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就,这值得我们骄傲和自豪。同时,事业发展永无止境,共产党人的初心永远不能改变。唯有不忘初心,方可告慰历史、告慰先辈,方可赢得民心、赢得时代,方可善作善成、一往无前。
Video of the Week

This week's video is a discussion with Wei Jingsheng about the outcomes of the 19th Party Congress. The exiled former cadre talks about how he understands what happened behind the curtain and whether Xi Jinping has come off as well as many believe. Come for the analysis, stay for the elegant Beijing accent and straight-forward way of speaking about complex subjects.

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