In early October, we were notified that Century Club San Diego will no longer be offering us the ability to host our tournament during The Farmer’s Open.
In the last few weeks we have scrambled to see if there were any available options to put together a tournament to fill the financial gap this leaves in our 2021/2022 budget. However due to lack of availability of prestigious courses and the short amount of time we have to plan something in cooperation with Farmer’s Open –
we will NOT be having a golf tournament the same weekend of Farmer’s Open in January 2022.
This tournament is crucial to our fundraising efforts each year: averaging $100K annually. So for this year, we ask that for all those who have participated in the past, and been hosted by a company or Board member of ours, consider giving a donation with the below link. Even $25 goes a long way. For those who have companies that have the $5 - $7K foursome fee allocated in their budgets already, we ask that you help us bridge the gap and make your annual donation below.
Thank you for your continued support and we hope to see all of you on whatever new course we find in 2022!
Warmest Regards -
Marineke Vandervort
Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito