April 2019
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CCRPC Calendar of Events

All events held at the CCRPC unless otherwise noted. 


5/1, 5:45pm: CCRPC Executive Committee Meeting 

5/7, 9:00am: Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting

5/7, 11:00am: Clean Water Advisory Committee Meeting

5/7, 12:00pm: Clean Water Advisory Committee MS-4 Sub-Committee Meeting

5/8, 2:30pm: Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

5/14, 9:00am: Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting (LEPC-1)

5/15, 6:00pm: CCRPC Board Meeting and FY2020 UPWP Public Hearing


Sign Up Today!
2019 Chittenden County Traffic Alert Program

The CCRPC's Traffic Alert program is back! Sign up for the weekly Traffic Alert email -- your source for all roadway and construction work in Chittenden County during the 2019 season.


United Way of Northwest Vermont Volunteer Opportunities

United Way can connect you with hundreds of ways to give your time and make a difference in your community.


Efficiency Tips: What to Look for When House Hunting

Spring is the peak season for home buying. While there are many challenges to finding the right home, it's important to learn about the energy efficiency of a home to avoid unexpected costs after moving in. Use Efficiency Vermont's homebuyer's checklist during your house hunt.


Neighbor Rides Program & Volunteer Opportunities

Neighbor Rides is a strategic initiative of United Way of Northwest Vermont supported by a dynamic group of community partners that brings people and places together to help meet the transportation needs of seniors and persons with disabilities.

CCRPC  Staff

Charlie Baker, Executive Director

Dan Albrecht, Senior Planner

Pam Brangan, GISP, GIS Data & IT Manager

Jason Charest, PE, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer

Eleni Churchill, Transportation Program Manager

Forest Cohen, Senior Business Manager

Bryan Davis, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner

Marshall Distel, Transportation Planner

Chris Dubin, Transportation Planner

Bernie Ferenc, Transportation Business Manager

Christine Forde, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner

Amy Irvin Witham, Business Office Associate

Peter Keating, Senior Transportation Planner

Regina Mahony, AICP, Planning Program Manager

Melanie Needle, Senior Planner

Emily Nosse-Leirer, Senior Planner

Sai Sarepalli, PE, Transportation Planning Engineer

Emma Vaughn, Communications Manager

For bios and contact information,  click here.
Good morning,
As we watch the impacts of spring rains and melting snow on our streams, lakes and roads, we realize how important it is to work on water quality by preventing erosion and run-off. The legislature is currently working on a bill, S.96, that will raise needed revenue and focus more attention on watersheds that will not meet our clean water targets by people complying with their permit requirements alone. More local projects developed and implemented by watershed groups, natural resource conservation districts, regional planning commissions, municipalities, and property owners will have to be funded to accomplish our shared goals. 
The bill includes language that the State should commit to appropriating $50-60 million annually to ensure these efforts are continued. The bill has been passed by the Senate and was voted out by the House Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife last Thursday. It is now in House Ways and Means to close a funding gap of about $8-10 million. Please support their work.
The CCRPC supports the State investing adequately to achieve clean water. We are encouraged by the progress the Legislature has made so far and support the effort to develop additional long-term revenue to meet Vermont's water quality goals. We look forward to working with all of our partners as these clean water initiatives continue.

Happy mud season!

Charlie Baker
Executive Director, CCRPC
Of Note
CCRPC FY2020 Annual Work Plan (UPWP) Public Hearing: May 15
The hearing is to review and hear public comments on the CCRPC's proposed FY2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) and budget. The UPWP includes the tasks the CCRPC proposes to have completed by staff and/or consultants during our fiscal year (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020) Learn More »
CCRPC's Seasonal Traffic Alert Program is Back for the 2019 Construction Season
The CCRPC provides a weekly Traffic Alert email service, the source for all roadway and construction work in Chittenden County Learn More & Sign Up »
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Colchester I-89 Bridges Project Public Informational Meeting: April 30
The Colchester I-89 Bridges Project is rehabilitating four bridges: 76 North, 76 South, 77 North, and 77 South located between I-89 exits 16 and 17. Join VTrans on April 30 from 6-7pm at the Milton Municipal Building to learn more about this project.
Using Multi-Modal Transportation to Meet Parking and TDM Challenges on Campuses and in Communities: May 3
The Association of Commuter Transportation's (ACT) Patriot Chapter and New England Parking Council (NEPC) have partnered with the University of Vermont to offer a program around the theme: Using Multi-Modal Transportation to meet Parking and TDM Challenges on campuses and in communities. The event will be held on Friday, May 3rd from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Burlington Hilton. Event sessions will include topics on electric and autonomous vehicles, transportation innovations in the Green Mountain State, and micro-mobility/micro-transit. Thanks to NNECAPA, sessions are approved for 1.25 CM credits each. View the full agenda, event details, and registration information here.
Vermont Distracted Driving Safety Day: May 10
AAA Northern New England in conjunction with the Vermont Highway Safety Alliance and Project RoadSafe invites you to join them for the "AAA Walk to End Distracted Driving" and Safety Event at the Vermont State House.   Learn More »
Winooski Avenue Transportation Study Public Events Coming Soon
Planning is underway for the project team to share initial concept alternatives with the public. Please visit the project website to stay up to date on upcoming opportunities, which will be announced soon. People will be able to review draft alternatives in an open house format, with a presentation to highlight distinctions among them. This will be part of ongoing outreach to residents and businesses, and the draft concepts will be updated based on your feedback. Details and project information will be available soon  at . Contact Bryan Davis, 802-861-0129,
CarShare Vermont Offers "Spring into Sharing" Promotion
CarShare Vermont's vehicles are available by the hour or day whenever you need to drive. Join CarShare Vermont this spring and get $25 in driving credits for your first trip. Use promo code SPRING19.   Learn More »
Transportation Project News & Updates
For a full list of transportation projects, visit the CCRPC Transportation Advisory Committee website; a full project list is provided in every TAC agenda and is updated regularly. View the latest TAC agenda »
Implementing ECOS Strategy 1
Vermont Restaurant Week: April 26-May 5
More than 100 restaurants all over the state will offer special menus at fixed prices for this annual food festivalLearn More »
Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility 29th Annual Spring Conference: May 15
Join the VBSR for a full day of education, inspiration, and networking on May 15, 2019, at the University of VermontLearn More »
Leadership Champlain Class of 2020 Applications Due June 3
Leadership Champlain is the professional development and community engagement program of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce with a mission to foster growth and leadership in professionals who will serve our community now and in the future Learn More »
Chittenden County Brownfields Program Accepting Applications
If you own or wish to develop a property that is contaminated or suspected to be contaminated, please apply. To get started, read the information on different types of assistance and fill out and send us a site nomination/assistance request form. Learn More »
Energy & Natural Resources
Implementing ECOS Strategies 3 & 4
Agency of Natural Resources Secretary to Host Wetlands Community Meeting: April 30
Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Secretary Julie Moore invites the public to join her on April 30 from 4:00-5:00 pm to discuss a variety of environmental topics, including the status of Vermont's wetlands. The Secretary will engage attendees in a conversation about the role of wetlands, wetlands legislation, and the Agency's role in regulatory and restoration work.  
Burlington Rain Barrel Workshop: May 4
On May 4, l earn how to build, install and maintain your own rain barrel! Rain barrels allow you to capture a free resource (rainwater!) to use on your lawn or garden, for washing your car or for cleaning tools. Rain barrels help decrease runoff to Lake Champlain by capturing and holding rain water during a storm, and that means cleaner water for everyone.
Burlington Ranks as One of the Cleanest Cities for Air Quality
The American Lung Association's 2019 "State of the Air" report found Vermont's Burlington metro area is ranked as the 12th cleanest city for year-round particle pollution in the U.S., and was one of only six cities nationwide to also record zero bad air days for ozone and short-term pollution. Vermont is repeatedly considered one of the cleanest state for air quality in the U.S..
Burlington Named Top City in Northeast and Fourth in Country for Solar Per Capita
Burlington has more solar PV capacity installed per capita than any other city in the Northeastern United States, a new report from Environment America finds, and is ranked fourth in the country for solar capacity per capita. Today, Burlington has more than 16 times the amount of solar capacity as it did at the end of 2011, and continues to pursue new solar opportunities.
Emergency Preparedness
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Reminder: LEMPs Due May 1
This is a reminder that the new Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) is due May 1st. The LEMP is replacing the Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP). A current local emergency plan is also required for municipalities to receive federal preparedness funds and increased state reimbursement through the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund (ERAF). The new LEMP format is intended to be more user friendly for towns during a disaster. If your municipality would like assistance with completing the LEMP or if you have any questions, please contact Christine Forde Learn More »
Sign Up for VT-ALERT
Spring flooding season is here. Be sure to stay up to date on all the latest weather advisories! VT-ALERT is used by the state and local responders to notify the public of emergency situations. Those include, but are not limited to, evacuation information; chemical spills; shelter-in-place alerts; severe weather advisories; boil water advisories, and roadway interruptions. Residents can tailor the alerts to specific locations, types of alerts and on which devices they will be notified. Learn More »
Flood Training Website is available for administrative officers (AO) of municipal flood hazard and river corridor bylaws. The site features tools and case studies for AOs, members of Development Review Boards and other community officials. The new site complements with its focus on community planning for flood resilience, and the technical materials available at the DEC Rivers page. Learn More »
Quality of Place
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Essex Junction Draft Comprehensive Plan & Community Energy Plan Available for Public Review and Comment
The Essex Junction Planning Commission is in the process of updating the Village Comprehensive Plan and Community Energy Plan, and drafts are available for public review and comment through May 23. The Comprehensive Plan is updated every five years and outlines how the Village intends to develop. Policies in this plan will guide the community in making planning and development decisions.  Learn More »
City of Winooski Launches New Branding and Website
The City of Winooski is excited to announce that its marketing/branding and website re-development initiatives have been successfully completed. Visit their new website to see the changes!
Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference: June 5
The Department of Housing and Community Development is pleased to present the Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 in the City of Montpelier. Learn More »
2018 ECOS Annual Report: The State of Chittenden County
In an effort to track progress made on all goals in the Chittenden County ECOS Regional Plan, the ECOS Partnership monitors 90+ indicators over the year and compiles the ECOS Annual Report: The State of Chittenden County, an infographic summary that highlights a number of regional trends and accomplishments. 
Social Community
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Chittenden County Homeless Alliance (CCHA) and Chittenden County Town Managers Meet to Discuss Homelessness
Members of the CCHA met with Town Managers on April 17 to discuss the annual Point In Time (PIT) count, and resources available to the homelessIssues discussed included liability and training for community members who undertake to help with the count, and members of the CCHA are available to talk with town managers, town boards and community members about how to participate in the PIT count, and how to bring services to the homeless.  Learn More »
2019 Community Health Needs Assessment Available
The University of Vermont Medical Center routinely conducts community health needs assessments to understand current health trends, needs, and assets. Community assessments help to identify areas of focus for the UVM Medical Center and are an integral resource for its community benefits plan.  Learn More »
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggested content for upcoming issues, please contact Emma Vaughn, Communications Manager: or (802) 846-4490 x *21.