March 2021
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CCRPC Calendar of Events

All meetings below will be held REMOTELY until further notice. Information about joining remotely is provided with every meeting agenda.



4/6, 9:00am: CCRPC Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting

[CANCELED] 4/6, 11:00am: CCRPC Clean Water Advisory Committee Meeting

4/6, 12:15pm: CCRPC MS-4 Sub-Committee Meeting

4/7, 5:45pm: CCRPC Executive Committee Meeting

4/8, 7:00pm: Richmond Bridge Street Study Public Meeting

4/21, 6:00pm: CCRPC Board Meeting

CCRPC logo small

CCRPC FY21 Annual Work Program

The CCRPC's Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is our annual work program that describes our activities and specifies the deliverables for the next year. The UPWP is the mechanism to implement the strategies for our region outlined in the ECOS Plan and helps municipalities implement their local plans.

ECOS logo

NEW: 2020 ECOS Annual Report Available

The 2020 Annual Report is the seventh edition. In addition to some of the data we report on annually, this year's ECOS Annual Report includes indicators of disparities that have resulted from systemic racism in our nation and community, as well as indicators associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. This intentional focus on race, equity, and the COVID-19 pandemic marks the commitment of the ECOS leadership team to address these challenges.


United Way of Northwest Vermont COVID-19 COMMUNITY RESPONSE

United Way is dedicated to supporting our community members through the COVID-19 pandemic and the social and economic fallout that may result from it. To support all of our neighbors, United Way is working with its existing network of partnerships and the community at large to develop a comprehensive list of community-based services and volunteer opportunities updated on a daily basis.

CCRPC Board of Directors FY21 Membership

Bolton: Sharon Murray

Buel's Gore: Garret Mott

Burlington: Andy Montroll

Charlotte: Jim Donovan

Colchester: Jacqueline Murphy

Essex: Jeff Carr

Essex Junction: Dan Kerin

Hinesburg: Michael Bissonette

Huntington: Barbara Elliott

Jericho: Catherine McMains

Milton: Tony Micklus

Richmond: Bard Hill

Shelburne: John Zicconi

St. George: Jeff Pillsbury

So. Burlington: Chris Shaw

Underhill: Vacant

Westford: Allison Hope

Williston: Erik Wells

Winooski: Mike O'Brien (Chair)

FY21 Membership is effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. 

For more information about the CCRPC Board of Directors, click here.

Charlie Baker, Executive Director

Dan Albrecht, Senior Planner

Pam Brangan, GISP, GIS Data & IT Manager

Jason Charest, PE, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer

Eleni Churchill, Transportation Program Manager

Forest Cohen, Senior Business Manager

Bryan Davis, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner

Marshall Distel, Transportation Planner

Chris Dubin, Senior Transportation Planner

Christine Forde, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner

Amy Irvin Witham, Business Office Manager

Regina Mahony, AICP, Planning Program Manager

Melanie Needle, Senior Planner

Taylor Newton, Senior Planner

Sai Sarepalli, PE, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer

Emma Vaughn, Communications Manager


Please Note: As of March 16, 2020, CCRPC employees are working remotely and the office is closed to visitors. Please call or email and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you!

For bios and contact information, click here.

Good afternoon,
Happy spring! With the change in temperatures and the promise of widespread vaccine eligibility on the horizon, we are looking forward to the months ahead and hope you are staying safe and healthy.
We are pleased to announce the release of the 2020 ECOS Annual Report: The State of Chittenden County. ECOS stands for Environment, Community, Opportunity, Sustainability. The ECOS Annual Report is an infographic that visually highlights some of the notable trends and issues in Chittenden County, and summarizes progress toward the goals set in our ECOS Plan, the combined Regional Plan, Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Chittenden County.
It will come as no surprise that this year's report looks different, as the data typically presented is over a year old and would tell a starkly different story than what is currently happening in our community due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 has also spotlighted the systemic racism in our nation and our community. This year's ECOS Annual Report focuses on race, equity, and COVID-19 recovery and the ECOS leadership team's related efforts. View the Annual Report and accompanying online data Scorecard here
A few notable highlights from the 2020 ECOS Annual Report include:
  • Demographics | 83% of the population growth in Chittenden County over the last 10 years has been Hispanic (of any race), Black or African American, and/or American Indian and Alaska Native. This equates to 5,901 of the 7,069 people from 2010-2019.
  • Annual Median Household Income | Black and African American households earn less than half of White households.
  • COVID-19 Among BIPOC Vermonters | In Chittenden County, BIPOC residents contracted COVID-19 at 2.7 times the rate of White residents.
Achieving a healthy, inclusive, and prosperous future for Chittenden County is the vision of our ECOS Plan. However, the ECOS partners know we cannot achieve that future without addressing the systemic racism in our community. While addressing inequity has been one of the eight key strategies in the ECOS Plan since 2013, it is clear that a healthy, inclusive and prosperous future is not in reach for all Chittenden County residents, and there is much work to be done. At CCRPC, we will be working with our member municipalities, partners, and state agencies to confront and address systemic racism.

To learn more about the ECOS Plan, visit or contact

Best regards,

Charlie Baker
Executive Director, CCRPC
Of Note
CCRPC Summer Internship Opportunities - Applications Due: April 9
The CCRPC seeks to hire 3 interns for the summer months (June - August) of 2021. Applications are due April 9. Learn More »
RFP Available: Social Change Marketing Campaign Services Re: Stormwater - Applications Due: April 9
The CCRPC is soliciting responses from qualified Contractors and/or Organizations to aid in implementation of a social change marketing campaign known as Rethink Runoff. Learn More »
RFQ Available: Civil Engineering Services for the Town of Westford - Applications Due: April 14
The Town of Westford, and project partners (e.g. Vermont River Conservancy, Champlain Housing Trust, and Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity), will conduct site investigation, planning, and pre-development work on the property at 1705 VT Route 128 in Westford. Learn More »
RFQ Available: Planning, Engineering, and Environmental Services - Applications Due: April 23
The CCRPC is issuing a RFQ on behalf of the nineteen communities that comprise the CCRPC for Planning, Engineering and Environmental Services. Learn More »
CCRPC FY22 Annual Work Program (UPWP) Development Underway
The CCRPC is in the process of creating the FY2022 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), our annual work program that describes our activities and specifies the deliverables for the next year (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022). Learn More »
The deadline for Vermont personal income tax filings for tax year 2020 has been extended from April 15 to May 17 in alignment with the federal due date change announced by the IRS. This extension means taxpayers can file their 2020 Vermont personal income tax, and pay any tax owed, by May 17 without penalties and interest.
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Richmond Bridge Street Complete Streets Corridor Study Public Meeting: April 8
The Town of Richmond, with assistance from CCRPC and consultant VHB, seeks to plan for walking and biking improvements to Bridge Street. Following our first public meeting in December, we compiled your thoughts for improving walking and biking on Bridge Street and came up with some draft concepts. We welcome you to join us at our next virtual public meeting at 7:00pm on April 8th via Zoom! Learn More » 
Survey: Swift and Spear Street Intersection Feasibility Study - Responses Due: April 8
Over the next several months, the City of South Burlington, CCRPC, and their design consultants will be exploring options to improve walking, bicycling, and driving through the Swift Street / Spear Street intersection. The project team invites you to learn more about this project and provide input about your experiences at this intersection. Your input will be used to create alternative design options and proposed improvements. We want to hear from you! Learn More »
Survey: Winooski City Parking Management Plan
Do you live, work, or play in Winooski? Please help us better understand parking habits throughout the City by taking this survey! The survey will be active throughout the month of April pending response rates. Thank you!
Chittenden County I-89 2050 Study Updates
The Chittenden County I-89 2050 Study is a collaborative effort of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and the Vermont Agency of Transportation to develop a comprehensive investment program for the 37 mile I-89 corridor in Chittenden County, Vermont through 2050. Outreach efforts to share this study's findings at each phase of the project and solicit input from stakeholders to inform decision-making have been ongoing. Visit the project website for previous and upcoming public participation opportunities. Learn More »
GMP Workplace Charging Program 
The GMP Workplace Charging Program makes it easy for businesses, organizations, and municipalities to install EV chargers for public use with no upfront costs. The flat, monthly subscription charge starts at $35 per month and covers the cost of the charger, installation, software and maintenance, and includes optional low-interest financing through the  Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA). Have questions or want to set up a site visit to get rolling? Email the GMP Business Innovation Team.
Way to Go! School Challenge Gets Creative During COVID
The Way to Go! team, with support from CCRPC and VTrans, have adapted this award-winning program to be relevant for students statewide during the global pandemic. For example, student artists at Fletcher Elementary School, and at schools statewide, are creating their own unique face masks and supporting the environment at the same time. Read about their project here.
Exit 16 DDI Updated Project Schedule Available 
VTrans has announced an updated schedule for the Exit 16 Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) project. The bid advertisement and the contract award are planned for Spring 2022. Once awarded, phase one of construction can be begin, which includes utility relocation, ledge removal, and the construction of a retaining wall and shared-use path. Phase two will begin in 2023 and includes construction of the new DDI. Learn More »
More Transportation Projects & Updates
For a full list of transportation projects, visit the CCRPC Transportation Advisory Committee website; a full project list is provided in every TAC agenda and is updated regularly. View the latest TAC agenda »
Implementing ECOS Strategy 1
Vermont Arts Council Artist Development Grants - Applications Due: May 10
Artist Development Grants support artists at all stages of their careers. Grants can fund activities that enhance mastery of an artist's craft or skills; activities that increase the viability of an artist's business; or for teaching artists, developing the skills necessary to provide instruction in K-12 schools remotely during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn More »
From St. Johnsbury to Shelburne, Museums Prepare to Reopen - Carefully
All around Vermont, museums are envisioning a summer when they can cautiously emerge from various states of closure. Like restaurants and hotels, museum operations -- which rely on in-person engagement between visitors and exhibits -- have been sharply restricted during a year of pandemic. Now, as COVID-19 vaccines are distributed, and the state gradually loosens those restrictions, museum directors feel more optimistic than they have in months. Learn More »
Energy & Natural Resources
Implementing ECOS Strategies 3 & 4
Clean Water Lecture Series: April 1
Join David Sausville, Wildlife Biologist with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (VFWD) to discuss a new wetland restoration program funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Lake Champlain Basin Program. The goal of this program is to support wetland acquisition, conservation, and restoration projects. Wetlands improve water quality, provide wildlife habitat, and increase access to public recreation. David will also summarize the history of VFWD's stewardship to Wildlife Management Areas and future conservation projectsLearn More »
Webinar: Forest Sustainability from a Forester's Point of View: April 1
New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and northern New York State are among the most heavily wooded regions of the U.S. How should these forests be treated? Join this talk about climate change, forestation and renewable heat using tree-based biomass. This webinar will provide insights based in science and experience. Learn More »
Earth Day: April 22's mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, it is the world's largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 75,000 partners in over 190 countries to drive positive action for our planet. Learn More »
Vermont Urban Community Forestry Program Public Places Awards
This awards program recognizes special public spaces, the corridors that connect them, or networks of public spaces which have been defined or enriched by planning or design, as well as regulations that promote positive public uses and benefits. Submission deadline: May 7, 2021. Learn More »
'Ask an Arborist' May Webinar Series
VT Urban & Community Forest Program is celebrating trees throughout the month of May with an "Ask an Arborist" webinar series. Each Friday, we will have an ISA Certified Arborist host an informal conversation about all things trees -- from planting to pruning to planning! Each arborist will share about their work and answer any tree question you may have! Learn More »
Quality of Place
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
2021 AARP Community Challenge - Applications Due: April 14
AARP Vermont invites community organizations and local governments across the state to apply for the 2021 Community Challenge grant program, now through April 14. Grants fund quick-action projects that can range from several hundred dollars for small, short-term activities to several thousand or tens of thousands for larger projects that address placemaking, transportation and mobility, housing, civic engagement, COVID-19 recovery, diversity and inclusion, and more. Learn More »
Share Your Thoughts on the Future of Vermont
The challenges facing Vermont call on us to unite to build a better future. The Vermont Council on Rural Development, a neutral facilitator of public process, is excited to share the first draft of The Vermont Proposition: An effort to set non-partisan priorities for statewide action. The Proposition draft, based on input from thousands of Vermonters, shares a set of ideas to drive common action and advance a successful future for our communities, environment and economyNow, VCRD is looking to you to help strengthen the Proposition. What's missing? What could be improved? What do we need to do to be successful for the next generation? To learn more about the initiative, see the current draft, and share your thoughts, visit
New Exhibit Celebrates Winooski's Mill Heritage
Visitors to the Heritage Winooski Mill Museum can now enjoy detailed drawings of a fictional mill town similar to Winooski. These drawings were created by Caldecott award-winning illustrator David Macaulay, whose original sketches are on display at the museum. Learn More »
ACCD COVID-19 Recovery Resource Center
To aid Vermonters as we all respond to and recover from the COVID-19 outbreak, ACCD has developed a Recovery Resource Center of available tools including financial assistance programs, unemployment information, and a series of Frequently Asked Questions to help businesses and individuals navigate the resources available in this time of need. Learn More »
Emergency Management
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Local Emergency Management Plans Due May 1
All municipal jurisdictions are expected to review and update their Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) annually and to formally readopt them between Town Meeting Day-on the first Tuesday in March-and May 1st. A current Local Emergency Management Plan is also required for municipalities to receive federal preparedness funds and increased state reimbursement through the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund (ERAF). Please contact Christine Forde with any questions, or visit the LEMP webpage.
Vermont Alert
VT-ALERT is the state system that notifies Vermonters of emergency situations, weather alerts, road information, and more. Register for a free account at
Social Community
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Starting April 1, All BIPOC Vermonters Are Eligible For Vaccines
Because of the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Vermonters of color and disproportionately low rates of vaccine uptake, the Department of Health has partnered with organizations across the state to administer vaccination clinics specifically focused on these populations. Starting April 1, if you or anyone in your household identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC), including anyone with Abenaki or other First Nations heritage, all household members who are 16 years or older can also sign up to get a vaccine. Learn More »
Based on median earnings for full-time, year-round workers, women are paid 82 cents for every dollar paid to men. Vermont Commission on Women presented the second in a series of (un)Equal Pay Day video podcast conversations, which was first broadcast on March 24th, the day into the year women needed to work before their earnings caught up to those of men in 2020 due to the wage gap. Learn More »
UVM Integrative Health to Host Integrative Pain Management Conference: May 7
UVM Integrative Health, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and UVM Medical Center are co-hosting a conference for the health care community aimed at helping providers understand non-pharmacologic approaches to pain management. Learn More »
VSAC GEAR UP Sponsors New Podcast for Parents
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation's GEAR UP program is sponsoring a new podcast series aimed at parents of teenagers and the tough challenges that face teens. Learn More »
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggested content for upcoming issues, please contact Emma Vaughn, Communications Manager: or (802) 846-4490 x *21.