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All events held at the CCRPC unless otherwise noted.
6/4, 9:00am: Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting
-CANCELED- 6/4, 11:00am: Clean Water Advisory Committee Meeting
-CANCELED- 6/4, 12:00pm: Clean Water Advisory Committee MS-4 Sub-Committee Meeting
6/5, 5:45pm: CCRPC Executive Committee Meeting
6/11, 9:00am: Local Emergency Planning Committee Meeting (LEPC-1)
6/19, 5:30pm-8:00pm: CCRPC Annual Meeting & Retirement Celebration for Bernie Ferenc & Peter Keating (Mansfield Barn, 3 Irish Farm Rd., Jericho) |
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2019 Chittenden County Traffic Alert Program
The CCRPC's Traffic Alert program is back! Sign up for the weekly Traffic Alert email -- your source for all roadway and construction work in Chittenden County during the 2019 season.
Around the County: Photo of the Month
Shelburne's Pierson Library and Town Center project includes a new library building, shown here under construction on May 17th. The project includes upgrades to the Shelburne Historic Town Hall as well.
Photo by Lee Krohn
Click photo to enlarge
United Way of Northwest Vermont Volunteer Opportunities
United Way can connect you with hundreds of ways to give your time and make a difference in your community.
Efficiency Tips: Learn More About Heat Pumps
These unique systems can heat and cool, convenient for Vermont's cold winters, mild summers, and even the shoulder seasons. A heat pump can be one of the most efficient methods to heat and cool your home, and can be a good choice for many homes.
Neighbor Rides Program & Volunteer Opportunities
Neighbor Rides is a strategic initiative of United Way of Northwest Vermont supported by a dynamic group of community partners that brings people and places together to help meet the transportation needs of seniors and persons with disabilities.
Charlie Baker, Executive Director
Dan Albrecht, Senior Planner
Pam Brangan, GISP, GIS Data & IT Manager
Jason Charest, PE, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer
Eleni Churchill, Transportation Program Manager
Forest Cohen, Senior Business Manager
Bryan Davis, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner
Marshall Distel, Transportation Planner
Chris Dubin, Transportation Planner
Bernie Ferenc, Transportation Business Manager
Christine Forde, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner
Amy Irvin Witham, Business Office Associate
Peter Keating, Senior Transportation Planner
Regina Mahony, AICP, Planning Program Manager
Melanie Needle, Senior Planner
Emily Nosse-Leirer, Senior Planner
Sai Sarepalli, PE, Transportation Planning Engineer
Emma Vaughn, Communications Manager
Good afternoon,
With the close of the 2019 Legislative Session, the CCRPC extends a sincere thank you to all Vermont legislators for their hard work in advancing many important initiatives. Some of the key bills/topics we've been following include:
S.96 (Passed) | Water Quality Funding | This bill is a critical step in establishing a long-term, dedicated revenue source for water quality. It will also redesign the project delivery system to focus on watersheds and determining if there needs to be investment beyond the regulatory programs to achieve our clean water goals.
H.149, Chapter 41 (Passed) | Automated Vehicle Testing | This bill provides the opportunity for Vermont to become an important testing ground for seeing how self-driving cars perform on rural roads. This includes a provision that allows municipalities to determine if they will allow testing on municipal roads.
H.529 | Transportation (Passed) | This bill provides important funding for the Park and Ride Program, including the construction of 142 spaces in Williston; the Bike and Pedestrian Facilities Program, including projects in 10 Chittenden County municipalities; the Transportation Alternatives Program, including projects in nine Chittenden County municipalities; the Public Transit Program, including funding for two all-electric transit buses for the Burlington area; and much more.
Act 250 | The House Natural Resources Committee heard a great deal of testimony on possible amendments to Act 250, though no bill was introduced. CCRPC, as well as many others, will review this over the summer and fall to prepare for the next session.
As we reflect on the 2019 session, we look forward to continuing our work with our member municipalities, local, regional, and state partners, and the public to advance improvements in community development, transportation, water quality, housing, energy, and more.
Best regards,
Charlie Baker Executive Director, CCRPC
CCRPC FY2020 Annual Work Plan (UPWP) & Budget Adopted
The FY2020 UPWP and Budget were adopted by the CCRPC Board at its meeting on May 15, 2019. The UPWP includes the tasks CCRPC staff and/or consultants will complete during our fiscal year (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020)
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CCRPC's Seasonal Traffic Alert Program is Back for the 2019 Construction Season
The CCRPC provides a weekly Traffic Alert email service, the source for all roadway and construction work in Chittenden County
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Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Winooski Avenue Transportation Study Public Open House: June 4
Please join us at a public open house on Tuesday, June 4 at the Old North End Community Center (20 Allen Street) to review initial concept ideas in a casual format. The project team will give a short presentation at 6 p.m. but you're welcome to come by anytime between 5:30 - 8 p.m. and discuss the draft concepts with neighbors and the project team. Interpreters can be available if requested by Thursday, May 30 to View the full list of outreach events and learn more about the study on the project website:
Winooski East Allen Street Scoping Study Public Meeting: June 13
A public meeting will be hosted by the East Allen Street Gateway Scoping Study project team on June 13th at 6:30pm at Winooski City Hall. This presentation and discussion will be focused around the alternatives along the corridor which have been developed and analyzed based on the feedback collected during the first public meeting. Please come out to share your ideas and thoughts on the future of mobility, safety, and accommodations for all modes of travel along this important gateway into downtown Winooski. Your input is vital to the success of this project and we welcome all who are interested in this exciting and transformative project!
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RFP for the Way to Go! Transportation Challenge; Proposals Due June 14
The CCRPC is soliciting proposals from qualified firms for the development, management, marketing and outreach, launch, analysis, and reporting for the 2019/2020 statewide Way to Go! Transportation Challenge (WTG). WTG is a transportation demand management program with a goal of long-term behavior change achieved through encouragement, incentives, friendly competition, awareness of personal transportation impacts, and social support. Proposals are due Friday, June 14, 2019 by 4:00 PM to Bryan Davis,
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Vermont Highway Safety Corridors Announced for 2019 Season
The State Highway Safety Office of the Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) has announced the locations of the
2019 Operation Safety Corridor that will be the focus of a public awareness campaign now through the end of August.
AOT, Vermont State Police, and DMV Enforcement created Operation Safety Corridor in 2017 after noticing that certain sections of roadways were providing safety challenges for law enforcement and maintenance crews due to high traffic volumes, high vehicle speeds, and/or high crash numbers. Each year, Operation Safety Corridor identifies several stretches of road throughout the state to emphasize with an increased police presence and additional signing in an effort to educate drivers. In Chittenden County, this includes:
Interstate 89 from Exit 13 to Exit 16
High vehicle volumes, a hazardous high speed differential, and aggressive driving behavior.
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CCRPC Hosted Rural Transit Roundtable
On May 6th the CCRPC hosted a roundtable discussion on rural transit needs, both in the region and statewide. The thirty attendees included staff from towns, State agencies, transportation organizations, legislative representatives, other interested groups, as well as members of the public.
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Transportation Project News & Updates
For a full list of transportation projects, visit the CCRPC Transportation Advisory Committee website; a full project list is provided in every TAC agenda and is updated regularly. View the latest TAC agenda »
Implementing ECOS Strategy 1
TIPS Retains Local Talent by Training High School Students
Training Interns and Partnering for Success (TIPS) is a curriculum taught in select high schools across Vermont to juniors and seniors. The Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce partners with high schools in Chittenden County to deliver TIPS as part of its work to train and retain the talent that already exists here in the Lake Champlain region. Learn More »
Leadership Champlain Class of 2020 Applications Due June 3
Leadership Champlain is the professional development and community engagement program of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce with a mission to foster growth and leadership in professionals who will serve our community now and in the future
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Chittenden County Brownfields Program Accepting Applications
If you own or wish to develop a property that is contaminated or suspected to be contaminated, please apply. To get started, read the information on different types of assistance and fill out and send us a site nomination/assistance request form. Learn More »
Energy & Natural Resources
Implementing ECOS Strategies 3 & 4
SunCommon's Annual Sun CARnival: June 8
Join SunCommon, Drive Electric Vermont, and other partners to experience the latest electric car, motorcycle and bicycle options in Vermont and experience the future of driving. This promises to be one of the biggest EV events of the summer! At least 13 EV models on hand with many available for test rides/drives! Add to the fun with electric -bikes, live music with Red Hot Juba, food trucks, Ben & Jerry's Ice-cream, a solar powered bounce house, yard games and more. This is a free event with fun for the whole family
Drive Electric VT Richmond Electric Vehicle Expo: June 29
Join the Richmond Climate Action Committee, Drive Electric Vermont, Green Mountain Power and the Vermont Electric Coop for an afternoon exploring electric cars and bikes, including the wide variety of models available, incentive programs, charging at home and more. We'll have experts and owners available to cover the basics and answer questions about plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) in Vermont. All are welcome - we'd love to see you even if you are not a Richmond resident!
CCRPC Assisting Municipalities with River Corridor Planning
With funds provided by a
Clean Water Initiative Program grant
has been assisting the Town of Westford and the City of South Burlington with seeking to incorporate
River Corridor
protection language in their respective land use development regulations or zoning bylaws.
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Sign Up for VT-ALERT
Spring flooding season is here. Be sure to stay up to date on all the latest weather advisories! VT-ALERT is used by the state and local responders to notify the public of emergency situations. Those include, but are not limited to, evacuation information; chemical spills; shelter-in-place alerts; severe weather advisories; boil water advisories, and roadway interruptions. Residents can tailor the alerts to specific locations, types of alerts and on which devices they will be notified. Learn More »
| is available for administrative officers (AO) of municipal flood hazard and river corridor bylaws. The site features tools and case studies for AOs, members of Development Review Boards and other community officials. The new site complements with its focus on community planning for flood resilience, and the technical materials available at the DEC Rivers page. Learn More »
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference: June 5
The Department of Housing and Community Development is pleased to present the Downtown and Historic Preservation Conference on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 in the City of Montpelier. Learn More »
Huntington Town Plan Public Hearing: June 25
The Huntington Planning Commission will host a public hearing on the draft 2019 Huntington Town Plan on June 25, 2019. The draft plan describes Huntington's desired path for the next eight years, and it includes an energy chapter that meets the state requirements for enhanced energy planning. For more information on the hearing and to read the plan, visit the Town of Huntington's website.
Implementing ECOS Strategy 2
New Website: Confronting the Opioid Crisis
A new website has launched to highlight progress and give voice to our stories of hope, challenge and promise.
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Chittenden County's 2019 Point-In-Time Count Results Released
An estimated 1,089 people experienced homelessness in Vermont, nearly a third of them in Chittenden County, during a one-day count in January. That's a nearly 16% decrease in the estimate of people experiencing homelessness over last year -- but the estimate also found a troubling reversal in what had been a yearslong decline in chronic homelessness.
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