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School Hours:
Mon – Thurs: 8:30am – 3:00pm
Friday: 8:30am – 12:30pm
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There is only one Choice!
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As part of our program to enrich students, we will be embarking on coding and robotics classes at Choice School. This will be done through Ultimate Coders who will be sending an instructor once a week to teach coding.
Ultimate Coders has created a unique, game-based curriculum and system to meet the needs of the parents while keeping the children engaged in the learning process and build the skills they’ll need for the future, including coding, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork.
Not only is computer coding vital to success in the technology-driven economy of the 21st century, but it can teach kids a broad range of skills that will help them in countless other areas such as problem solving and critical thinking.
Each of our students will be looking forward to this and will benefit immensely!
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April 6, 2022
Panoramic & class photo day
April 6, 2022
Coding/Robotics classes begin
April 6, 2022
Mathematica Centrum math contests
April 8, 2022
Choice Challenge begins
April 12, 2022
Immunization clinic Kg , gr 1, 6, 7
April 15, 2022
Good Friday -
April 18, 2022
Easter Monday - NO SCHOOL
April 29, 2022
Open House
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Covid - 19 update
Many of us have been updated in the Covid 19 protocols. As the number of infections have dropped, the government has lifted many of the restrictions that were in place. The most notable of theses are as follows:
- Mask use will be a personal choice and school leaders will promote respect for the choices staff and students will make.
- Social distancing is still suggested as a valuable public health tool that schools may want to consider in circumstances where crowding may occur, but capacity restrictions and class configurations can be adjusted to meet the school’s needs.
- With the anticipated removal of proof of vaccination status for most events and venues in early April, this should provide schools with greater opportunity to access field trips and plan important school community events.
- Visitors to schools will now be welcomed and schools can resume their pre-pandemic practices for visitors entering your school.
We wish to draw your attention to an important consideration with masks. The federal government’s website states that anyone who has travelled outside of Canada must follow federal travel guidance, including wearing a well-constructed and well-fitting mask when in public spaces, both indoors and outdoors for 14 days following entry into Canada. This includes while at school for students, staff and visitors who may have travelled outside of Canada during Spring Break. For more information, please visit the government website.
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Rapid Antigen Tests
The Ministry of Education began shipping COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to school districts across the province for distribution to students. We have now received test kits for Choice School. Every student at Choice School should have received one package that includes 5 test kits for your family’s use. For details on when to use this test, please visit the BC Centre for Disease Control’s website.
You can access instructions on how to use these kits here. Please feel free to print these out or bookmark this link. If you have any questions about these test kits, please reach out to public health.
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BC Chess Challenge Qualifier
Before spring break, five of our students were entered into this competition.
Although some of our students have already qualified for the BC Chess Challenge, this time they were playing as a team for the school trophy.
There were a total of 23 schools represented and our team (based on scores of the top 4 players) won the "Best Elementary School Chess Team" title for 2022. This is a major title and we are so proud of our chess players who beat some very well known schools in the Lower mainland.
The school received a trophy and we will be engraving the players' names on it for keeping.
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Art News
Elephant parade is a cultural project about elephants. Students learn how to mix gray, draw an elephant and how to apply mix mediums to their image.
Shape shifters is a project where children learn how to be very creative and stretch their imaginations. They are introduced to collage and learn how to create unity and balance in their compositions.
In addition, some of the classes have been working on the colorful art of parrots and macaws in support of the exotic birds that came to our school last week.
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Parrots and macaws
We had a visit from the Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sactuary. This is a non-profit society whose purpose is to provide rescue and protection for parrots and macaws. Through their adoption program, they strive to place these beautiful birds in new loving homes and provide education and support to parrot guardians and the general public.
We were treated to a wonderful presentation in which our students were able to get a close up view of these beautiful exotic birds. Our students were able to learn how parrots and macaws live, what they eat, and how to look after them.
And they are loud, very loud!
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Choice Community garden
The UBC garden project is coming along wonderfully. Choice School students and the UBC LFS 350 students have almost completed the garden bed construction.
We already have a bunch of early crop seeds planted and even have snow and snap peas sprouting already.
Our students have been exposed to many new skills such as plotting, measuring, sawing, and hammering. We have been mixing the three main soil types that we have together, which will provide the garden with an excellent base for growing wonderful healthy treats. These soils are a standard garden mix, a mushroom manure, and the native Choice school ground soil, which is rich in peat.
Once summer comes around, we will be looking for student/parent volunteers to take turns tending the plants. More to come on this!
100 days of Kindergarten
The 100th day of kindergarten is a very special day that is celebrated by schools all over the country. Teachers and students celebrate the day with a variety of activities, all involving the number 100.
And our kindergarteners are no different. From the first day of class, the children have been keeping track of the number of days they have been in school in anticipation of today's milestone, which represents progress, achievement and growth. Students came in with 100 mini balloons, attached 100 buttons to t-shirts among other activities.
It was a blast!
Spirit week
The last week before spring break was a fun week. Students (and staff) were allowed and encouraged to come into school in a variety of outfits according to the day. Monday was a pyjama day, Tuesday was sports/jersey day, Wednesday was a crazy hair day and Thursday was a class color day.
Everyone had a blast coming to school in a variety of fun outfits. A perfect way to start spring break!
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News from PAC
Teacher's Wish List
The PAC has been busy approving many of the items on the Teacher's Wish List, and are excited for the classrooms to receive some of their new things!
Spring Fundraiser - "Growing Smiles"
We are excited about our Spring Fundraiser! We have chosen "Growing Smiles" as our spring fundraiser this year, and are really looking forward to many of our families purchasing and receiving succulents, hanging baskets, strawberry plants, herbs, veggies, roses and more! We know some of them will end up in the Choice School garden, and we hope to see photos of everyone's green thumb success with their purchases! The campaign will be kicking off in April, with more details coming soon. We will need volunteers so stay tuned to learn how you can help. And get ready to buy some plants to help support the PAC!!
Return-It Fundraising
Choice PAC has registered for Return-It Express....please keep your deposit-refundable containers (glass, pop, plastics, etc; rinsed if possible) and donate the deposit to Choice PAC at your local Return-IT depot!
Deliver your recyclable containers in a CLEAR or BLUE plastic bag to a Return-IT EXPRESS depot. These "express" recycling depots have a kiosk where you type the Choice School phone number (604-273-2418), and a label is printed to attach it to the bag. You place your bag in the designated area and that is it. After a day or so, the refund is assigned to Choice PAC account. So easy!
We host PAC meetings monthly - all Choice parents are welcome to attend the meetings - by being a parent of a Choice student you are automatically an honorary member of PAC! Remember your time at the meetings can be used towards your volunteer hours.
Stay safe and healthy,
Your Choice School PAC
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20451 Westminster Highway North
Richmond, BC,V6V 1B3
Tel: 604.273.2418
Fax: 604.273.2419
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