Day 1: And We're Off!

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The choirs upon their arrival at Edinburgh Airport (pc Alex White)

Donald Hunt gives his impressions of the first couple days of our UK choir tour.


On Monday morning, we gathered at 5 o'clock in the morning to set off from Edinburgh airport. I was impressed that all 75 of us managed to make it out so early. For some of us, the anticipation of our adventure-to-be was the only thing supplying fuel at this time of day, while others had had a few shots of espresso before rushing out the door.


After 27 hours of smooth flying (with layovers in Vancouver and Toronto), we touched down in Edinburgh at 6.30am local time.

Katrina, Kathryn, Malachi, Felix, Liam and Rob boarding the flight to Edinburgh. (pc Mark McDonald)

On the coach trip into the city, the choristers were immediately struck by the age of all the buildings. Even peoples' houses are ancient and built from stone or brickwork!


We settled into our various hotels, or in the case of the young choristers, the St Mary's Music School dormitories. After a three-course lunch prepared by Catherine, the music school's chef (who happens to be Canadian!), we enjoyed a tour of the stunning 19th century murals in the Song School, the choir's rehearsal space. 


"How did the choristers enjoy the chicken breast stuffed with haggis," you may be wondering. It's fair to say that it split the crowd.


In the afternoon, the young choristers went for, what turned out to be, a very wet walk. And to answer your next question: No, an umbrella was not on the packing list.

The choristers visit the Royal Mile in the rain!

To punctuate a very long travel day with very little rest, the Cathedral Choir sang an impressively beautiful first service at St Mary's Cathedral, featuring William Byrd's Short Service and Fantasy in G to mark the 400th anniversary of the composer's death. The congregation was greatly swelled by 20 bleary-eyed choristers, by then awake for quite some time, having not seen a bed for well over 40 hours!


After some fortification and a few rounds of table tennis back in the dorms, it was lights out for them. They would need their rest for tomorrow, including their first service in the cathedral, featuring Parry's "I was glad"... on the same day as King Charles' Scottish Coronation no less... right here in Edinburgh.

The Cathedral Choir sings their first Evensong at St Mary's Cathedral.

Check back here tomorrow for another update featuring a guest writer! Know someone that would like these emails? Forward them this link!

Mr. McDonald shows Liam and Felix the organ in the Song School.