Christ-Centered Family Life
“At times family life is challenged by the death of a loved one. We cannot fail to offer the light of faith as a support to families going through this experience. To turn our backs on a grieving family would show a lack of mercy, mean the loss of a pastoral opportunity, and close the door to other efforts of evangelization.” - Pope Francis (Amoris Laetitia, 253)
Each life includes death. This is obvious, but lack of consideration of the topic is part of the culture of some parts of the world, particularly the United States. Yet, death occurs. Living with an eye on our eternity is something people of faith are called to do. When we do in the light of faith, we can see clearly what is important in life. Much of our time is spent in all sorts of activities. Are these helping us grow in holiness? Do they cause us to love God and love neighbor in deeper and more profound ways? If our answer is no, then as apostles of Christ, it is time for us to reevaluate where and how we use our time on this side of life. The other side of life, eternity, will come very soon.
Pope Francis also invites people of faith to assist families who have experienced death. It is a prime pastoral and evangelization opportunity, not in a heavy-handed way, but in one that accompanies people in their time of grief and beyond. If they are distant from the community of faith, the death of someone in their family offers a space for compassion, love, and care by missionary disciples of Christ. Doing it right at the time of death is good but walking with families long beyond that time is true spiritual accompaniment.
May the Charity of Christ urge us on!
In God, the Infinite Love,
Celebrating World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
The second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated on July 24, 2022. The celebration will focus on the theme "In Old Age They Will Still Bear Fruit" (Ps. 92:15). The theme is meant to emphasize how grandparents are a gift both to society and the Church
Pope Francis notes that grandchildren and youth are not only invited to be present in the lives of older people. He also emphasizes the notion that grandparents and the elderly are sent by the Lord on a mission of evangelization by their proclamation, prayer, and by encouraging young people in their faith.
Marriage and Family Life Resources
Catholic Apostolate Center Consulting Resources
The Catholic Apostolate Center welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with you and your ministry to help you plan for the future, engage your community, and help you ultimately achieve your ministry goals. Our custom-tailored consulting packages can fit the needs of your ministry in the areas of young adult engagement and formation, missionary discipleship, and evangelizing through social media.
We are happy to offer our services in any way that would assist you and your ministry. Our experts will provide guidance and support to meet your needs, helping you find creative and innovative solutions.
Synod on Synodality Resource Page
We invite you to visit our newly developed resource page with useful resources regarding the Synod on Synodality.
This page features resources from the Vatican and Catholic organizations that review the full synodal process, background, and outcomes for the Church during this synod. In addition, we have included a timeline of the synodal process as well as key papal documents from Pope Francis that highlight the importance of this synod for the Church.
Catholic Apostolate Center Feast Day Website
The Catholic Apostolate Center invites you to visit our Catholic Feast Days website in both English and in Spanish. This resource compiles information on feast days, solemnities of saints and blesseds, as well as other important feasts on the liturgical calendar.
For each feast or solemnity, you will find a short biography or description, any particular patronage(s), a short video, and various category tags for information like time period, vocation, or country available in both English and Spanish. The Catholic Feast Days website can be a resource to help you learn from the lives of the saints.
on July 26.
Saints Joachim and Anne are the names traditionally attributed to the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus. Their feast day reminds the faithful that our Christian mission is intergenerational and that, young or old, we all have gifts and talents that we bring to the Body of Christ.
By: Christian Bordak - Roseman
Many of us are taught from a young age that Jesus loves us, stands with us, and listens to our prayers. This reality is easy to accept intellectually but hard to know in one’s heart. As one matures through adolescence and adulthood, troubles seem to build and anxieties can begin to overwhelm. Despite our faith and love in Christ, a deafening silence and perceived sense of loneliness can invade one’s spiritual life. This can occur in a myriad of situations, but I have noticed it is especially common when people experience some sort of transition in their life. By its very nature, dramatic change disrupts routines and occupies the mind with a million more questions than on more “typical” days. Being worried and focused on other aspects of life makes it harder to see and know Jesus in these day-to-day moments. In addition, world events like natural disasters or instances of social or political upheaval can push many members of the faithful into periods of doubt and questioning. The key to getting through these “gray” moments in our spiritual life is through perseverance in the face of doubt, questions, and anxiety. One must dive deep into the moments of grayness in order to come to a better realization of who Jesus is and what true love and faith looks like.
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