OCT. 3RD, 2024

October 6th ministries...

8 am Rite I Service

Greeters and Ushers: Dawn and Jack Ivy

Lector: Isabelle Mendes

Lector: Dawn Ivy

Prayers: Jack Ivy

10 am Rite II Service

Chalice: Beth Deger

Lector: Keith Doubt

Ushers: Steve Sharp and Rick Everingham

Altar Guild: Joan Hurley

Camera:Kelly Zeller

Coffee Hour: Alex and Chris Bickel

The Rev. Canon Gregory Hinton will be joining us as our Supply Priest and Deacon William Sangria.




Rite I Service 8 am

Rite II Service 10 am


Bagging groceries for Food Pantry 9 am

New Member Reception 5 pm

Vestry meeting 6 pm


Food Pantry distribution 8 am

Adult Forum: Preparing for Our Autumn Days: Sundays after the 10 a.m. service in the Parish Hall through October 13th!

How do we care for ourselves and our loved ones as we near the end of life? Join us for a series of presentations and conversations that can help us prepare to face the days ahead as we make important decisions for ourselves and the people we care about. The Topic this Sunday, understanding the end of life decisions from Deacon William Sangrey, who works with hospice patients . These conversations are open to all - feel free to invite neighbors or friends!

Christ Church Food Pantry 

The October Drive-thru Food Pantry will be on October 16th, 2024. Volunteers are needed to help unload food, pack food, and help with customer service at approximately 8:15 am. Please contact either Brian Shelburne at, Kelly Zeller at, or Anne Randolph at to volunteer.

Upcoming Food Pantry opportunities:

October 10th, 2024 - grocery bagging day - start time at 9:00 am 

Children's Chapel

We will meet in the Chapel on October 13th and 20th at the start of the 10 am service! We will explore the rich man's questions and the two disciples, James and John. I'm looking forward to exploring the wonders of faith! For more information contact Kelly Zeller at!

Harvest Boxes from Procter!

Celebrate the Season of Creation with a Procter Center Farm Harvest Box! Vegetable and/or Chicken Boxes of farm fresh foods, all grown in a way that cares for creation, at Procter. For more information visit the website:

Wishing You a Bless Week!

Christ Episcopal Church

409 East High Street

Springfield, Ohio 45505


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