The Herald
News and Events at Christ Episcopal Church - Somers Point, New Jersey
March 3, 2018
In This Issue
From our Rector

Dear Parishioners and Friends,
I write to you from our Diocesan Convention, being held March 2-3, at Crowne Plaza in Cherry Hill, NJ.  Diocesan Convention is the time when all the parishes and missions of the diocese gather with our bishop to celebrate the Eucharist, pray, discuss and vote on church business, and approve a budget for the year.
This year parishioners Patti Stocker and Kay Datesman are serving as deputies representing our parish at Convention.  We look forward to reporting back to you the events and business that takes place!
Fr. Justin

 Deputies at Diocesan Convention voting for members of the Standing Committee, Friday March 2.

 Father Justin with Bishop Mellick Belshaw, IX bishop of New Jersey, 1983-1994, Bishop
Belshaw gives his blessings to our parish!

Holy Week Schedule

March 25, Palm Sunday, (5:30pm Sat. March 24 Vigil) 8am and 10am
March 28, Wednesday, Tenebrae (Service of Light), 6pm (church), followed by a light supper in parish hall.
March 29, Maundy Thursday, Mass of the Lord's Supper, Washing of Feet, Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament, 6pm, followed by the Agape Meal in parish hall. 
March 30, Stations of the Cross, 12noon (church); Mass of the Pre-Sanctified, Solemn Collects, Veneration of the Holy Cross, 3pm (church); Good Friday Evening Service, 7:30pm (Grace Lutheran Church)
March 31, Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil, 5:30pm
Holy Week Reading of the Passion


Lenten Prayer Devotion for the Week
A Collect for Guidance (Book of Common Prayer, page 100)

Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our
being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by
your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our
life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are
ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Stations of the Cross



HEAAT Training






Episcopal Church Women

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Food Bank

Sunday Coffee Hour!
Coffee Hour on Sunday after the 10am Eucharist is a meaningful experience for becoming better acquainted and a great opportunity to welcome those new attending Christ Church. Recently we have not been able to enjoy this gathering regularly as there has been no one setting it up. Therefor it would be greatly appreciated if individuals or groups of people would be kind enough to volunteer. There is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall.

This Week's Services and Ministries

March 6, 11am, Society of Mary (Parish Living Room)


March 7, Wednesday, 10:30am, Mass (chapel); 1:30pm, Parish Knitters, @199 Pebble Beach Drive, Mays Landing, NJ; 6pm, Stations of the Cross (church); 6:30pm, Light Lenten Supper (Parish Hall)
March 8 Thursday, Soup Fellowship, 11-1pm (Parish Hall)
Prayer List

Healing prayers offered for :
Anna Livia, Jennifer,  Sarah , Adrian,  Elizabeth,  
Ruth Ann,  Rich,  Christine,  Ryan, Jaclyn , George , Donna,  Michelle ,  Tara,  Jeanette,  Harry,  Brittany,  Brandon , Loretta , Maryanna, Donna, Dave, Wally, Diane,  Tom , Laura,  Deede,
Raymond,  Charlie,  Karen,  Jill, Edward, Beth, Martin, May, Leigh, Bobby, Lee, MaryAnn,  Jessica, Mike, Father Julian, Mark, Ave Maria, Heather, Jim, Ralph 
Prayers for the Homebound are offered for Helen, Dorothy, Jean, Elsie, Irene, Lucy,  Sally
Prayers for all those in the Armed Forces and especially our parish family : 
Anthony, Glenn, Evelyn, Charles, Dominick, Morgan, Nicholas,  Jessica, & Jesse. 
This Week's Readings


Moments At Christ Church

Christ Church, Somers Point, NJ | | [email protected] | 157 Shore Road
PO Box 97
Somers Point, NJ 08244