Celebrating Triduum 2024 at Christ Our Hope

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Holy Week Schedule
Feet washing institution of the Lord Supper and keeping watch in the garden
Reading of the account of the passion and venerating the cross of Jesus
Blessing of the Easter candle commemorating the resurrection of the Lord

  We celebrate the Easter Sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and first communion of our Elect Ryan Ross, Sophia Cruz Barrera, and Dolores Zamora.

Triduum Schedule

Holy Thursday, March 28

  7:00 PM -- Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

Good Friday, March 29

  7:00 PM -- Celebration of the Lord's Passion

Holy Saturday, March 30

   9:30 AM -- Morning Prayer

  8:30 PM -- Solemn Easter Vigil Mass in the Holy Night of Easter

Easter Sunday, March 31

  9:30 AM, 5:00 PM (Español), 7:00 PM 

(Join us online/ attend for all Triduum Masses on Facebook or YouTube)

Triduum comes from two Latin words—tres and dies—that means "a space of three days." But since we have four days with special names—Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday—the "three" may be confusing to some. Nonetheless, they are all together one liturgical celebration, spread over 72 hours.

The confusion is cleared up when we understand how the days are calculated. Christians count a day in the same way as Jews count days and festivals: from sundown to sundown. Thus, the Triduum consists of three twenty-four-hour periods that stretch over four of our calendar days.

Therefore, the Easter Triduum begins at 7 pm on Holy Thursday evening with the Mass of the Lord's Supper, continues with Good Friday, and concludes with our 7 pm Mass at sundown on Easter Sunday. Its high point is the celebration of the Easter Vigil.

During the Triduum we celebrate the core mystery of our Christian faith: we ritualize Jesus' transition from life to death to risen life and our own participation through our baptisms in his death and resurrection. These days, then, are a reminder and celebration of who we ourselves are and what our own lives are about.
Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

We are reminded tonight that God always nourishes God’s people. Jesus fed his followers by multiplying loaves and fishes. Then he fed his apostles at the Last Supper. The Good News is that God hasn’t stopped nourishing us. We can feast on his Word and on the Eucharist. They are great sources of our spiritual nourishment. We use the energy from this nourishment to serve the Lord and one another.

On this day, we want to remind you to bring your Rice Bowls back to the parish to share our nourishment beyond our parish with the world.
Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Our celebration continues from the night before. On this day we glory in the cross of our Lord. The veneration of the cross is a time when a cross is brought forward, which we reverence to show our love and thankfulness for God’s love.

The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter

This is THE night – the highlight of the Church’s year. This blessing of the Easter fire and paschal candle begins this celebration. The paschal candle symbolizes Jesus as the light of the world. It is from this candle that baptism candles are lit throughout the year. It stands as a symbol of our faith and our desire to be the light to the world as Jesus is to us. We celebrate the hope and joy that our Risen Lord brings in all times and in all places.

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