You Have a Place at the Table

Sunday at St. Mark's

Sunday, November 24 - Christ the King Sunday

Worship and Fellowship

8am - Holy Eucharist Rite I with Coffee Hour to follow

11am - Holy Eucharist Rite II and Coffee Hour to follow

Childcare Ages 0-Kinder: Early Childhood Building (open from 10:45-12:15)

*please note that we must follow our age guidelines to maintain safety & ratios

From Your Clergy

On December 1st we will begin our learning journey through Advent. This year our adult and preschool Sunday Schools will be using From the Manger, a multigenerational curriculum developed by Illustrated Ministries.

Advent devotionals for individuals and families will be available in the sanctuary and classrooms.

Lessons and Carols

Dec 11, 2024, 7pm

Come and experience the traditional of singing the O Antiphons, listening to scripture, and hearing Carols old and new as we prepare our hearts to receive the Christ child and for the Eschaton – the second coming of Christ.

Vestry and Diocesan Council Representative Application LIVE

If you're hearing a call from the Holy Spirit to serve as an elected leader of St Mark's. Please check out the applications below and reach out to your clergy or vestry to learn more. Parish elections will be held at 11am on Sunday, Dec 8.

Vestry Application

Diocesan Council Application

Clergy Vacation

Fr Christian will be visiting family in East TN Nov 22-30. Mtr Rachel will be around should any pastoral emergencies arise.


Make a Pledge Here

Families and Youth

Help Us Find the Artist

We were told that this beautiful carving in the Parish Hall was done by an artist who lives in the Wimberley area. If you know the artist or know a carver who does work like this, please call Dianne Pape at 512.810.0281.

Outreach with St. Mark's

St Mark's Trail Crew now on Saturdays from 9-11am

Members of St Mark's have partnered with the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance to cut a new nature trail in the undeveloped 20 acres behind our Parish Hall.

If you are interested in joining the crew, no experience is necessary, just join us on Tuesday mornings at 8am, or 9am on Saturdays in the Parish Hall parking lot with a pair of work gloves. If you have some hand saws or loppers, feel free to bring them along.

Thanksgiving with Southside Community Center

November 26, 6-8 pm

Mark your calendars for this exciting community Thanksgiving event.


We will need volunteers to help set up, cook, serve, and clean up after an incredible meal to our neighbors. Sign up here or contact Jessica for more information. 

Diocesan News

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