Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Parish Newsletter
March 16, 2022
Staying Connected
Dear Friends,

I want to take this opportunity to thank Fr. Michael Moore for sanctifying our church through his thought-provoking and inspiring talks during the Lenten Mission. This Thursday, we have our final day of the Lenten Mission at both 9am and 6.30pm. Normally, we celebrate our Lady of Perpetual Help Mass at 6.00pm. Just this Thursday, we will celebrate Mass at 6.30pm, and include the Lenten Mission talk as part of that mass. There will be no rosary at 5:40pm. Thank you for your understanding.
We are truly blessed, as many have already pledged towards our paving project. I was truly impressed when one of our young school students approached me for a pledge card and made his pledge towards this project from his personal savings. I am well aware times are hard and challenging for many of us. Please do what you can, if you can. If you want to delay your contribution, that is perfectly fine. Just inform us, please, of your intentions. If you want to donate through stocks, we can assist you through this process.
Many factors such as gas prices and city permits are still evolving and fluctuating, adding to our challenges. As we replace the asphalt, we will also replace the electrical wiring for the parking lot lights. Additionally, we are evaluating the possibility of adding a new entrance to the main parking lot further west of the existing one and the feasibility of connecting the large and small parking lots, so overflow can easily move into the larger parking lot without having to exit. Both will add to safety on our campus.
Once the paving project is complete, our Finance Committee will be able to plan for the future, budgeting and saving money for scheduled maintenance and other capital projects that arise with any aging campus. In the last 8 years we have remediated significant deferred maintenance. The problem with deferring maintenance is that it borrows upon the promise of the future for the sake of the present. As experts say, “A broken physical plant is a terrible thing to gift upon the next generation.” Five years ago, our Finance Committee had worked on a schedule of maintenance, but it would really make sense to follow through such a schedule once all our facilities are updated.
The war in Ukraine continues to rage and seemingly escalates every day. It is truly heartbreaking and frightening to see such massive destruction and pain inflicted upon a people, as the world watches. Of Ukraine’s 43 million citizens, 78% identify as members of the Ukraine Orthodox church, 10% identify as Catholics and 2% are evangelical Christians. Ukraine today is a country led by a Jewish President, where various Orthodox churches exist along with Catholics, evangelical Protestants, Jews, and Muslims. Some observers see Patriarch Kirill of Moscow as Putin’s puppet and Russian Orthodoxy as nothing more than an arm of his autocracy. Religious or cultural Nationalism can never achieve greatness in a diverse society. Nationalism should never be confused with patriotism. In fact, according to S.J.Harris, while the “patriot is proud of his country for what it does, the nationalist boasts of his country, whatever it does; the former contributes to creating a sense of responsibility, while the latter gives rise to the blind arrogance that leads to war.”
Pope Francis has spoken about the role of religions in the face of religious and cultural nationalism: “Religions therefore have an educational task: to help bring out the best in each person.” This, according to him, is the opposite of “the rigid and fundamentalist reactions on the part of those who, through violent words and deeds, seek to impose extreme and radical attitudes which are furthest from the living God.” As Saint Paul says, “our citizenship is in heaven, and from there we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Phil 3:20). This “heavenly citizenship” transcends any sectarian and idolatrous citizenship. We should be careful not to be caught up in the false religion of nationalism, rather, our commitment must be born of deeper and more authentic religious aspirations, one that is rooted in the love of our neighbor made in the image and likeness of our God.
Once again, I am grateful for your extraordinary and continued support, your prayers and your faith-filled actions and leadership in our parish, our community, and beyond. May God continue to bless your Lent.
Fr. Paulson
As Our Parish Prepares For The Synod...
Synod Update

Our final Synod Listening Sessions come to an end on Friday, March 18. On behalf of Fr. Paulson, the Synod Planning Team wishes to thank all of you at St. Stephen’s and CTK who have taken the time to participate in one of these sessions and provide your feedback on our reflection questions. Read More
Parish Lenten Reconciliation Service
You are invited to attend our Lenten
Reconciliation Service

Saturday, April 2 at 3pm or
Monday April 4 at 6pm
in the church
Come and experience the
healing power of the
Sacrament of Reconciliation
as we journey together during Lent.
Stations of the Cross - Fridays In Lent
Christ the King Church

Please join us every Friday in Lent to pray
The Stations of the Cross
at 6:30pm with the clergy

This 14-step devotion commemorates
Jesus’s last day on earth.

St. Stephen Church - Join us at 12 noon every Friday during Lent for a guided Stations of the Cross. Or, you can stop by between 12 noon-2 pm Mon-Thurs and 12 noon-6:30 pm Fridays to follow our garden path and walk your own stations. 
Happy Birthday Sr. Joanne!
Happy 90th Birthday 
Sr. Joanne Gallagher!!
Many blessings as you celebrate your 90th birthday!
Join us after the 9am mass on
Friday, March 25th at the
Ministry Center Deck for coffee and pastries.
 Out of respect, we ask that you attend only if you are vaccinated.
Please RSVP of your attendance to
CTK office 925-682-2486 or [email protected]
Finance Town Hall Presentation via Zoom
Christ the King Parish -- Financial Update and
2021 Financial Results
Thursday, March 24 at 7pm via Zoom

Christ the King Parish will be hosting a presentation on Parish Finance on Thursday March 24th, at 7pm via Zoom.  The presentation is planned for one hour and is
open to any parishioner interested in CTK finances. Sign-up for this presentation using Sign-Up genius at the link. Here

At this presentation we will go into detail on our financial results for 2021, our budget for 2022, and the major fundraising effort to replace the paving on our campus. We will also spend time presenting details on our new parish data system called REALM.

There will be time for any questions or comments you might have about parish finance. 

We hope you can join us for this presentation. 
Weekly Church Bulletin
Children's Room In The Church
Children’s Room
(formerly known as the “cry room”)
in the church, is now open!

Young families please feel free to
make use of it.
Over The Weekend
Congratulations to the children who were recently baptized.
Welcome to the Christ the King and St. Stephen Family!
Parents: Shanie & Steven
Baby: Jonathan
Parents: Simone & Patrick
Baby:  Louane-Marie
School News
Spread the word!
CTK School’s Parent Teacher Group, (PTG),
is bringing back CTK Café.
Friday, March 25 in the Parish Hall

 For those of you who are unfamiliar: CTK Café is a morning gathering for CTK school families, students and parishioners. All are welcome! Come anytime between 7:15am-10am to enjoy breakfast, coffee and each other’s company. Breakfast items, coffee, tea and hot chocolate will be served. We hope to see you there! 
If you have any questions, please contact Kirsten Sawyer:
Italian Catholic Federation
All are invited to join the
Italian Catholic Federation
Sunday, March 20th

when we will be celebrating St. Joseph's Day. Following the Sicilian custom of decorating a table with foods in honor of St. Joseph's Feast day, we will meet in the main section of the Parish Hall at
1 pm on Sunday, March 20. Bring your beautifully arranged foods and place them on our table. Following the blessing we will enjoy the food everyone has brought for our lunch together and have our regular monthly meeting. Guests are welcome to join us. For further information, contact our membership chair, Ann Consul at [email protected] or call her at 925-945-7265.
Paving Project for Parking Lots
Fellow Parishioners,

As you may know, the pavement at both Christ the King Church and St. Stephen is reaching its end of life. We need to replace this pavement for both safety and long-term useability of our facilities. Because the amount of pavement is around 190,000 square feet this replacement will be a major project. The preliminary cost estimate for this work is $1.5 million. Read More
Low Gluten Hosts for Communion
We have low gluten hosts
available for those who need them. 

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass and speak to the sacristan to arrange this. Thank you!
Weekly Reflections On Sunday Readings
Welcome to our weekly reflections on
the Sunday Scriptures.
Third Sunday of Lent

This weekend marks the midway point in Lent. No two people live Lent in exactly the same way. For some, it’s a fairly smooth journey to the Good Friday cross. For others, it’s a “punch in the gut” experience. Read More
Realm Update
Make the switch to REALM Giving
To get started follow these steps:

1) Create your REALM account and set up online giving here
2) Delete your old online giving account by clicking here
3) If you need help contact the parish office, we are here for you!
To donate a one-time/on-line donation.
If you do not wish to give on-line,
you can continue to contribute using your offertory envelopes.
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Rd.
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Second Collection
This weekend's second collection (March 19/20)
is for Winter Nights.

CTK will be hosting Winter Nights Family Shelter
April 25-May 8.

Thank you for your support!
Have You Signed-Up For Realm?
CTK is Switching To Realm
Mass Schedule
All Masses are Inside the Church.
Face Masks are encouraged.

Weekday Masses
9am Mass - Monday - Friday
(9am Masses will be livestreamed)

6pm - Thursdays (Rosary begins at 5:40pm)
(Rosary and Mass will be livestreamed)

Weekend Masses
9am and 4pm Vigil
(Saturday 4pm Mass will be livestreamed)

7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 4pm
(10:30am Mass will be livestreamed).
Worship Aide for Mass - March 19/20 Here
Readings for Sunday Mass Here
Links to our services (live or archived) can be found at
or clicking the Facebook or YouTube images below.
Ongoing Services:
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Private Confessions every Saturday from 3pm to 3:30pm, in the church.

Drive-Thru Holy Communion - Every Sunday 11:30am to 12 noon, in front of the church.

Thursday Mass - 6pm - Honoring our Mother of Perpetual Help, Rosary begins at 5:40pm, in the church. Worship Aide Here

Holy Rosary - Livestreamed on Facebook at 5:40pm, Monday - Friday
St. Stephen Church - Masses
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek 94597

Saturday - Mass 5pm
Sunday - Mass at 9:30am
Worship Aide for Mass March 19/20 Here

St. Stephen Daily Mass: Monday - Friday at 8am
Feast Day of St. Patrick - March 17
"Happy St. Patrick's Day"
St. Patrick of Ireland

St. Patrick (387-493) was born in Kilpatrick, Scotland, to Roman-British parents. He was kidnapped by Irish raiders at the age of sixteen and sold as a slave to a Druid high priest. He worked as a shepherd and spent much time in prayer as he labored in the fields. He also acquired a perfect knowledge of the Celtic language and the Druid cult, which later enabled him to evangelize the Celtic people. After six years of slavery, an angel told him to flee his oppressive master and return to his native land. Upon returning to Britain, Patrick desired to devote himself to God's service. He went to France and placed himself under the direction of St. Germain, who ordained him a priest and sent him to evangelize the pagans in Ireland. St. Patrick devoted the rest of his life to converting the island to Christianity. He was ordained a bishop and himself ordained many priests. He divided the country into dioceses, held local Church councils, founded monasteries, and urged the people to greater holiness. He suffered much opposition from the Druids and occult magicians, who, threatened by Christianity, conjured demonic power to defy Patrick. However, the prayer, faith, fearlessness, and episcopal authority of Patrick triumphed, and he was so successful in his endeavor that in the Middle Ages Ireland became known as the Land of Saints, and himself the "Apostle of Ireland." Later, the missionaries sent from Ireland to Europe were largely responsible for the Christianizing of the continent. St. Patrick's feast day is March 17th.
"To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference"