Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Parish Newsletter

September 21, 2022

Staying Connected

Dear CTK Family,


Every day we are deluged with calamitous news about impending health threats, natural disasters, wars abroad and violent crime at home. While the doom and gloom grab our attention, I think we are better served by focusing on more positive things. So, here is some good news. The Christ the King Religious Education program for this school year started this week! We also commenced our Confirmation program this month, and both programs are off to a great start. Thank you to parents who have enrolled their children, to volunteers who serve as catechists, to classroom assistants and yard duty attendants, and to the CTK School community for generously allowing us to use their facilities for several classes. Religious Education is a vital ministry of CTK, and we are blessed to have so much involvement from every part of our community

While all of us support the RE program in many ways, it is critical that parents work with their children to pass on the faith. Living a Catholic life, attending Sunday Mass, regular family prayer and reception of the sacraments speak loudly to children about the importance of faith and their parent’s commitment to it. While parents are the first and best teachers of the faith, they have often lacked the tools needed to support their efforts. That is changing this year.

CTK Religious Education has adopted a new program called “Word of Life” (WOL) for students in grades 1 through 6. This collaborative work by Ignatius Press and Augustine Institute, two powerhouse Catholic publishers, focuses on connecting students to salvation history, helping them understand it as more than a story about events that happened long ago in far-away places. Salvation history is their story, our story. Students use textbooks, but, with the help of their parents, they have access to a library of digital learning tools. Weekly homework assignments will keep parents apprised of what students are being taught. There are elements to engage book learners as well as visual and verbal learners. The WOL teaching method uses prayerful preparation to learn, proclamation of God’s word, explanation of the Word, practical application of the word and then a celebration of what was taught. Parents have access to teaching tools, so they can actively participate in the education process.

CTK’s Confirmation program this year has added a “Service Learning” component. As our young people deepen their knowledge of the faith, they are invited and challenged to experience faith in action. While Pope Francis has called for ordained priests to stay close to the marginalized of the world, to be “shepherds living with the smell of the sheep,” all of us are called to actively minister to the needs of others. Our baptismal call to the priesthood of the laity invites every Christian to participate in missions of service. Our “Service Learning” component allows our Confirmands to get their hands dirty, to share in the lives of the less fortunate. This is a great opportunity for them to deepen their faith.

While the school year has already started, CTK’s RE program continues to need your help. How? First, keep us and the children we serve in your daily prayers. Everything begins with prayer. Second, if you are a parent, godparent, grandparent or have another connection to a child, be examples of living the faith to the children you influence. If they see you practice the faith, they will practice the faith as well. Third, volunteer to help the program. While we have a wonderful group of Catechists, many have planned vacations during the school year. Can you volunteer to be a substitute? How about being a classroom assistant? Or can you help supervise children as a yard duty volunteer? If you can volunteer in any capacity, you will be blessed by the experience.


Again, thanks to all for your ongoing support. 


Deacon John Ashmore

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals

Feast Day of

St. Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, October 4th

2:30pm on the large lawn

Join us at Christ the King church on the large lawn for the Blessing of the Animals on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. You are invited to bring your pets on a leash or in a cage. 

Women's Retreat - October 15

The Return of the Prodigal:

Reflections on Creativity, Beauty, and Prayer

A One Day Bible Study Retreat for Women

Sponsored by the Women of

Christ the King and St. Stephen Parishes


Retreat Director: Toinette M. Eugene, Ph.D.


Date: Saturday, October 15, 2022

Time:  9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Place: St. Stephen Parish Hall

1101 Keaveny Court, Walnut Creek


Tickets will be sold the weekend of Sept. 24/25 & Oct. 1/2

Or by calling the parish office after Sept. 25.

Men's Retreat - October 22

Sign up for the Men's Retreat by clicking here

Over The Weekend

Congratulations to Grace Elizabeth who was baptized on Sunday.

Welcome to the St. Stephen and Christ the King Family!

Baby: Grace Elizabeth

Parents: Andrew & Elise

Can You Count?

Every year - during the whole month of October - we are required by the diocese to do a number count of people attending each Mass. 

If you can help with this simple task kindly contact Sr. Dominic at

Virtus Training

Safe Environment

Protecting God’s Children 

Are you involved in

ministry at CTK?


Diocesan policy requires Safe Environment training every three years for every adult engaged in ministry. If you have trained on Virtus you will be notified by email when to recertify.

If you are involved in any ministry at CTK and have not trained, please go online to and follow the instructions for Safe Environment training. For more information contact Helen Christian in the parish office at 925-682-2486.

Our Projection In Church Has Begun!

Now We Need Projectionists for Mass!

This is a fun and easy job and you get a front row seat at mass! If interested, please contact:

Mary Ann Spicer at, or call at 925-935-5306.

Weekly Church Bulletin

Weekly Reflections

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to our weekly reflections on

the Sunday Scriptures.

With this parable, Jesus spotlighted the gap between the rich and the inhumanely poor of Israel. In giving poor Lazarus a name but not the rich man, Jesus reversed the

prevailing social norm.. Read More

This Weekend's Mission Coop Collection

This weekend, September 24-25, we will have a second collection for the Mission Coop Plan. This year we will be visited by Fr. Alando Williams from the Diocese of Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Eastern Caribbean). Thank you for your support.

Diablo Valley Lions Club Dinner

Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Saturday, November 5th

CTK's Parish Hall

See Flyer for more information Here

Thank You For Your Financial Support

Go to our website at to sign-up
Give Now

To donate a one-time/on-line donation.

Or regular and/or second collections.

If you do not wish to give on-line,
you can continue to contribute using your offertory envelopes.
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Rd.
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597

Mass Schedule

Weekday Masses

9am Mass - Monday - Friday

(9am Masses will be livestreamed)

6pm - Thursdays

(Rosary begins at 5:40pm)

(Rosary and Mass will be livestreamed)

Weekend Masses


9am and 4pm Vigil

(Saturday 4pm Mass will be livestreamed)


7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 4pm

(10:30am Mass will be livestreamed).

All Masses are Inside the Church. - Face Masks are encouraged.

Readings for Sunday Mass Here

Links to our services (live or archived) can be found at

or by clicking the Facebook or YouTube images below.

Ongoing Services:

Sacrament of Reconciliation - Private Confessions every Saturday from 3pm to 3:30pm, in the church.

Drive-Thru Holy Communion - Every Sunday 11:30am to 12 noon, in front of the church.

Thursday Mass - 6pm - Honoring our Mother of Perpetual Help, Rosary begins at 5:40pm, in the church. Worship Aide Here  (Also livestreamed).

St. Stephen Church - Masses

St. Stephen Church

1101 Keaveny Ct.

Walnut Creek 94597

Saturday - Mass at 5pm

Sunday - Mass at 9:30am

St. Stephen Daily Mass: Monday - Friday at 8am

The Feast Of St. Matthew - Sept. 21

St. Matthew

St. Matthew the Apostle (1st c.) was a Jew who also went by the name of Levi. He was from Galilee and served in Capernaum as a tax collector for Herod Antipas before becoming a disciple of Jesus. It was in the home of St. Matthew that Jesus dined with the "sinners and tax collectors." Under Jesus' influence St. Matthew was led to repentance for the evil he had done as a tax-collector, a position despised by his fellow Jews. He repaid those he cheated four-fold, sold all his possessions, and followed Christ as one of the twelve Apostles. St. Matthew preached among the Jews for fifteen years following the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus. He is the author of the Gospel that bears his name, which he wrote to convince the Jews that Jesus Christ was the Messiah promised to Israel. According to tradition, St. Matthew the Apostle brought the Gospel to Syria, Media, Persia, Parthia, and finished his preaching in Ethiopia with a martyr’s death. He is the patron of guards, bankers, accountants, security forces, and stock brokers. His feast day is September 21st.

"To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference"