The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time | January 31, 2021
Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose.
1 Corinthians 1:10
There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle, because we do not live single-issue lives.
Audre Lorde
Lord, teach us the definition of self-sacrificial love. May we learn to carry our brothers’ and sisters’ burdens in love and with grace.
Verse & Voice from Sojourners
Sunday January 31, 2021
11:30 AM Sunday Children's Program (Virtual)
Monday, February 1, 2021
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
9:30 AM Parent & Baby Group (Virtual)
7:30 PM Breaking Open the Lectionary (Virtual)
Presentation of the Lord (Feast)
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
St. Blaise (Memorial)
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Friday, February 5, 2021
St. Agatha (Memorial)
The Province of Ontario has been under lockdown measures since December 26, 2020. This means that in-person Mass will be suspended until further notice.
During the lockdown period, Mass will be livestreamed to our Facebook page and YouTube channel on Sundays at 11:00 am. You can find the current YouTube link on our website or under the "Week at a Glance" section of this bulletin.
OFFICE HOURS: In hopes of reducing the spread of COVID-19, the staff are mainly working remotely. Please know that the voice mail is checked regularly and that we will endeavour to return your phone call in a timely manner. Should you wish to contact a member of the team directly, emails are provided at the bottom of this newsletter.
HERE FOR YOU: We know that these continue to be very challenging times with the pandemic and strict lockdown measures upon us. Know that the Campus Ministry Team is working hard to continue to serve your needs. Need support or someone to talk to? Contact us by email at or call 519-963-1477 and a member of our team will be happy to connect with you.
HOSPITALITY CENTRE UPDATE: Due to the current lockdown measures, our community is not able to continue with regular ministry at the Hospitality Centre until further notice. The daily work of the Hospitality Centre continues with their regular staff.
NEW VIRTUAL DAILY PRAYER SCHEDULE: Campus Ministry is now offering virtual daily prayer five days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon and Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm ET. Join us virtually by clicking on our Facebook page. The prayer booklet will be posted to our Facebook page on the day of prayer or you can find it on our website.
ON THE MOVE: Over the holidays, Bishop Fabbro announced that Father Michael Bechard has been appointed Pastor of the new Family of Parishes comprising the communities of St. George and St. John the Divine. The appointment takes effect July 5, 2021. Please remember all those who will be affected by this move and continue to pray for those engaged in the search for a new Director of Campus Ministry at King's University College. There has been some interest in the the position for the Director of Campus Ministry. It is hoped that suitable applicants will be contacted in the coming weeks. Please continue to pray for all applicants and for those that are engaged as members of the Search Committee.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: A number of newcomers have expressed the desire to meet with members of the parish for fellowship and for conversation. They desire both community and the opportunity to practise their conversational English. The latter will be necessary as they seek to make London their home. If you can be of assistance, please contact Deacon Victor Salazar at or by calling the office at 519-963-1477.
Share Your Thoughts in Our Survey
CAMPUS MINISTRY CHECK-IN: Please take a few minutes to help us evaluate our programming in Campus Ministry by completing our survey. Please click here to complete the survey.
Breaking Open the Lectionary
For students interested in reflecting on Sunday Scripture and what it means for you. Join us Tuesdays from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm for Breaking Open the Word. Contact Annette Donovan Panchaud in Campus Ministry for more information or to get involved.
The Student Development & Peace Group
The Student Development and Peace Group gathers online this year to explore issues of justice from a Catholic perspective. We support the work of Development & Peace - Caritas Canada in their Share Lent campaign – Share Lent, Share Love, and engage in community awareness activities including a virtual high school workshop. This provides an opportunity for formation, connection and community rooted in social justice. We meet virtually Monday evenings at 8 pm. Contact Annette Donovan Panchaud to become involved.
This weekly series provides an interactive opportunity to learn the tenets of the Catholic faith from a variety of experts in their field. The format is a half-hour lecture followed by a question and answer period. This takes place every Thursday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm ET virtually. Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with details about how to join the webinar.
We welcome Father Danny Santos, Vocations Director for the Diocese of London, who will speak about vocations on Thursday, February 4.
Veritas Series for Faith and Culture
King’s endeavours to foster learning and dialogue by gathering scholars, artists, and activists who support and challenge us in living lives of faith and justice. The coming year’s theme is on “telling our stories.” All lectures this year will be offered online through Zoom webinar. For more information or to register for each webinar, go to
Our next speaker is Darren Dias, OP, whose lecture is entitled, "Interreligious Dialogue Today: A Christian Perspective." This will take place on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 7:00 pm. To register for this lecture click here.
Children & Family Opportunities
SUNDAY CHILDREN’S PROGRAM: Children ages 4 to 6 are invited to take part in catechetical activities, virtually on Sundays at 11:30 am via Zoom. Activities include prayer, singing, and a variety of crafts related to the Sunday Gospel reading. Contact Maija Wilson to register and for more information.
YOUTH GROUP is gathering online during the academic year on a monthly basis. Each of these opportunities focuses on bringing our young people together to love and serve the Lord. There are always great opportunities for high school volunteers. Contact Maija Wilson to register and for more information.
Click here to view the Children and Family Programs webpage which includes our family opportunity calendar, weekly youth bulletin and volunteer registration form.
PARENTS & BABIES GROUP: We come together online to create community for parents and their babies. We share struggles and triumphs. We read stories, do special activities around the liturgical seasons of the church, and learn from a variety of early year specialists. Contact Maija Wilson to register and for more information.
Pastoral Counselling
PASTORAL COUNSELLING is available for persons of all faith traditions or spiritual orientations, no matter where you are on your journey. Sessions generally last between 50 to 60 minutes in length and the frequency is determined on an individual basis. Current sessions are taking place virtually. To make an appointment, please contact Jim Panchaud or by contacting The Office of Campus Ministry at 519-963-1477.
For many of us, the restrictions brought about by the pandemic have been little more than a distraction or an inconvenience, but for the poor and marginalized in our city, their needs have only increased. Many charitable organizations have had to close their doors and others are not able to meet the needs of their clients. The same is true for those that are new to our country. Those things that they need to access for survival are beyond their reach. Our parish has an obligation to respond. At this time, we are desperately in need of your financial contributions.
Click here to set up your donation. If you require assistance, please contact Lisa Caeiro. Your donations can be directed towards either "REFUGEE" (those coming from elsewhere) or "SOCIAL ACTION" (those from the area).
Soon, we will need people who will help tutor, mentor and offer hospitality to the stranger among us. Any inquires or concerns can be addressed to Father Michael Bechard. We continue to pray and trust that God will grant the increase.
Follow us @kingscampusmin
Reverend Michael Bechard
Lisa Caeiro
Administrative Assistant
Annette Donovan Panchaud
Janet Loo
Jim Panchaud
Deacon/Pastoral Counsellor
Victor Salazar
Maija Wilson
Sunil D'Costa
Carlos Diaz
Seminary Students
Mohammad Alakrad
Mary Cooke
Work Study Students
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Christ the King University Parish