Buy Tickets Using Links Below

Please select the time frame you want to purchase tickets!

  • Tickets are $5 a person for a 30 minute Session
  • Skates included
  • Limited Skate sizes & Skating Aids
  • Shoe covers provided for Parents that pay to assist Young Children and opt out of wearing skates
  • For Adults & Children with disabilities- send a request to for tickets
  • If you get to checkout and the timeslot is booked or the shoe sizes are booked, Please re-register for another timeslot!
  • If you need assistance, please call 502-348-9545 ext. 3
  • QR Code will be emailed to you after registration
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your skate time
  • No Refunds!
****** Disclaimer!
There are limited skate sizes! To ensure your party gets to skate together, we might need to call you and schedule a different time. Thank you for your patience.